INSTRUCTIONS: The student must complete this form and bring it to the 4th semester applied jury. Please attach a complete printout of your academic record from MyUNLV, showing all coursework and grades.
Student NSHE# ______
Applied Instrument/Voice Course # MUSA Applied Teacher
Bachelor of Music (B.M.) in Performance
Bachelor of Music (B.M.) in Music Education
Bachelor of Music (B.M.) in Composition
Bachelor of Music (B.M.) in Jazz Studies
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Music (Recital Concentration)
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Music (History and Literature Concentration)
Course Title Semester/Year Grade
MUS 102E Beg. Music Theory/Harmony
MUS 102F Beg. Music Theory/Ear Training
MUS 201E Basic Musicianship IE
MUS 201F Basic Musicianship IF
MUS 202E Basic Musicianship IIE
MUS 202F Basic Musicianship IIF
MUS 303E Advanced Musicianship IE
MUS 303F Advanced Musicianship IF
MUS 304E Advanced Musicianship IIE
MUS 304F Advanced Musicianship IIF
MUS 109 Functional Piano I
MUS 110 Functional Piano II
MUS 209 Functional Piano III
MUS 210 Functional Piano IV
MUS 167 Piano Proficiency
MUS 131 Introduction to Music Literature
OR passing grade on Music History Placement Exam
MUSA Applied Study for Majors I, 1st sem.
MUSA Applied Study for Majors II, 2nd sem.
MUSA Applied Study for Majors III, 3rd sem.
MUSA Applied Study for Majors IV, 4th sem.
This student has / has not (circle one) met the Department of Music requirements for satisfactory progress
and should register for MUSA next semester.
(Signature of Area Coordinator/Jury Coordinator) (Date)
• All undergraduate music majors must achieve a minimum grade of C- (C minus) in all music courses (MUS, MUSA, and MUSE) required to complete the student's degree.
• To advance to upper division applied study (Level V), the student must successfully complete four semesters of harmony, sight singing, and ear training and have made satisfactory progress toward his or her degree.
• The Department of Music defines satisfactory progress as concurrent registration in harmony, sight singing, ear training, and functional piano, each semester of full-time enrollment until these course sequences are successfully completed.
• Students receiving a scholarship from the Department of Music must maintain a grade of ‘B’ in every required ensemble and in Applied Music (private lessons). If a grade of B- (B minus) or lower is earned in either area, the scholarship will be permanently rescinded.