Welcome to

Trinity Reformed United Church of Christ

An Open and Affirming Congregation

450 West Main Street, Mountville, PA 17554

(717) 285-5593

Sunday, November 5, 2017





One: O Holy One, you have created us and placed us in community

Complicated, fallible, searching.Open your words of life for us today

as we gatherto hear your Gospel, and sing your praises; show us the way to peacethat we may follow you joyfully into the future you hope for our world.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

*INVOCATION IN SONG “Guide Me, O My Great Redeemer” NCH # 18



[at this time children who are interested in attending Sunday School may go to the classroom downstairs]


One: For the times when we have let complacency about our own circumstances take the place of advocacy for a just world for all.

All: Lord, have mercy.

One: For the times when we have let the appearance of faithfulness stand in for truly faithful effort.

All: Christ, have mercy.

One: For the times when we have created burdens of injustice and

unfairness for others to bear.

All: Lord, have mercy.



One: In Jesus Christ, our Messiah and teacher, we are forgiven and sent out to the world to model a leadership of justice for all, and joy in the reign of God.

RESPONSE OF PRAISE (remain seated)

Oh, how He loves you and me!
Oh, how He loves you and me!
He gave his life, what more could He give?
Oh, how He loves you,
Oh, how He loves me,
Oh, how He loves you and me!


O God, your Spirit speaks through your prophets,protecting your peoplefrom those who would lead them astray.Raise up new voices in our timeto speak with integrity, and to challenge the complacencythat would have us rest easily with sin. Amen.


HebrewscripturePsalm 43

New Testament reading1 Thessalonians 2:9-13

Gospel lessonMatthew 23:1-12

One: God is still speaking

All: Thanks be to God

REFLECTION ON THE SCRIPTURE “Serve the Servants” Pastor Don

CALL TO OFFERING Mary Ann Price, Lay Reader

One: Paul reminds us of the “labor and toil” which flow into the proclamation of the Gospel. Let us share generously with the community gifts of time, talent and treasurewhich will help to underwrite the ministry of this congregation and the wider church.



Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below,
Praise God above, ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


All: God, we offer these gifts to you. We ask your blessing on all that we give, so that your loving care reaches into us and out to all the world, ever more deeply and gracefully. We ask this in Jesus’ name; Amen.


PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE PRAYER OF OUR SAVIOR (forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us; complete Lord’s Prayer is printed on page 5 of this bulletin)


Hear our prayer, O God
Hear our prayer, O God.
Incline Your ear to us, and grant us Your peace.


*CLOSING HYMN “Won't You Let Me Be Your Servant?”[TA21] NCH # 539


God calls us

to be thankful for the Word of truth we have received.

God calls us into the world

to witness in truth to the reign of Christ.

God calls us to let the Gospel of Christ work through us,

to bless the world.

Let us go forth as a priesthood of all believers into this troubled world

—honest, courageous and hope-filled—

To love and serve our God.

*SUNG BENEDICTION (inside back cover of New Century Hymnal)



*indicates an invitation to stand either in body or in spirit

If you use social media we invite and encourage you to check in online as you attend today’s service.

Portions of this week’s service were excerpted and adapted from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts admin. Augsburg Fortress, and from liturgy written by the Rev. Susan A. Blain.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father,

Who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done

On Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,

for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here - to explore your faith, to meet new people, and to strengthen your personal relationship with God. If you are a guest here today, please sign our guest book. If you would like to be included on our mailing list, please fill out the Welcome Card in the pews and put it in the offering plate.

Sunday Bulletins - Trinity offers a Children’s Bulletin and a Large Print Bulletin along with the Regular Sunday Bulletin. We also have adjustable audio devices for better hearing. Each can be found in the Welcome Area.

Reminder: Volunteers are greatly appreciated and needed! Please be sure to visit the Welcome Area table and sign up to volunteer if you are available!


About the 3 Great Loves Initiative

The United Church of Christ has a vision of a just world for all. In this world all are welcomed, everyone is loved and justice is inherent. The 3 Great Loves is the denomination’s opportunity to express how our Love of Neighbor, Love of Children, and Love of Creation work together to address the inequities in our current world.
Beginning at Synod 2017 and ending at Synod 2019, through the lens of the 3 Great Loves, the United Church of Christ in its many settings of ministry will discern and lift up how we act upon these 3 Great Loves. As we do so, we will tell the story of how we are impacting and transforming the world, as covenantal partners united in common purpose and mission.
During these upcoming two years, there will be moments of special invitation to participate in this denomination-wide undertaking. One by one we will focus on each of the 3 Great Loves in service to our communities.

For more information, visit ucc.org

Each Thursday there will be an ART FOR WORSHIP session beginning at 6pm. This will be a time in which we can create artwork that expresses the themes of the liturgical year. This month we will prepare for Advent. Some materials will be provided, and you are encouraged to bring those odd things lying around the house that you always thought would be good for a creative project, but just haven’t got around to using yet! All are welcome!

Monday, Nov.6 7-8:30pm at Parish Resource Center: Neighboring Well: Living Like Jesus in Your Community

Tuesday, Nov.7 7pm Guild meeting

7:30 Called to Fun

Sunday, Nov. 12 at noon: CALLED TO FUN! games and potluck lunch in Fellowship Hall

Sunday, November 12th 9:30amCalled to Care will meet in the fellowship hall to practice offering home communion; we will begin meeting every second Sunday of the month at 9:30am.

Tuesday, Nov. 14 6:30pm worship team meeting

Congregational Meetingsare scheduled for November 19th , and December10th.

Beginning in February 2018 we will go to a bi-monthly congregational meeting schedule (Feb/April/June/Aug/Oct/Dec of 2018). The purpose of this increased frequency is to ensure opportunities for a wider range of congregational input, and to increase opportunities to communicate information more effectively.

Sunday, Nov.26 1-3 pm: a discussion of the Immigrant/Refugee experience in Lancaster County with guest speakers from Lancaster Stands Up

Over the next few months Pastor Don will be scheduling meetings with small groups of congregants, along with members of the Pastor/Parish Relations Team, to discuss various topics that will aid in assessing the various and diverse needs and vision of this extraordinary congregation. A lot has been accomplished just in the past year, but most of that has been foundation building for what is to come. The vision of our future has never been up to one person; it has always been something collected from the insight, inspiration, and imagination of each member of the congregation. But as complex a group as we are, it doesn’t just fall into place: moving forward in unified and healthy ways requires coordination and that is what these conversations are intended to do.

Pastor Don is available for pastoral care visits/appointments from Sunday-Thursday of each week (beginning this month he will be taking Fridays and Saturdays as Sabbath time); if you would like a pastoral care visit, or simply to chat with pastor Don, he can be reached at 717-538-6507 (you may text as well) or at . You can also place requests for pastoral care (for yourself or out of concern for others) in the locked box outside the pastor’s study.

Worship Leadership

Preacher: Don Fenestre-Marek Lay Reader:Mary Ann Price

Ministry of Music

Bell Choir Director: Daniel Molkenthin

Sound Technician

Mark Cote and Charlie Miller

Ministry of Service

Trinity Café:Jean Haines and ShirleySt. Clair Head Usher: Mary Ibach

Greeters: Kathy Jones and Sharon Knerr

Children’s Christian Education

Karen Robinson, Gladys Drybred, Chuck Romberger

Floral Arrangement

Mary E. Ibach

NovemberGreeting Cards

Mary Ann Price

Trinity Reformed United Church of Christ exists to render loving service toward humanity with Jesus as our example. We preach love, teach compassion and social justice, and welcome all into the full life and ministry of the church.

