For Office Use Only
Ferry Road, Grangetown, Cardiff, CF11 0JL Admin Tel: 029 2066 6627
Full / Family Membership(includes children under age of 18) / Full-Time Student(on production of Student Card)
Please provide details of course attending and duration attached to this application
Personal Details (Please Print)
Forename (s) / Surname / D.O.B. / OccupationApplicant
1.Children’s Name
2.Children’s Name
3.Children’s Name
4.Children’s Name
Address / Previous address
(if less than 3 years at current address)
Post Code
Telephone / Daytime / Evening / Mobile
(news letters and invoicing will be sent via email)
Have you ever applied for membership or been a member of the Cardiff Bay Yacht Club before? YES / NO
If Yes, please give details
Are you currently or have you ever been a member of any other Yacht Club? YES / NO
If Yes, please give details
Boating Experience / Boat Details
Synopsis of Boating Experience & Location:Boat Name / Length / Make/Model / Currently Location Stored/Berthed
Are you sole owner/user of this boat? / YES / NO / If NO, please list other owners/users
Berthing/Storage Required / Pontoon / Swing Mooring / Fore & Aft Mooring / Launch, Recovery & Takeaway / Dinghy Storage
Please see reverse for details re waiting list for berths.
Which Area of the Club is of most interest to you / Cruiser / Cruiser Racing / Dinghy / Fishing
If not boat owner, reason for joining club / Crew / Regular visitor / Social
Proposer / Seconder
New Members will need to be proposed and seconded by existing members. If you do not know any existing members then come along to the bar evenings or weekends for a chat with other sailors/membersProposer:
(Print Name) / Seconder:
(Print Name)
Signature: / Signature:
Club Fees from 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018
Joining Fee / £187.20 Payable on applicationFull - Adult/Family
(with children under 18 years of age) / £299.60 per year (£50 will be credited to your bar card)
Student Membership
(on production of Student Card) / £ 57.20 per year * No joining fee required
Junior / £ 36.40 per year * No joining fee required
BERTHING FEES - We currently have over a 12 month wait for gold pontoon berths, it is only if your membership is approved, should you require a berth, that your details will be added to the waiting list on completion and return of a berthing form that will be sent to you in your New Members Welcome Pack.
(Standard Rate)
Pontoon Rental (Gold)
A-E (nearest Club with Electricity Supply) / £19.90 per metre per month
(£238.80 per metre per annum)
Vessels less than 10 mtrs are charges at the 10 mtr rate i.e. £191.10 per months
Pontoon Rental (Silver)
F-J (midsection – No Electricity) / £16.70 per metre per month
(£200.40 per metre per annum)
Pontoon Rental (Bronze)
K-onwards (far section – No Electricity Supply) / £14.80 per metre per month
(£177.60 per metre per annum)
Moorings Local (Swing) / £8.10 per metre per month
(£97.20 per metre per annum)
Moorings Up River (Trot) / £7.10 per metre per month
(£85.20 per metre per annum)
For the first month / £ 3.80 per metre per month / One Off (Discounted Rate)One off charge payable within 30 days of invoice
Instalments (Discounted Rate)
Payable in 10 monthly instalments by direct debit collection
Quarterly (Discounted Rate)
Payable within 30 days of invoice at end of each quarter
Monthly (Standard Rate)
Charged and payable on invoice at end of each month
2nd & 3rd month / £ 17.94 per metre per month
After 3 months / £ 37.34 per metre per month
All other craft under 6M £ 200 per annum
Haul in/out / £ 70.30 each way vessel under 11m
£ 81.12 each way vessel over 11m
Haul in/out on own trailer (using Tractor) / £ 31.36 each way
Lift, hold and relaunch / £ 86.553 each way under 11m
£ 135.20 each way over 11m
Club Cradle and Boat Stand Hire / £ 11.91 per week
Dinghies (up to 16ft) / £ 118.25 per annum
Oppies on Rack / £ 43.84 per annum
Flying Fifteen Storage / £ 197.24 per annum
Beach Cats / £ 177.37 per annum
Tenders on foreshore / £ 10.82 per annum
*I will pay a joining fee of £180.00 (returnable if not accepted) on application and hereby apply for membership of the PMB & SC Ltd t/a Cardiff Bay Yacht Club, subject to the provisions of the Memoranda and Articles of Association and I agree if accepted and so long as I remain a member to conform to the rules of PMB & SC Ltd t/a Cardiff Bay Yacht Club as now existing or as varied hereafter and to pay my subscriptions when due, i.e.. 1st of April each year. I also undertake to contribute to the assets of PMB & SC Ltd t/a Cardiff Bay Yacht Club in the event of the same being wound up while I am a member or within one year after I cease to be a member, for the payment of the debt and liabilities of PMB & SC Ltd t/a Cardiff Bay Yacht Club contracted before I cease to be a member and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves, such amount as may be requested NOT EXCEEDING £20.
* This fee must be included with your application form (STRICTLY NO CASH - ONLY CHEQUES ACCEPTED PAYABLE TO CBYC)
SIGNED ………………………………………………………… DATE…………………………………………………………
I also undertake as part of my obligation of membership to insure and keep insured any boat or boats brought by me onto site or moorings, being part of the lease of PMB & SC t/a Cardiff Bay Yacht Club, before bringing the said boats or boats onto the said property. I also accept that I must from time to time assist all Officers of the PMB & SC Ltd t/a Cardiff Bay Yacht Club in the running of the Club as requested.
SIGNED………………………………………………………… DATE…………………………………………………………
CLUB YEARBOOK - I do not wish my name and contact telephone number to appear in the Club Yearbook.
SIGNED………………………………………………………… DATE…………………………………………………………
Please Note: All new members are subject to an interview with our Membership Secretary and are also subject to a 12 month probationary period, if accepted.
Please send your completed application, with your joining fee, to Cardiff Bay Yacht Club, Ferry Road, Grangetown, Cardiff, CF11 0JL.
& BYE-LAWS SENT / Date Posted to Noticeboard / DATE
PMB&SC LIMITED A Company Limited by Guarantee
VAT Reg No 137 302 103 Registered in England 01161484