Scarlet fever
A 7 y.o. girl fell ill abruptly: fever, headache, severe sore throat, vomiting. Minute bright red rash appear in her reddened skin in 3 hours. It is more intensive in axillae and groin. Mucous membrane of oropharynx is hyperaemic. Greyish patches is on the tonsils. Submaxillary lymph nodes are enlarged and painful. What is your diagnosis?
*Scarlet fever Measles Rubella
Pseudotuberculosis Enteroviral infection
Patient R., 9 y., complains on the appearance of the erythematous precipitations, which began from the retroauricular sections, for the elongation of 72 hours they were extended to entire skin. Rashes preceded an increase in the temperature of body to 39,5°C, general weakness, cough of bronchial nature. It is known from anamnesis that 15 days ago the classmate was hospitalized into the infectious hospital. What is the diagnosis?
*Scarlet fever. Measles.
The chickenpox. Pseudotuberculosis. The German measles.
A 8 - year-old boy full ill abruptly fever up to 39 C, headache, recurrent vomiting, sore throat. There was punctiform rash on reddened skin on his trunk, upper part of the abdomen, and in the skin folds, especially in axillae, cubital, inguinal. The soft palate is covered with erithematous punctiform lesions and scattered petechiae. Tonsils were enlarged, reddened with superficial necrosis in the form of patches. Submaxillary lymph nodes were enlarged, dense and tender. BP is 140/90; Ps is 120 per min. What is your diagnosis?
Adenoviral infection *Scarlet fever Diphtheria
A 8- year-old girl complained of fever up to 38,6 C, sore throat, rash. In medical examination lacunar tonsillitis, hyperemia and enanthema of soft palate, punctiform rash which localized mainly on flexor surface of the extremities was discovered. Nasolabial area was pale. Which antibacterial medications should be administered?
Gentamycin *Penicillin Chloramphenicol Lincomycin Tetracycline
A 3-year-old child has a typical mild form of scarlet fewer and is treated at home. Which antibacterial medication should be administered for etiotropic therapy?
*Erytrimycin Gentamycin Chloramphenicol Doxycycline Tetracycline
A 8-year-old boy has scarlet fewer and takes antipyretic and vitamins. Weakness, anorexia, skin pallor, face edema, oliguria occurs on the 14 th day of illness. Specific gravity of urine is 1030, protein level is 1 g/1, erythrocytes are 60 in the field vision. Hyaline cylinders are present too. What is complication has occurred?
Tumour of urinary bladder Pyelonephritis
Urolhhic disease *Glomerulonephritis Polyps of urethra
The patient of 14 years old in 2 weeks after a pharyngitis has started to complain of a ferves cence up to 38,0°С, the general delicacy, dyspnea during walking, tumescence and pain of joints of flying character. Objectively: cyanosis of lips, pulse - 100 impacts in a minute, weak filling, rhythmical. The left border of heart is displaced outside from mediaclavicular lines on 1 sm. The first tone on an apex weakened, gentle systolic hum is auscultated. What is the most probable etiological factor could cause this syndrome?
Staphylococcus. *β-hemolytic streptococcus. Mushrooms.
The child of 5 years, did fall ill acutely, did increase the temperature of body to 38°C, complaint of the sore throat when swallowing, there was a disposable vomiting, appeared punctuate exanthema against the hyperemized background. A district pediatrician diagnosed it "Scarlet Fever", has appointed a hospital at home. What medication should I choose for causal treatment?
Acyclovir. Sulfate-Polymyxin M. Interferon.
The boy of 10 years old in 2 weeks after angina had edemas of the face and moderate back pain. Objectively: a body temperature is 37,5°С, a BP - 100/80 mm hg. Urine: fresh erythrocytes are up to 100 in sight, protein - 2,20 gpl; hyaline cylinders are up to 10 in sight, relative density - 1, 020. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Acute pyelonephritis. *Acute glomerulonephritis. Cancer of a kidney. Chronic glomerulonephritis. Urolithiasis.
A 10-year-old girl was admitted to a hospital with carditis presentations. It is known from the anamnesis that two weeks ago she had exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. What is the most likely etiological factor in this case?
*Streptococcus Staphylococcus Pneumococcus Klebsiella Proteus
In 3 weeks after the child has had angina, hе still has weakness, flaccidity, subfebrile temperature,
enlarged mandibular lymph nodes. Tonsils are quaggy, densely soldered with handles; in lacunas we can see purulent plugs. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Peritonsillitis. Chronic pharyngitis. Acute lacunar angina. *Chronic tonsillitis. Tumour of tonsils.
The girl of 12 years old has arrived in cardiologic department of the hospital with manifestations of a carditis. Two weeks ago she had lacunar angina. What is the most possible etiological factor of a carditis in this case?
In the child of 6 years 10 days after transferred angina on the skin of upper and lower extremities appeared symmetrically located papular - hemorrhagic rash with sizes from 3 to 5 mm in the diameter; swelling and pain in talocrural joints. In the clinical analysis of the blood: WBC. - 3,9*10*12 of/l, Hb - 124 g/l, TsP. - 0,9, thrombocytes - 250*109/l, L. - 15,0*109/l, s. - 7, 3. - 8, sg. - 70, l. - 12, m. - 3, ESR - 25 mm/h. What does be the basis of the development of hemorrhagic syndrome?
Reduce the number of platelets.
Reducing the concentration of plasma clotting factors. *The defeat of the vascular wall.
No retraction of the blood-convolution. Violation of platelet adhesion.
Girl with chronic tonsillitis after supercooling complains on the pain in the back. Urine of the color of
„ meat mud ", AD is increased to 150/100 mm Hg. In anamnesis allergic reaction to Ampicillin. What antibiotic you will appoint for the purpose of the preventive maintenance of allergic reaction? *Erythromycin.
Bitsillin (benzathine penicillin G). Ampicillin.
The child of 5 years, fell ill acutely. Doctor established diagnosis ―scarlet fever‖. Child attends children's pre-school establishment. Indicate the period of the quarantine, which is superimposed on the contact children in kindergarten.
*7 days.
10 Days.
14 Days.
21 Day.
24 Days.
Masha B. 8 years old suffering from scarlet fever. Was obtained the treatment: paracetamol, vitamins. The apathy appeared on 14 days of disease, was reduced appetite, appeared pallor of the skin, pastiness and edemas of face, oliguria. Urine: specific gravity 1030, protein 1 g / l, erythrocytes 60 in the field of view, hyaline cylinders. What complications have developed in a girl? It.
Urolithiasis. Tumor-bladder.
*Glomerulonephritis. Polyps of the urethra.
To child of 5 years. 2 weeks it ago suffered angina. Complaints of mother on poor appetite, disrupted sleep. With an objective research is revealed heart rate 100 in 1 minute. How this index should be estimated?
*Age norm. Tachycardia. Bradycardia.
Respiratory arrhythmia. Paroxysmal tachycardia.
Ten days ago 6 years old girl endured angina. To the period of appeal complains on the general weakness, reduction in the appetite, two-fold vomiting, headache and pain in the back. It is objective: the skins of pale pink color, the pastiness of face, the positive symptom of Pasternatskiy. Blood: normochromic anemia, RES- of 15 mm/h, neutrophilic leukocytosis. In the analysis of the urine: protein 1,5 g/l, the lixiviated erythrocytes to 20 into the field of sight, transparent cylinders 5 in the field of sight. Your diagnosis:
*Acute glomerulonephritis. Acute pyelonephritis. Chronic pyelonephritis. Chronic glomerulonephritis.
Subacute malignant glomerulonephritis.
In the child of 10 years against the background of the aggravation of chronic tonsillitis on 10th the day the pain in the region of heart appeared. State of the child is of average gravity, the temperature of 37,8°C, FCR- of 93 beatings/min, weakening of the І tone above top, apical systolic noise. In the blood: leukocytes to 12*109, SES- of 28 mm/hour, the level of antistreptolysin - O of serum - 450 UP/ml, SRP - (-). On ECG: lengthening atrioventricular conductivity, a change in the final part of QRST. By the optimum version of the antibacterial therapy of myocarditis there is the designation:
*Benzylpenicillin. Levomycetin. Erythromycin. Amoxycillin. Amikacin.
In boy 14 years against the background of chronic tonsillitis, maxillary sinusitis appeared the sensation of stoppages in the section of heart and additional pulse beatings. FCR- of 83 beatings/min. On ECG: after every two sinus reductions the pulses, in which the absent tooth R, QRS has duration more than 0,11 s, acutely deformed, discordant T-wave, regularly appear, complete compensating pause after which is recorded. Indicate the character of the disturbances of the rhythm:
*Extrasystolia according to the type of trigeminy. Extrasystole according to the type of bigeminy. Partial A- V blockade.
Complete A- V blockade.
Blockade of the left leg of His's beam.
The child of 8 years, did fall ill acutely, temperature 38,5°C, vomiting, abdominal pain. With the inspection for 3 days are revealed the yellowness of the skin and scalars, on the skin of body, brushes and feet hyperemia, punctulate rash, increase in the liver, spleen. n the eve of the disease ate salad with fresh cabbage. What is the most likely diagnosis?
*Pseudotuberculosis. Viral Hepatitis. Scarlet fever. Enterovirus infection.
Infectious mononucleosis.
A 10-year-old girl complained of fever, rash, abdominal pain, artralgiae on admission. In medical examination scarlet fever-like rash, symptoms of ,,hood", ,,gloves" and ,,socks" have been discovered. What is your preliminary diagnosis?
Measeles Allergic rash Rubella Scarlet fewer
A 5-year-old boy fell ill abruptly: fever up to 38,5, sore throat, abdominal pain. Scarlet fever-like rash, artralgiae and frequently passed stools occurred on the 4l day f illness. In medical examination hyperemia and edema of skin on the face, hands and feet, hyperemia of palatal arches, soft palate, uvula back walls of pharynx, ,,raspberry tongue", pains in epigastria and near the umbilicus was discovered. Watery stools occurred 4-6 times a day with small admixture of mucus. Padalka's symptom was positive. What's your preliminary diagnosis?
Enteroviral infection Scarlet fewer Abdominal typhoid *Pseudotuberculosis Rubella
A 7-year-old boy has moderate form of pseudotuberculosis. Which antibacterial medication should be administered for etiotropic therapy?
Ampicillin *Chloramphenicol Erytromycin
Cefalosporins of the first generation
A 7-year-old boy fell ill abruptly: fever up to 40 C with rigor, artralgia, myalgia, abdominal pain. Polymorphic rash with macular and scarlet fever like elements appeared on the 4th day of illness. Ictericity of skin and sclera occurred on the 6th day of illness. Liver and spleen were enlarged and tender. Padalka's symptom was positive. What's your preliminary diagnosis?
Rubella Scarlet fewer
*Pseudotuberculosis Abdominal typhoid
Child of 5-years. Fifth day of illness. Objective: conscious, listless. Face is puffy. Catarrhal conjunctivitis, scleritis. The skin behind the ears, on the face – there is a bright, red media papular rash, sometimes the elements of coalesce. In the throat - diffuse hyperemia, on the soft palate - enanthema. Is nott immunized. Your diagnosis?
*Measles. Rubella. Scarlet fever.
Pseudotuberculosis. Allergic dermatitis.
Child of 2 years old, who has arrived into the hospital with pneumonia, has nevuses pigmentosus on a skin. From anamnesis we have known that before pneumonia the child had fever and rash. What disease had the child?
Rubella. *Measles. Scarlatina. ЕСНО-exanthema. Chicken pox.
There is a child of 1 year old. Against what disease there has come time to do planned immunization? *Measles.
Tuberculosis. Whooping cough. Diphtheria. Poliomyelitis.
A 5-year-old boy has been ill for 5 days. The disease had abrupt onset with fever up to 38,1 C, cough, conjunctivitis, edema of eyelids. Maculopapular rash appears on his face, neck and behind his ears on the 5th day of the disease. The next day the rash spreads to his trunk. What is your diagnosis?
Adenoviral infection *Measles
Infectious mononucleosis Scarlet fever
A 3 year old child has been suffering from fever, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis for 4 days. He has been taking sulfadimethoxin. Today it has fever up to 39oC and maculopapular rash on its face. Except of rash the child's skin has no changes. What is your diagnosis?
Scarlet fever Rubella Pseudotuberculosis *Measles
Allergic rash
A child, aged 4, has being ill for 5 days, suffers from cough, skin rash, t0- 38,20С, edema of the face, photosensitivity, conjunctivitis. On the face, neck, upper part of the chest there is bright maculopapular rash with areas of merging. Hyperemic throat. Seropurulent nasal discharge. In lungs there are dry crackles. What is the most probable preliminary diagnosis?
Scarlet fever Enterovirus exanthema *Measles
Adenovirus infection
A 7-year-old boy has been ill for 2 days. He complains of cough, coryza, headache, fever up to 38C. There is conjunctival hyperemia, epiphora, enanthema on the mucosa of the soft and in part of the hard palate, whitish papules looking like poppy-seed, surrounded by a narrow band of hyperemia opposite the molar teeth. What is your diagnosis?
*Measles Rubella Scarlet fever
Enteroviral infection Adenoviral infection
A child, aged 4, has being ill for 5 days, suffers from cough, skin rash, t° - 38,2°C, facial hydropy, photosensitivity, conjunctivitis. On the face, neck, upper part of the chest there is bright maculopapular rash with areas of merging. Hyperemic throat. Seropurulent nasal discharge. In lungs there are dry crackles. What is the most probable preliminary diagnosis?
Adenovirus infection. Rubella.
*Measles. Scarlet fever.
Enterovirus exanthema.
A child is 4 years old, has been ill for 5 days. There are complaints of cough, skin rash, t-38,2ºC, face puffiness, photophobia, conjunctivitis. Objectively: there is bright, maculo-papulous, in some areas confluent rash on the face, neck, upper chest. The pharynx is hyperaemic. There are seropurulent discharges from the nose. Auscultation revealed dry rales in lungs. What is the most likely diagnosis?
*Measles Adenoviral infection Scarlet fever Rubella
Enterovirus exanthema
A 4-year-old child on the 5th day of illness complains of cough, rash on the skin. Temperature is 38,2°C, face is puffy, photophobia, conjunctivitis. There is a bright papulomacular rash on the face, neck, upper half of the thorax. Pharynx is hyperemiated. There are serous and purulent discharge from nose, dry rales in the lungs. What is your preliminary diagnosis?
*Measles. German measles.
Enterovirus infection. Adenovirus infection. Scarlet fever.
A 2-year-old boy is not vaccinated against measles. He had been in touch with the child with catarrhal period of measles and took immunoglobulin. He can fall ill within?