Frank and Helen DiGiammarino Scholarship Fund
The Frank and Helen DiGiammarino Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 by members of the DiGiammarino family, many of whom are UMass alums, as a way to honor their parents, Frank and Helen DiGiammarino for their commitment to academic excellence.
Eligibility: University of Massachusetts Amherst Commonwealth Honors College Rising Seniors (who are in the summer of their senior year) who are interested in doing community-engaged research over the summer who maintain a minimum GPA of 3.4.
Awards: Up to three recipients will be awarded a stipend of up to $2,000.
To Apply: Submit all application materials listed below to the Commonwealth Honors College, 504 Goodell.
· Complete and sign the attached application form. Forms should be completed electronically or typed. The information provided may be used for a press release.
· Attach documentation of faculty research information, student’s resume and project summary as stated in the form below.
Deadline: Friday, February 15, 2013, 5:00 to the Commonwealth Honors College at 504 Goodell Building.
This Scholarship will offer rising seniors (those who are in the summer before their senior year) the opportunity to participate in a new or ongoing community-engaged research project. Students will be chosen for summer 2013 and will receive up to a $2,000 stipend. Each scholarship recipient will be required to write up a summary of their work after the summer experience to share with donors to the DiGiammarino Scholarship.
Students will work withfaculty mentors who have an active community-based research project.
For more information on community engaged research, see Community Engaged Research Program.
Selection: Applications will be reviewed and recipient(s) selected by a committee convened by the dean of Commonwealth Honors College. Selection is based on the quality of the proposed community based research project and the benefits to the student researcher and community organization.
DiGiammarino Scholarship Application
Student Contact Information:
DiGiammarino Scholraship Award Application Form revised 01/2013
UMass Student Email:
Phone Number:
Background (please attach a resume)
Faculty Mentor Name:
Research Area of Interest:
Name and Location of Research Site:
Project Title:
Project Summary (200 word max):
Individuals with Whom the Student will Work (name, title, department, community location/s):
Projects involving Human Subjects must have IRB approval by June 1, 2013.
Pending Submission or Approval
Student Signature (typed): Date:
By typing my name, I agree to mentor the student named above by having him/her participate in the community engaged research study under my direction as described above. I also agree to submit a brief evaluation of the student’s work to: by Monday, August 26, 2013.
Mentor Name: Date:
Please complete this form and email it as a single PDF to: by
5:00 pm, Friday, February 15, 2013.
DiGiammarino Scholraship Award Application Form revised 01/2013