Applecroft School
Improvement Plan September 2016 – August 2017:
Area: Physical Education including Sports PremiumPriority / To raise the physical activity levels of pupils throughout the school.
To provide opportunities for pupil voice through the development of an Applecroft Sports Council, through ongoing pupil interviews and through involvement in PE lessons.
To embed ongoing CPD opportunities for all staff to improve practice ensuring all teaching is good or better.
Intended Impact / To work towards meeting guidelines on daily physical activity levels through structured curricular and extra curricular activities and unstructured activity and recognising the benefits this has on children’s health and well being.
To enable children to influence the decision making processso as to ensure enjoyment and engagement.
To continue to raise the standards of teaching along with the confidence levels of staff in the teaching of PE.
To achieve School Games Gold Mark.
Overall Responsibility / Helen Paine and Tom Cornwell
Governor Responsibility and monitoring activities / Lesson observations, planning scrutiny, weekly meetings with Supersports, Sports Council meetings, attendance at the AfPE Level 5 training course days
Key Actions: / When: / Person(s)
Responsible: / Resources:
(human & financial) / Outcomes:
To use the Supersports coaches to develop the number and range of free lunchtime sports clubs on offer in addition to paid clubs provided by external agencies.
To target those identified as reluctant participants and develop their involvement and confidence levels.
To provide sporting opportunities for all, regardless of ability.
To promote opportunities for children to engage in sports and physical activity outside of school. / Sept
16 / Subject leader
Subject leader
Subject leader
leader / Sports coaches/ External providers
WHSP, sports coaches
WHSP / More children actively engaged in sport at lunchtimes and after school.
We will have tracked participation in clubs and school sports against other schools.
Children will have attended the Targeted Activity Programme or a designated lunchtime club run by Supersports.
Children will have taken part in G&T events, festivals, competitions and inclusion events, e.g. Boccia. There will have been more teams at sports activities including c teams.
Visitors will have attended assemblies and children will have become involved in new clubs outside of school. Children participating regularly in the Beehive junior parkrun.
To set up a School Sports Council with clear aims and responsibilities.
To use the Sports Council to promote sporting involvement and achievement.
To conduct pupil voice interviews on PE lessons, extra curricular clubs and sporting events.
To provide opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles in PE lessons. / Oct
Nov 16 / Subject leader
Subject leader
Subject leader
Subject leader / Budget of £250
All staff/ sports coaches / Pupil voice will have influenced the provision of school sport, e.g. extra curricular clubs and playtime activities.
Children will have contributed reports for a sports news section in the monthly newsletter, on the website and twitter.
Children’s views sought and acted upon to improve involvement and enjoyment.
Children will be contributing to lessons through involvement in leading warm ups, officiating etc.
To attend the Level 5 AfPE course.
To monitor the benefits of the CPD sessions offered by Supersports coaches. / Sept 16
Nov 16 / Subject leader
Subject leader / Training budget / supply
Sports coaches / Staff & Mentors / As subject leader, I will be more confident in my role and subsequently will be better equipped to support the school’s PE provision.
Staff across the school will have worked alongside a sports coach to develop subject knowledge and confidence in delivery.
2016 / October / November / December / January
2017 / February / March / April / May / June / July 2017
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Autumn Term Review:
- Sports Council established. Skipping project set up and promoted to the school via an assembly. Sports Council members following the skipping timetable and taking responsibility for the equipment and recording ‘number of skips’ ahead of the co-ordination competition. Overall, Applecroft won the team competition with Mrs Wiper commenting on the increased number of total skips achieved by the school. Harry in Y5 came 2nd overall in the Stanborough Schools individual competition.
- Date for BHF ‘Sponsored Skip’ confirmed – Friday 3 March. Sports Council to organise how this will run at meetings starting in January. Roles and responsibilities to be assigned.
- Sports Council and other students have written reports following their attendance at sporting events. A dedicated sports news page has been created in the monthly newsletter as well as a sports news page on the school website which features reports and photographs.
- Staff surveyed and a Pilates staff fitness class set up for the New Year in response to a Healthy Schools evaluation.
- Supersports coaches used to provide further lunchtime clubs in addition to outside providers – gymnastics, lacrosse and football. Year 4 reluctant participants targeted with their own multi sports club.
- 2 x L5 AfPE courses attended.
- Attended England Netball High 5 course.
- Assembly organised to promote Beehive junior parkrun. Sports Council invited to take part in the inaugural event. Additionally, 40 children have taken part in the first 5 events of which 6 have completed all 5.
- Placed booked on the Primary PE Conference in January – main purpose to listen to keynote speaker, Elaine Wyllie, talking about the Daily Mile and to attend a workshop run by a local school who have been participating in the pilot.
- Tickets booked for the Netball Club and Sports Council to attend the first Mavericks NSL home game in February.
- All of Year 3 and Year 5 have attended fun runs and Year 3 a Bisi badminton event. G&T badminton event plus G&T dancers started weekly rehearsals at Stanborough. Festivals in girls’ football, High 5 netball and tag rugby. Competitive events: cross country, table tennis, basketball, football – L2 achieved in basketball and L3 in girls’ table tennis.
Spring Term Review:
- New Sports Council elected. Members of the old and new councils participated in a whole school assembly to promote the skipping fundraiser and new tennis ball co-ordination competition. New Sports Council members followed the new co-ordination timetable and took responsibility for the equipment and timing/recording the total throws ahead of the co-ordination competition. Applecroft came 2nd in the team competition with Ben D 2nd in the individual.
- New and old Sports Councillors took on leadership roles for the skipping fundraising event, especially the Year 5s and 6s who led the warm up and cool down sections of the KS2 disco as well as supervising stations in the KS1 circuit. Just over £600 was raised of which £500 was donated to the BHF with the remainder used to purchase equipment for the Play Leaders to use when organising activities at lunchtimes.
- Number of lunchtime clubs reduced as we are no longer using Supersports. However, lunchtime sports clubs have been run by Mrs Paine and Mr Knott for Y5/6 cross country, Y4 hockey, Y1 multi sports, Y4 multi sports(targeted children). Lunchtime clubs continued to be run by external providers in football, gymnastics and lacrosse. Additionally, Mr Knott has started a girls’ after school football club on Wednesdays. 17 girls from across KS2 have attended. Mini tournament with Springmead and Watchlytes organised for April to take place on the astro at SFO.
- Pupil voice questionnaire showed an increase in participation by children identified as reluctant participants in Y4. The questionnaires also highlighted a desire for an extra curricular tag rugby club. Enquiries have already been made with Junior Sharks Rugby to start a club in the Autumn term along with the possibility of some free curricular coaching sessions for Year 4.
- Opportunity taken up with Mill Green Golf Club to provide a taster ‘tri golf’ session for all classes in Years 3-5 in the Summer term. In addition, they will run a 5 week after school club at a cost of £25 on a Monday starting in June (KS2 only).
- 2 x L5 AfPE courses attended.
- Attended England Athletics ‘Run, Jump, Throw’ course. Course resources shared with staff in KS1 and KS2 to use in the Summer term.
- Attended Primary PE Conference. Fed back to staff regarding The Daily Mile and a positive response received. Years 5 and 6 to initially trial the initiative starting in the Summer term.
- Following attendance at the PE conference and an assessment session of the L5 AfPE course, a purchase made of the Dacorum assessment programme which will help staff to see key skill progression across all aspects of the PE curriculum as well as allowing them to assess children at nationally identified age related expectations.
- Badminton players who took part in the Hertfordshire competition were taken to watch the All England Badminton Championships by John Stobo and Cherie Wiper.
- Netball Club and Sports Council attended Mavericks NSL home game. Player appearance booked – Keisha Grant to lead a training session for Netball Club in July (ahead of the 7 a side tournament).
- Staff Pilates class established and will continue into the Summer term. Staff survey completed at the end of the Spring term by those who had participated in the term’s classes. Responses were overwhelming positive.
- Applecroft hosted and entered two teams into a Pop Lacrosse tournament organised by Rob from Welwyn Wasps.
- All of Year 2 attended a tennis event at Gosling and Year 5 participated in the Dance Festival. 4 members of Year 6 participated in a dance workshop organised by the HSP which led to a performance in March (including the G&T dance group). 4 children from across KS2 took part in a Boccia festival as well as 4 Year 6 children attending the second TAP event of 2016/17. Festivals for indoor athletics for Year 4 and Year 5 (inaugural event). Competitive events: turbo cricket, speed stacking, indoor athletics, badminton, cross country, football, netball, lacrosse. L2 achieved in indoor athletics and L3 in speed stacking. 3 children selected to represent Hertfordshire at the National Primary Schools Cross Country Championships. Applecroft winners of the girls’ A and boys’ A Sherrardswood cross country competition. To date, three quarters of Year 6 have represented the school at a sporting event.
- 2 x Health Champions and 2 x Bronze Ambassadors attended a training day at SFO. Following the event, the Health Champions are to lead a lunchtime club based on the ‘Change for Life’ combat bag for identified children in Years 3 and 4. The Bronze Ambassadors will be leading a lunchtime table tennis club. Both clubs are to take place in the Summer term.
- A second set of play leaders were trained by Mrs Wiper increasing the number of children within the school who are taking on leadership roles.
- 58 children have now taken part in the Beehive junior parkrun event with 10 already achieving their first milestone band (blue – 11 events = half marathon distance). Parents and a pupil have also taken on volunteering roles at the event.
- CPD sessions provided for 3 different members of staff across the Spring term.
- Curriculum map reviewed to look at the skills and sports coverage across the school. Greater emphasis given to net/wall with the inclusion of tennis (Y2 and Y4) and badminton (Y3). Gymnastics being taught across the school as well as more dance (all year groups to date except Y6).
- Inclusion survey conducted to establish whether all children on the SEND register are accessing PE lessons in school and what teachers may require to support this.
- PTA bid successful for KS2 assembly delivered by Ben Smith of the 401 Challenge (May 2017).
- Sports Council members plus other pupils have continued to contribute to the Sports News section of the website/newsletter and achievements have been recognised through weekly assemblies.
Summer Term Review:
Big Picture / Eyes on the Horizon:
- Follow up initial contacts with WGC Hockey Club.
- Implementing the use of the Dacorum assessment programme across the school. Is there a need for a lesson plan template to be created?
- Extending The Daily Mile across the school. Need for a pathway/marked route.
- Inclusion of a C team in the U9 tennis competition.
- Pupil voice questionnaires relating to the curriculum.
- Inclusion – how to support those who find participation in PE lessons more challenging (both SEND and non SEND)
- Mr Knott’s CPD – L5 AfPE?
- Breakfast sports clubs?