Reviewer Database Help
Status: April 2014
Table ofcontents
1The structure and navigation elements of the Reviewer Database
1.1Main Navigation
1.2Master Data
1.4Mandatory field
1.5Multiple elements
1.6Field help
1.8Navigate between pages
1.9Error Messages
2Input Master data
5.1Read Messages from the Programme Management
5.2Reply to a message
1The structure and navigation elements of the Reviewer Database
1.1Main Navigation
The sidebar is the main navigation element of the Reviewer Database. The following items are available:
Master Data: You need to enter your personal details once. These data help us find an appropriate reviewer for a specific topic.
Requests: This section gives you an overview of all review requests sent to you. The list includes all open, accepted and refused requests and also enables you to accept requests.
Reviews: Thismenu item is used to review projects.
My Messages: Here you find a list of all messages sent and received by you.
Invoices: This section contains the invoice form and a list of all invoices submitted by you.
1.2Master Data
The Master Data section consists of several separate pages. You can complete and save the pages in any order you choose and also delete entries.
Please note: when first registering you must click the “Finalise” button to indicate that you have completed data entry. Fully completed master data help us to find an appropriate expert for a specific topic and request reviews only from persons who can deliver the required expertise in the research field in question.
The main items of the Master Data section are first marked with an icon underlined in red to indicate that you have not yet fully completed that item. The item will only show a symbol underlined in green when you have properly completed all mandatory fields.
Example see below:entries are missing in one or more sub-items of the Personal Data section.
Topic-specific help is available to assist you in completing the pages. You can access the help function by clicking on Help.
Another click on Helpwill close the help window.
Each info box contains links to Help for using the Reviewer Data Base and Print View.
1.4Mandatory field
Mandatory fields (marked with *) must be completed, otherwise you will receive an error message: Please complete: …….
The master data cannot be finalised until you have entered all required data.
1.5Multiple elements
Specific fields allow or require you to create several datasets.
You may, for example, enter several contact addresses or fields of expertise in the relevant Reviewer Database sections.
Please proceed as follows:
Create new dataset
Click on the icon to create a new dataset.
Delete dataset
Use the icon to delete the dataset
1.6Field help
Field names marked with contain a help text. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer you can display this help text for a short time or permanently. Other browsers display the field help as a pop up.
Mouseover: Hover your mouse over the help symbol to display the help text.
Help box: Click on the field name (e.g. Recovery Mail Address) to display the help text. In this way you can open several help texts simultaneously. Click directly on the help box to close it.
Help box:
Your data will be saved and checked for correctness and completeness. If the data is incomplete or incorrect, a message will be displayed. In the event of effective errors (e.g. if you have entered text in a field that requires a numerical value) the data will not be saved until the formal criteria of the field have been met.
The data will not be saved. All fields will be reset to the status of the last save.
1.8Navigate between pages
You can navigate between the master data pages using the buttons to the left and right of the Save button. Any changes made to the current page will be saved.
1.9Error Messages
If you click Save on a page that has not been completed correctly, an error message will be displayed.
The following error messages may appear:
- Selection is necessary: select an entry from the list.
- Input required: the field is a mandatory field, you must make an entry.
2Input Master data
Click on Master Data in the left sidebar.
The Master Data section consists of several sub-pages.
All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.
The data you are required to enter in the Address page will differ depending on the address type. For example, the Organisation name field will not be displayed for private addresses, while universities have to complete an additional field for Institute/Department.
You can enter any number of addresses. Click on the Add new address symbol to enter another contact address. To delete the address click on the Remove this address symbol.
In the Expertise page please select your fields of expertise as accurately and as comprehensively as possible. This will help us contact the appropriate expert for review requests. You have the option to detail your fields of expertise using the field General remarks on expertise (in brief).
Use the relevant symbols to add or remove fields of expertise.
You can save your entries at any time during the process by clicking on Save. When registering for the first time click on the menu itemFinalise when you have completed entry of your master data.
This page shows you the requests for reviews.
You can display all open requests (i.e. requests you have not yet accepted or refused) as well as all accepted or refused requests.
Click on the relevant request to accept or refuse the request and to receive more information. You will receive brief information about the content of the call, the deadlines and the projects.
Once you have decided to accept the request by clicking on the editacceptance button please enter the dates on which you would be available to participate in jury meetings.
If you have been requested for specific projects please specify the projects you would like to review.
In some cases reviewers will also be requested to specify the call topics for which they can provide reviews. Please select the topics in the relevant list.
After completion of data entry click on the Submit acceptancebutton.Your acceptance of the review request will then be sent to FFG.
You can navigate between the pages and thus also change between acceptance and refusal in the Information section. You can also interrupt the process of data entry at any time (Save without submitting button).
You will be notified by email of any projects released for review.
This page shows you all funding programmes for which you have been appointed as a reviewer.
Click on a funding programme and you will be shown the projects you have accepted to review.
You will be shown the list of projects to be reviewed.
By selecting a project you will be taken to the review screen.
Messages ensuresafe communicationbetween the reviewers and FFG.
The content of the message can only be created and read using an encrypted connectionand entering a username and password.
5.1Read Messages from the Programme Management
If the FFG Programme Management sends a new message or replies to one of your messages you will receive an e-mail with a link to the new message.
Open the e-mail and you will find the link to the new message in the body text.
The login page will open in a new browser window. Please enter your username and password. The new message will be displayed after login.
You can also read the message by logging in as usual – in this case the list of messages will be displayed in the main navigation – or by clicking on My Messages. Click on the subject or text of the message to open it.
You can change the sorting order by clicking on the column header of the table.
The menu item My Messages gives you an overview of all messages.
The unread messages are listed under New Messages. Please note: this list will only be updated upon login. A letter symbol in the My Messages item of the main navigation indicates that a new message has been received.
5.2Reply to a message
To respond to a message, click on the Reply button in the message.
The system will put Re: and the subject of the original message in the subject line. Now you can enter the text of the message and click on Send
To insert the body text of the original message please click on the Insert original text button.
Here you can download an invoice template for submission of your invoice.
Please complete the template and send the invoice to FFG by post or email.
The list shows your invoices.
Invoices with the status Open have not yet been sent to the FFG.