Communications Group Meeting
Minutes of Meeting held on 5th June 2007
at RNIB, Judd Street, London
1. Present & Apologies
Mike Brace VISION 2020 UK
Abi Smith VISION 2020
Jo Hollingsworth AOP
Lavina Menezes AOP
Brian Spiller AOP, Australia
Katie Randerson Guide Dogs
Vicky Bell Guide Dogs
Debbie Jackson-Hill St. Dunstan’s
Rebecca Cronin Orbis
Petra Maxwell Action
Pete Torkington MDS
Juliette Carter CHECT
Anne Niklov TPT
Jayne McGann SeeAbility
Freda Cooper St. Dunstan’s
Hugo Coelho Orbis
Carolyn Fullard NBCS
Paul McDonald RNIB
2. Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of the earlier meetings, including that of the telephone conference, were agreed.
3. Matters Arising
On main agenda.
4. World Sight Day (“WSD”)
In the Absence of both Freda Cooper and Paul McDonald it was somewhat difficult to finalise or further plan for the World Sight Day Events with the focus this year on “Vision for Children”.
However, it was confirmed that it had not been possible to obtain a children’s film premiere for WSD or the week before. The issue of whether an alternative event should be planned i.e. a celebrity audio description of a particular film was then discussed. It was felt that there was too little time to plan such a large event without a pre-fixed budget.
It was thought that the focus of children is a good one and should be continued. Mike Brace to check with Paul as regards any further thinking/action on the radio suggestion regarding vision impaired children and a national link to local radio stations with sound bites, interviews etc. on WSD re children’s issues. This can be awareness, as well as specifically vision impaired children’s issues.
Petra had begun assembling the information regarding stats on children in the UK and Abi said she will provide the international information to her. All were asked to make contact with Petra to provide the information/stats that they are currently using regarding children. ACTION - All.
Representatives from Guide Dogs to ask what role they might have in preparing the press release in conjunction with Paul from RNIB. Petra also offered to help with this re the information she had managed to obtain.
Action agreed:
1. All to send Petra current stats in use regarding children
2. Mike to contact Paul regarding radio initiative
3. All to look at contribution to press release and possible interviews/sound bites for distribution to radio station
4. St. Dunstan’s, Guide Dogs, RNIB and Action representatives to work on press release regarding - what story are we trying to tell about children?
5. Mike to set up possible emergency telephone conference to follow up actions and see what needs to happen next. Suggested date for telephone conference is 23rd July at 10:00 am. Please email mike at or ring him on 01708 456832 to confirm your availability.
5. Publication Listing
Mike to circulate the publication listing. He asked all present to amend/append the list to keep updated the publications they either produced or were aware of and, if possible, who in the organisation should be contacted. ACTION - Mike to circulate listing.
6. Date/Time of Next Meeting
10:30 am on Tuesday 11th September (in London?). Action – All to confirm availability to Mike asap.