Communication from the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Venansius Baryamureeba, at the 21stMonthly Media Briefing, 5th September 2011


Following the persistent demand by some of the Makerere University staff that:

  1. Pension Administration Plan (DAP) funds held by the National Insurance Corporation Limited (NICL) be immediately paid;
  2. Salary to staff be increased immediately;
  3. Top up allowance be harmonised immediately despite the fact that there were protests from the Academic Units that generate this money;
  4. Teaching allowance arrears be immediately paid.

On 1st September 2011, the Chairperson of Council, Eng. Dr. Charles Wana-Etyem together with the University Management, addressed the Joint Staff Meeting comprising the Academic, Administrative and Support staff, and appealed to them to call off the strike, return to work and allow negotiations to continue as they forged strategies to improve the conditions under which they work.

In his address, the Chairperson of Council further explained the ongoing consultations with the Government through the Offices of the Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Sports, and Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, aimed at addressing staff grievances as explained here below.

i.Teaching AllowanceArrears

The University Council agreed to immediately transfer the arrears of UGX 4.6 billion that had not been transferred at the end of the financial year to Units as at 30th June 2011 in three instalments. The first instalment of UGX 1.7 billion was transferred to Colleges on 31st August 2011. The second instalment shall be transferred at the end of September 2011 and the third and final instalment, end of October 2011.

ii.Pension Funds (DAP) in NICL

The President in his letter assured the University of the Government’s commitment to pay UGX 16.7 billion as the University commits itself to file and pursue a suit against NICL in Courts of Law. Council and Management have written to the Honourable Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development requesting her to pay the UGX 16.7 billion. The University has also already instructed its lawyers in consultation with the Attorney General to file a suit against NICL. Caveats have been lodged on three (3) properties of NICL and the Government has directed the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development not to transfer any property of NICL.

iii.Rationalization of Top Up Allowance

In the meeting chaired by the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, attended by the Minister of Finance Planning and Economic Development, the Minister of Education and Sports, Council, Management, MUASA, MASA and NUEI, it was agreed that the Minister of Education and Sports in conjunction with the Ministers of Public Service, and Finance, Planning and Economic Development sets up a committee to look into the rationalization of top up and give a report within one month. Government will implement its findings. The process has started.

iv.Salary Enhancement

In the same meeting chaired by the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Government promised to review the salaries of all Public Servants so that the compression ratio of the lowest and highest paid is 1:10.


However, the respective staff associations namely; the Makerere University Academic Staff Association (MUASA), Makerere University Administrative Staff Association (MASA) and the National Union of Educational Institutions of Uganda (Makerere University Branch), unanimously resolved to continue with the strike until when their grievances were met.

In light of the above, the Chairperson of Council informed staff that the students could not be kept at the university without studying. Accordingly, the Chairperson of Council on behalf of Council, declared the university closed with immediate effect.

He further informed the staff that Makerere University is a public institution with various stakeholders: students, staff, parents, Government and sponsors. The University Council in consultation with Government would communicate to all stakeholders the way forward in the next few days.


1. The University Council and Management have continued consulting with the Government through the Ministry of Education and Sports to ensure that the staff grievances are addressed, and that the University re-opens as soon as possible.

2. The University Management should continue to work. This is aimed at facilitating dialogue with stakeholders interested in proposing strategies to end the strike as well as enabling Management to gather proposals on alternative ways of restructuring the university.

3. The following units should remain open:

a) The College of Health Sciences which had started lectures and in recognition of the special services these staff and students offer to Mulago Hospital.

b) The Makerere University Up country campuses namely the Jinja Campus and Fort Portal Campus.

c) The Makerere University Hospital to provide services to students and staff.

d) The Makerere University Institute of Social Research (MISR)

e) The Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute, Kabanyolo (MUARIK)

f) The Human Rights and Peace Center (HURIPEC)

4. The University bank accounts should remain open, in order to facilitate the operations/transactions of the activities that the University Council pronounced itself on; provided such expenditures are approved by the Accounting officer of the University.

5. Given that staff salaries are paid from two components namely the release of funds from the Treasury and the Internally Generated Funds (AIA) wherebyevery month, the Treasury contributes UGX2.6bn and AIA funds contribute to UGX2.2bn; and noting that in the circumstances where the students are not in session and many of them had not paid tuition, the university will be unable to cover its payroll starting September 2011. The University is seeking Government’s intervention to take on the payroll by 100% effective September 2011.