Dear Friends,

John’s Surgery!

Inour last newsletter we informed you that Sabet and Pastor John where leaving any day to fly to India for his heart surgery. The logistics of this trip were proving to be quite exhausting, with no communication getting back from the hospital in India. This was causing many delays and we were not sure how efficient the hospital would be once Sabet and John arrived. So we went to a bible study one night at a friend’s house in Nairobi and asked them to pray for John’s situation and the logistics of this trip. At the study was a pilot who had flown us many times in and out of Sudan. He suggested asking Samaritan’s Purse if there was any way they could cover the difference in the cost of doing the surgery in Nairobi rather than India. So we all prayed together for that. Sabet continued to make plans to leave but within a few days Samaritan’s Purse confirmed that they could assist us with the extra money needed to do the surgery in Nairobi. We really praise God for this as taking John, who is completely blind, to a country neither of us has been to before was starting to concern us. God in His perfect timing stepped in and redirected our paths. We have now scheduled the surgery for the end of March. Now that John is NOT traveling to India, he would really like to bring his wife to Nairobi to assist him in the recovery after surgery. Due to his blindness, we think this is a good idea and we are now planning to bring her at the end of March.


February was a month of many blessings. We have been struggling with Suzy and Hannah making frequent trips into Sudan because of the high cost of chartering flights. Last year, Mission Aviation Fellowship started a weekly flight to the town of Rumbek in Sudan, about a 4 hour drive to Tonj. Now we can pay just for the seats we need instead of paying for the whole airplane. This was still proving to be quite expensive so we wrote a proposal to MAF asking them to consider subsidizing our flights. We are happy to say that they have agreed to pay 50% of all the flights we take to Sudan making it much more affordable for Suzy and Hannah to minister there on a regular basis. They said they love having the youngest missionary (Hannah) flying with them and they appreciate the impact our trips have in Sudan. Hannah is quite the star at MAF and AIM, all the pilots know and love her, as well as the Kenyan immigration in Lokichoggio. Her simple acceptance of the many different people and situations we meet on these journeys is quite a witness in itself. We thank God that she has coped so well with the traveling and has been able to join us in Sudan.

We are also excited and blessed to announce that we are expecting our second child in Mid-October. Please pray for Suzy, especially when she travels to Sudan this month, as any high fever can cause a miscarriage in the first trimester.

Back to Sudan!

Sabetand Pastor John left this week to drive our vehicle back to Tonj after having it serviced and repaired in Nairobi. The car is now ready for another year of ministry on the rough roads of Sudan. They are yet to arrive, so please pray for their safety, especially as they pass through North Uganda. Last month there were several attacks by LRA rebels on villages in North Uganda. One attack left over 200 Ugandans dead and hundreds homeless when the rebels ruthlessly raided and burnt a village to the ground. This journey takes Sabet about 6 days.

Our vehicle stuck in Sudan during Sabet’s journey last month

“Trust in HIM at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to HIM, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:8

Prayer Requests!

Pray for Pastor John to bring his wife to Nairobi.

Pray for Sabet and John to arrive safely in Tonj.

Pray for Jeamette/her family as she travels on March 15th and is away from them for 3 weeks.

Trusting in Jesus,