Order of Service

10:15 a.m.

April 8, 2018

Call To Worship

Hymn Of Response - No. 1 - #334- Fairest Lord Jesus

1. Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord of all creation,
Jesus of God and Mary the Son,
You will I cherish, You will I honor,
Jesus, my soul’s delight, and crown.
2. Fair are the meadows, fairer still the woodlands,
Robed in the verdure and bloom of spring;
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer,
He makes the saddest heart to sing.
3. Fair are the flowers, fairer still the sons of men

In all the freshness of youth arrayed;

Yet is their beauty fading and fleeting;

My Jesus, yours will never fade.

4. Fair is the moonlight, fairer still the sunshine,

Fair is the shimmering, starry sky;

Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines clearer

Than all the heavenly host on high.

5. All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly

Is found in you, Jesus, wondrously;

None can be nearer, fairer or dearer;

Than you, my Saviour, are to me.

[L Stevenson – 1960 – Tune - Ascalon]]

Prayer Of Adoration & Confession

Responsive Reading - No. 664 -

Leader:I praise you, Lord, because you have saved me

and kept my enemies from gloating over me.

People:I cried to you for help, O Lord my God,

And you healed me; you kept me from the grave.

Leader:I was on my way to the depths below, but you restored my life.

People:Sing praise to the Lord, all his faithful people!

Leader:Remember what the Holy One has done, and give him thanks!

People:His anger lasts only a moment, his goodness for a lifetime

Leader:Tears my flow in the night, but the joy comes in the morning.

People:You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance;

You have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy.

Leader:So I will not be silent; I will sing praise to you

ALL:Lord, you are my God, I will give you thanks for ever.

Songs Of Worship

Lord, I come to You, let my heart be changed renewed;

Flowing from the grace, that I’ve found, in You.

Lord, I’ve come to know, the weaknesses I see in me,

Will be stripped away, by the power of Your love.

CHO: Hold me close, let Your love surround me

Bring me near; draw me to Your side

And as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle

And I’ll soar with You, Your spirit leads me on

By the power of Your love.

Lord, unveil my eyes, let me see You face to face

The knowledge of Your love, as You live.

Lord, renew my mind as Your will unfolding my life

In living every day by the power of Your love.

When I look into your holiness,

When I gaze into your loveliness

When all things that surround become

Shadows in the light of you.

REF: I worship you, I worship You

The reason I live is to worship you,

When I’ve found the joy of reaching your heart

When my will becomes enthralled in your love,

When all things that surround become

Shadows in the light of you.

REF: I worship you, I worship You

The reason I live is to worship you,

Dedication of Babies

Presentation - Bethel Dance Troupe

[Children 10 years and under leave for Junior Church]

[Brief Period of Silence]

[Sung Prayerfully]

Change my heart, O God, make it ever true

Change my heart, O God, may I be like You

You are the Potter, I am the clay;

Mold me and make me, this is what I pray.

Change my heart, O God……… like you.

Prayer Of Confession & Intercession


I will serve You because I love You

You have given life to me.

I was nothing before you found me

You have given life to me.

Heartaches, broken pieces,

ruined lives are why You died on Calvary

Your touch was what I longed for,

You have given life to me.



SCRIPTURE READING [NT] – Philippians 2: 1-11

HYMN OF MEDITATION No. 2 – # 486 – Lord of the Church

1 Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing:

Christ over all, our undivided aim.

Fire of the Spirit, burn for our enduing,

wind of the Spirit, fan the living flame!

We turn to Christ amid our fear and failing,

the will that lacks the courage to be free,

the weary labours, all but unavailing,

to bring us nearer what a church should be.

2 Lord of the church, we seek a Father's blessing,

a true repentance and a faith restored,

a swift obedience and a new possessing,

filled with the Holy Spirit of the Lord!

We turn to Christ from all our restless striving,

unnumbered voices with a single prayer:

the living water for our souls' reviving,

in Christ to live, and love and serve and care.

3. Lord of the church, we long for our uniting,

true to one calling, by one vision stirred;

one cross proclaiming and one creed reciting,

one in the truth of Jesus and his word!

So lead us on; till toil and trouble ended,

one church triumphant one new song shall sing,

to praise his glory, risen and ascended,

Christ over all, the everlasting King!

[Timothy Dudley-Smith – 1926]

SPECIAL ITEM The Children’s Choir

MESSAGE - Justice David Fraser

HYMN OF RESPONSE – No. 3 - # 603– What a friend we have in Jesus

1. What a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear!

what a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer!

O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,

all because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

2. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?

We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer!

Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share?

Jesus knows our every weakness, take it to the Lord in prayer!

3. Are we weak and heavy-laden, cumbered with a load of care?

Jesus only is our refuge; take it to the Lord in prayer!

Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer?

In his arms he’ll take and shield you; you will find a solace there

[Joseph Scriven – 1986: Tune 87 87D Converse]