1. Before you may student teach, you Umust be admitted to the School of Education (SoE) U If you have applied for admission and have not received official notification of admission to the SoE, contact the Director of SoE ( or call 608-342-1131) and inquire as to the status of your application.
2. Prerequisites for Early Childhood Student Teaching are:
a. have been admitted to School of Education
b. completed methods classes (Block I)
c. have G.P.A. of 3.00 in Major, Minor, and Professional Education classes and 2.75 Overall
d. received grades of “C” or better in all required courses
e. current satisfactory background check (see timeline below)
f. completed health form with TB test results (see timeline below) – has to be less than 1 year old at start of placement.
3. Requests for specific locations in which you would like to do student teaching should be recognized only as "Upreferred requests.”
4. UDo notU contact school officials or make arrangements individually with teachers to do student teaching. UThis will be done only by the Clinical Experiences Office.
5. It is the student’s responsibility to secure living accommodations at the student teaching location.
6. Advise us of Uany changes which occur in connection with your plans to student teach, name change, or address. It is important that the Clinical Experiences Office has your correct address and phone number at all times. Update your resume and send to with any changes as they occur.
7. The following need to be turned in with application:
a. Resume emailed as attachment to (Word document)
b. B-11 Class Checklist (put IP for classes in progress)
c. Schedule of Classes (during the term of your placement) if available
(Summer 2017/Fall 2017/Spring 2018)
March 15, 2017 – Summer EC Student Teaching
April 15, 2017 – Fall/Spring EC Student Teaching
Admitted to SoE
June 1, 2017 – Fall Student Teaching
Nov 1, 2017 – Spring Student Teaching
Health Form/TB Test/Criminal Background Check
May 1, 2017 – Summer Student Teaching
Aug 1, 2017 – Fall Student Teaching
Dec 1, 2017 – Spring Student Teaching
NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Last) (First) (Middle) (Previous name if applicable)
Current Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________ State _____ Zip ________ Phone #_________________Cell # __________________
Male □ Female □ Birth date ______________________ Minor ______________________________________
UWP E-Mail ____________________________________________Campus I.D. # _________________________________
Emergency Contact________________________________ Relationship __________________ Phone # _______________
An early childhood assignment must be in a different semester from your student teaching assignments. Time of desired placement:
____ Summer 2017 ____ Fall 2017 ____ Spring 2018
I will also have classes during this time. ____ No _____ Yes (will submit schedule)
Have you been admitted to the School of Education? Don’t Know Yes No
URequested Placement
List your preference for specific preschool or school location in which you would like to do your student teaching, if accommodations or circumstances permit. UDo not contact school personnel at any of these schools. This will be done by Clinical Experiences.U
Have you worked or volunteered here?
Worked Volunteered
1. _____________________________________________________________ ___________ ___________
2.______________________________________________________________ ___________ ___________
3. _____________________________________________________________ ___________ ___________
Please avoid ____________________________________________________________________________________________
You may list one or two teachers, schools, or districts located within your 1st and 2nd choice areas.
□ I will NOT accept a placement in a private school.
□ I will accept a placement in a private school. (You may write in a specific type of school or denomination.)
GPA Major ____________________ 1st Minor _____________ Prof. Ed. _____________
(See check sheet) Second Major _____________ 2nd Minor _____________
Student's USignatureU: Advisor's USignatureU: _______________________________
Date: __________________________________ Date: _______________________________
IMMEDIATELY notify the Clinical Experiences Office of any changes that occur with the submitted information on this application, such as name change or change of address. Thank You. (updated 2/17/2017)