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Elimar Orlopp

on the mark

reliable and connecting

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4100 County Hwy B Wisconsin Dells WI 53965 Tel: 254-2832


Thursday, February 24, 2005

Preliminary remarks

I started my Translation experiences in 1980 after being involved in the 68er Movement and subsequent member of a Communist group. My friend Wolfgang Gillessen told me that year he just needed 10.000 .- DM, and he would start publish a book because he knew it would be a good seller on the German book market. And so it was. The translation of Visionetics is “Das Augenübungsbuch” and is still well placed on the market. My second book I translated was “Biocircuits” published in 1986 and this book falls in the same realm of Spirituality/New Age/Holistic Health/Paradigm Change.

After that I never stopped translating although I only did it for my own good because I thought to that time, when you try to find out, what it really means, at the same time you could easily translate it and make it available for others and have yourself a deeper experience with the content of the books and articles.

1998 after reviewing my life I joined the EndeavorAcademy, a non-denominational organization to the spread “The Course in Miracles”. The “Course” was then and is now my main occupation. in. In this framework I translated a lot of spiritual discourses from English into German for this sole purpose.

Now I am ready to take on new tasks and challenges as well. If you have a translation task which will fall in the realm Spirituality/New Age/Holistic Health/Paradigm Change I would be glad to work for you. If you have any other translation which falls in my other occupations or is connected with any other of my specializations I would be as well happy to work for you.

Translation Expertise

…gained 2001-2005

Endeavor Acdademy, Wisconsin Dells and Lake Delton, Wisconsin USA

Simultaneous Translation

For Newcomers during sessions in the EndeavorAcademy (English to German).

Translation of Transcripts of Videos and Subtitling them

With the shareware program “substation alpha”

Video about “Love” with the Master Teacher of the Course in Miracles.

Video about “The Anthropic Principle” with the Master Teacher of the Course in Miracles with Voice-Over (program premiere)

Translation of Talks, Essays, Books

published as booklets by the Endeavor Academy Press.

The Paradox of Eternal Live – Das Paradox ewigen Lebens (80 pages)

The Reality of Physical Resurrection – Die Wirklichkeit körperlicher Auferstehung (90 pages)

Translation of the 2nd Chapter of the book “Disappearance of the Universe”, some excerpts and the FAQ from the WEB-Site of “Fearlessbooks”. (100 pages)

Translation of the judgment of Judge Sweet regarding the Case 96 Civ. 4126 (RWS) about copyright infringement. (50 pages)
Translation of Mellen Benedicts report about his Near-Death-Experience.

All of the above is also published on the Web-Site. (25 pages)

Translation of Articles and Letters of Members of the EndeavorAcademy

Proof-Reading and revision

Dream a Light Dream – Träume einen Traum des Lichts. (40 pages)

Proof-Reading of the 3rd and 4th chapter of the book “Disappearance of the Universe”

Translation of official German Documents for purposes regarding the INS.

Translation of Web-Sites

Translation of the WEB-Site (ACIMI) about Quantum Mechanics into a word-file “Quantenmechanik” (80 pages)

Most of the above you will find in my website

in the Document-Folders.

…gained 1998 – 2001

EndeavorAcademy in Wusterwitz (Germany - Brandenburg)

Translation of Talks, Essays, Books

Translation of Chapter 5 of the Urtext of “A Course in Miracles” (40 pages)

Translation of flyers and invitations.
Love – Sum and Substance of Eternal Reality, Liebe – Gesamtheit und Substanz der ewigen Wirklichkeit ( 70 pages)
Translation of Transcripts of Videos and Subtitling them

Miracle Healing House Calls, First Visit, Loving to Real.Wunderheilungshausbesuche, Erster Besuch, Zur Wirklichkeit lieben.
Miracle Healing House Calls, Second Visit, Turn around, Look at Me. Wunderheilungshausbesuche, Zweiter Besuch, Dreh dich um, schau mich an.
Miracle Healing House Calls, Third Visit, The Joyous End of Time.
Wunderheilungshausbesuche, Dritter Besuch, Das glückliche Ende der Zeit.

…gained 1997-1989


Talks given by Sai Baba in India (50 pages)

Vibrational Healing unpublished (100 pages)

…gained 1988


as a freelance translator with Werkvertrag (contract for work) of Leslie Patten’s Book „Biocircuits: Amazing New Tools for Energy Health". Published as “Der Strom des Lebens - Das Übungsbuch zur Bioenergiekreis-Methode“ © 1990 Droemer-Knaur, München.

… gained 1982-92

Translation and Publishing

Translatingof Lisette Scholl’s „Visionetics - The Holistic Way to Better Eyesight” by Doubleday/Dolphin, New York 1987 into “Das Augenübungsbuch – Leitfaden für einen ganzheitlichen Weg zu besserem Sehen” together with Wolfgang Gillessen.

Publishing the book in our own publishing firm “Verlag Gillessen-Orlopp”.
Subsequent selling the copyrights for the translation to the publishing house Rowohlt in 1992.

Expertise from Work Experiences

… gained 1986-1993
Developing Curricula

Setting up computers (DOS) and ongoing developing a curriculum for the Fanny-Hensel-School in Berlin as a computer-instructor, educator and teacher.

Private Studies

Studies in anthroposophy, medicine, Goethe, Sri Aurobindo

Computer Instructor and Lecturer of Business Mathematics

in Berlin for GSW (Gesellschaft für Sozialökonomie und Weiterbildung) for two years, teaching for workers of REWATEX in the former communist part of Berlin.

Developing and realizing a curriculum

First Contract for work with the Academy for Administration of the State of Berlin (Verwaltungsakademie Berlin). Developing and realizing a curriculum for the Business Departments of Berlin’s boroughs (Gewerbeaufsichtsämter Berlins) to teach the employees how to run a database program for their administration needs.

Building an expert’s opinion

Second Contract for work: Building an expert’s opinion for a computer based learning center for the staff of Berlin’s Federal Services.

Lecturer for Mathematics

In adult evening classes (in People’s
Colleges Berlin Steglitz - Volkshochschule Berlin Steglitz)

Studying IT

In a private School for one year ending with the degree as DV-Trainer (data-processing-trainer)

Study of Therapies

Study of initiation therapy (initiatische Therapie) as well as training and education in bioenergetics and biodynamics, in work at clay-field (Arbeit am Tonfeld), sensory awareness, leaded drawing (Geführtes Zeichnen) diverse massage and relaxation techniques, singing overtones with Michael Vetter, Meditation in style of Za-Zen. Experiences of Enlightenment.


… completed 1986

Earning the official German teacher’s degree …

Working in a primary school as probationary teacher in history and mathematics, ending with the degree of a 2nd States exam (Zweites Staatsexamen).

… after Studying Pedagogics, Psychology, Mathematics, Politics, History, Mechanical Engineering, Astrophysics

Studies at PH Rheinland, PH Berlin, TU Berlin, FUBerlin in pedagogics, mathematics, politics and history with the degree as teacher (ErstesStaatsexamen – first states exam) Working student at Siemens.

High School Degree

High School Degree (Abitur) at Robert-Koch-Oberschule (Gymnasium) in Berlin

Abilities and interests

Table-Tennis player

and instructor, including League and tournament competition experience.


poetic readings/monologues, esp. Goethe, Shakespeare, Dostoevsky.

Classical Music

esp. Beethoven, Mahler.

Playing Santa Claus

For the small and big Kids at EndeavorAcademy and everywhere in the world!

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