Minutes of South Pickenham Parish Council
Friday 19 February 2016 @ 6.00 p.m
Present : John Blackburne (Chair)
Sue Bloomfield
Carole Chalkley
Stephen Chalkley
Also in attendance - Frank Sharpe (Breckland Councillor)
There were no members of the public present.
1/2. The meeting was opened at 6.15 p.m. after a last minute change of venue.
3/4. Minutes of the last Meeting: The minutes of the last meeting were approved and there were no matters arising which were not covered on the agenda.
4. Accounts: Balance on 29 January 2016 was £2,149.03. The precept application for 2016/17 has been sent to Breckland. Following the last meeting when it was decided to opt out of the auditing shceme, the decision has been reversed and we would use the external appointed auditors as, for £20 a year, we would be able to call on them should any complaint/query be received which would be considerably cheaper than having to appoint a separate auditor. Otherwise Rachael Joachim would still audit the accounts as before. Mr Blackburne would put the accounts onto the PC website with links to the relevant pages of last year's Mazaars return.
6. Road Safety: - No repairs have been made to the signpost opposite Hall Farm following request in 2015 - Mrs Bloomfield to chase. Mr Sharpe suggested contacting Ian Monson if no response from Highways.
The pond at Lower Farm had been dredged and the drains cleared again. Mrs Chalkley was concerned that the cut away on the corner next to the drain causes water to flow across the road after heavy rain. Mr Blackburne reported that Gypsy Corner is still very dangerous coming from the NP industrial area as traffic still cuts across the top of the road through to the North Pickenham Road.
7. Parish Partnership Scheme Update: - £4,747.27 has been received from the Windfarm Community Trust towards the proposed footpath from Hall Farm to Westview - waiting to hear from NCC if the grant for the other half of the cost has been approved - should hear in March. If NCC turns down the application, Mr Sharpe recommended contacting Norfolk County Community Fund or Temporis Grant Scheme.
8. Website: - Thanks to assistance from Chris Cousins, the new parish council website is gradually being developed and will display/minutes/agendas/finance etc for anyone to access. Mr Blackburne was having difficulties with putting things onto the first page, also needed to edit the councillors section. Mrs Bloomfield had put minutes and agenda on but would try using the link to further minutes.
9. Bernard Matthews Turkey Site: No further information at this stage on the proposed anaerobic digester at the Bernard Matthews turkey site.
10. Correspondence: Large booklets from Breckland re Breckland Local Plan which the chairman will circulate.
11. Public Discussion Time: No public present.
12. AOB: Mr Chalkley would like to thank SP Estate for litter picking and tidying the village.
Frank Sharpe relayed the following information: Breckland had received £2m from the government towards better Broadband in Breckland.
The Breckland Local Plan was for potential development plans. Local landowners could register their interest which would remain in place until 2026, although applications had to be received by 22nd February 2016.
Grant of £1,000 available from Breckland for people suffering with dementia. Apply:Principal Housing Officer, Breckland Council, Gordon Partridge: 01362 565275.
Anyone leaving rubbish outside the Ashill recycling centre could now be caught on CCTV and prosecuted.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 7.10 p.m.
The next meeting will be The Annual Parish Meeting and will be held on Friday 20 May 2016 @ 6.00 p.m. - venue to be decided nearer the date.