Group Webquest Project – Of Mice and Men
Newspaper Series
Webquest Website:
Track #: 378738(Type and select Go)
Password: Eagles (make sure to capitalize)
Story Topics:1) Great Depression, Dustbowl, and Migrant Workers - Required
2) 1920’s/1930’s Society (May focus on one topic or multiple) - Required
3) American Dream (1930’s vs Present – write as editorial – use interviews) - Required
4) Characters Approved (2-Striving for Success today –research editorial) - Required
5) Catholic teaching on Euthanasia (write as research editorial) – if group of 5 or 6
6) History of Mentally Handicapped (write as research editorial) – if group of 5 or 6
Group Roles (Explained Below)Group Members and Story Topic
1. Series Editor1.
2. Visual Editor2.
3. Layout Editor3.
4. Source Editor4.
5. Layout Editor Assistant5.
6. Source Editor Assistant6.
Timeline for Newspaper Production:
Wednesday, 3/30:Project Introduction; Groups/Roles/Topic Assigned; Begin Research
Thursday, 3/31:Research in Computer Lab – keep track of all websites!!!
Friday, 4/1:Writing and Layout; Sample layouts and Posterboard given
Tuesday, 4/5:Writing and Layout; Work onMLA Citation page
Wednesday, 4/6:Compile Work and add Finishing Touches
Friday, 4/8:Due at Beginning of the Hour
Note: Group may have to meet outside of class time to complete this project, but shouldn’t if in-class time is used well and students are responsible for their individual stories and tasks.
Create a newspaper focused on the history/society/morality of the novel and American Dream
Research the article topics (1 person assigned to each article)
Document resources using proper MLA citation (1 source/article minimum + Photo Sources)– turn in typed Works Cited page with newspaper
Write articles over the assigned topics– need to fill assigned section!
Organize and Layout a Newspaper on both sides of the given posterboard
Font Size and Style, Formatting, Headlines must be uniform
Include a minimum of 4 graphics (pictures, maps, charts, diagrams, etc)
Include a newspaper Title, article Headings and Bylines, and photo/graphic Captions
Grade will be Based On:
Group Participation – it is ESSENTIAL that you work as a team!!!
Use and Documentation of Sources
Having all required elements
Quality of Content – stories taken directly off the internet will receive an automatic zero
Effort, Appearance, Organization – may be typed and glued to poster or neatly handwritten, but must be uniform
Newspaper Team Roles
Series Editor: Keep everyone on task; oversee formatting and headlines; editing and organization; compilation
Visual Editor: Find/create graphics, photos, charts, etc to accompany articles; improve overall visual appeal of the section; write all picture captions
Layout Editor and Assistant:Design the paper layout, including Newspaper Heading, Story Headlines and Bylines, Height and Width of all articles and Graphics/Photos, Font Style and Size (Stories, Bylines, Headlines, Captions); Give all writers sizes to fill
Source Editor and Assistant:Compile all sources (research and images) and put together as a proper MLA Works Cited page to turn in with newspaper; Each person should give proper MLA information on their source to Source Editor – Editor compiles/edits/formats
All Writers:Research facts using cites on Trackstar cite; Write articlesaddressing the assigned topics; Title the articles; Type the articles, using proper formatting sizes and fonts; Make sure story fits and fills assigned section size
* These assigned roles are meant to help you work as a team, not prevent you from working together. In addition to fulfilling the requirements of your role, you should be assisting all of your teammates in fulfilling theirs. If you have finished your “portion,” you should be helping someone else on your team to finish. You must work together to research your topic, write the stories, layout the newspaper, document your sources, and prepare your final product.
Character Approved site:
Euthanasia sites:
Teacher Notes
Write down all websites used! (Even for photos) – listed in blue at top of frame – NOT 4teachers/trackstar or google)
Take notes by hand or on Word
Do NOT print from sites!
Use trackstar sites first! If other – ask permission on site
American Dream/Dustbowl – May include migrant workers
Euthanasia sites
Present tense writing – No 1st person!
½ Posterboard
Regular – Front Side Covered (Minimum)
Honors: Front + ½ Back Side Covered (Minimum)
Newspaper Reminders
- No 1st person
- Paper Title (associated with time period)
- Story Headlines – same font
- Story bylines/Photo captions – same font/location
- Story Text – Same Font
- 4 Photos/Graphics with Captions
- MLA Works Cited Page – 1 Source/Article Minimum + Photo Sources
- May incorporate additional: Weather, Sports, comics, Crossword, Political Cartoon, Etc
- No Blank Space
Group Webquest Project
1930’s Newspaper Series
Teacher Instructions
Introduction (sample):
"You are a new staff member of the local newspaper. Your Editor-in-Chief has called together a team of writers, researchers and networkers for an important series of stories that are developing, and you are delighted to find that you are a key member of that team.It is 1935, our nation is in crisis, and your series will detail the events unfolding.”
Help Students Define the Task
Your job, as members of the Series team, is to research the historical and social events of the 1930’s. You are expected to produce the highest quality documentation for your work. You will be using the Internet/World Wide Web (including the online archives of other newspapers,) as major resources.
Assignment into Groups:
Due to the complexity of these events, you have been assigned to groups. Each of the groups will focus on various aspects of the problem. This approach is used because each group will contribute something special to the total learning experience, and allow you to teach each other, while the teacher guides and coaches from the side.
You are in groups of 5-6, and will assign roles within your group. If you struggle assigning roles, I will assign them for you. You should all contribute to the project work, and your individual contributions highlighted during regular briefing sessions. I, your Editor-in-Chief, will perform regular briefings to check and guide your process. This is to make sure that all team members are contributing, resources are being used properly, and focus remains on solving the task at hand.
Time is of the essence, so good planning is very important. Before you get started you will need to create a list of the most effective and useful places to do your research. Make a list of the questions to be answered, and kinds of information you will need to answer them. Keep accurate documentation of your sources, so that they can be checked in the event that you are challenged.
Before you get started, the following three questions will be brainstormed with your group to set up the problem and prepare you for the task at hand. The result should be saved, for reference by your group, to remind you of the various aspects of the problem.
- What do we know?
- What do we need to know?
- Where can we find out what we need to know?