The Greatest Mother Ever – Luke 7:28
TEXT: Matthew 11:11; Luke 1:15, 7:28
If we could locate a mother that had raised the best child that was ever born then we could study her life and pattern child rearing after what she did.
Well, I want you to know that I have found such a mother.
She is located in the Bible.
She is Elizabeth; the mother of John the Baptist.
As far as I can find, John the Baptist is the only man that Jesus ever said that there was none greater -
Luke 7:28 - “For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist:”
Therefore if John the Baptist was the greatest person ever born of woman then his mother must be the greatest mother who ever gave birth to a child.
It would behoove us to examine such a mother and follow her methods of being the right kind of Mother.
What kind of mother was Elizabeth?
In these few verses that are written about her we can learn a lot as to what kind of mother and wife she was.
Luke 1:6 - “And they were both righteous before God.”
A. What Made Her A Godly Woman?
1. She believed God, Faith - "For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness." – Romans 4:3; Hebrews 11:6
2. She walked godly. “....walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord.” –v.6b
3. She lived a blameless life - “...walking ... blameless.”
You can never be a good mother and wife without the righteousness of God in your life.
In v.5 we see that she was the wife of Zacharias.
I like the way that it is stated – “and his wife…”
Not a lover, not a live in mate, they were married.
B. She Followed The Ways Of A Wife.
"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." - Ephesians 5:22
1. Not the boss
2. The propose is order
3. Christ our example of subjection - I Peter 2 & 3
C. She Followed Not In The Ways Of The World.
1. No soap operas.
2. No gossip.
3. Did not require a ladies night out.
4. She dressed like a lady.
5. She was not immodest.
D. She Fancied Not In The Wisdom Of The World.
1. She was not a career woman.
2. She performed her duty as a wife.
3. She did not believe in, nor practice in the liberation of women.
4. She was home at night with her husband and family.
Elizabeth was at home with her family – Titus 2:5 – “keeper’s at home”
E. Mothers, Don’t Be Concerned About Rearing A Popular Child.
1. Don’t let social acceptance be your motive.
2. Focus on your child being great in the sight of the Lord.
If your child is an introvert who sucks their thumb and wears thick glasses, yet loves the Lord, you have been a success.
Don’t let the ways of the world dictate to you how to raise your child.
Elizabeth would not win the “Most Popular Mother”, but she was a godly mother.
It is so important for mothers across America to be godly in character.
V.7 - "And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years."
She had waited many years for the fruit of the womb.
She had been patient all these years.
A. Patient With God.
1. She was not demanding - “Give me a son now, or else!”
God is not a puppet that honors every little demand that we may bring before Him.
We are the subjects, and He is God.
He is the Sovereign, we are the servants.
2. She waited upon the Lord.
B. Patient With Her Husband.
1. Many 21st century wives are too impatient.
2. This impatience can become over bearing or even the woman taking the role of the family leader.
Even though she was well stricken in years.
Even though she was barren, we see them still in love with each other.
To accomplish this requires patience by both the wife, and the husband.
An impatient wife will harm her husband.
An impatient wife will dishonor her husband.
I believe it is safe to say that Elizabeth was patient with her husband.
C. Patient With Her Children.
1. I know that life gets trying when raising children.
2. I know that the wife is usually around the children more than the father.
3. I also realize that the mother is more apt to have her fill of the children come night time.
Still mothers need to have patience.
It may be that God is trying to teach you patience with the conduct of your children.
Romans 5:3 says - “...tribulation worketh patience.”
A patient mother is one who will go just one more step from losing her temper.
When I say patient, I don’t mean to be overly lenient and let the child get by with disobedience.
Proper discipline and patience are two different things.
If your child is disobedient and won’t obey immediately then you ought to deal them at once, and you will find that obedience comes much easier.
By deal, I mean to apply the discipline in a proper manner and a proper place.
Today’s philosophy is to tell them and tell them over and over again.
I told our children once and made sure that they heard me and understood me, then if they did not respond, I used a little friendly persuasion.
Don’t let your patience be controlled by fatigue.
D. Patience With Others.
Have you ever walked up to someone and upon speaking to them have them turn and bite your head off?
They have a reason for doing that, but that is impatience.
Ecclesiastes 7:8 - "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit."
Luke 21:19 - "In your patience possess ye your souls."
Psalm 37:7 - "Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass."
“Hid herself” - vs. 24 25
Luke 1:24 -25 - "And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months, saying,"
"Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men."
Here is a woman who had every right to go up and down main street proclaiming that she was no longer barren.
Here is a woman who had gone through her child bearing years barren, and now she is expecting a child in her old age.
Why does she do this?
She goes into hiding for five months so that she might praise and worship the Lord –
V. 25 - "Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein He looked on me, to take away my reproach among men."
Humility is a forgotten trait among most today.
Humility does not mean that a woman is to sit unnoticed or unannounced.
There was a time when some thought that humility and poverty were the same.
If a woman was wearing a raggedy dress, with a dirty apron on, and a pair of old worn out shoes, she was considered to be humble.
That is not true.
Humility is an inward trait.
Men you should not attempt to make your wife humble.
If she is not humble, then you won’t make her that way.
Humility is not caring whether you are in the spotlight or not.
Humility is putting others first.
Humility is being considerate and concerned about your family and their appearance.
Where there is a humble mother there is usually a successful family.
V. 25 - “Take away my reproach.”
A. She Spent Five Months In Hiding To Praise And Glorify The Lord For His Blessing Upon Her. She was grateful.
His blessings had shown upon her, and she was grateful for them.
B. Gratefulness Is Missing In Many Mother’s Hearts Today.
1. We should be grateful for our homes.
2. You should be grateful for the love of your husband.
3. I’ve talked to many young woman that are longing for just what I am saying now.
They wanted someone to love them.
If she had what each of us have today, she would be grateful.
I am grateful for my wife.
Look at vs.42 -45 - "And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb."
"And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"
"For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy."
"And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord." Note the context
C. She Had Been A Reproach To Men And Now That Reproach Had Been Lifted, And She Was Grateful.
D. Are You Grateful That Your Bondage Of Sin Has Been Lifted?
Have you been lifted from angry waves of sin and death?
Read context vs. 57 -
V. 60 - "And his mother answered and said, Not so; but he shall be called John."
A. She Honored God By Honoring Her Husband.
1. She never brought shame or distrust upon him.
2. She treated him like a king.
3. She was totally submitted to him in all things.
Some women are submissive only in the areas they choose to be.
B. She Honored God By Honoring Her Family.
1. She was at home when she should be.
2. When Zacharias came home from the temple, Elizabeth was at home waiting on him.
3. I know of cases where the woman leaves the house in the middle of the afternoon and does not return home until 8:00 or 9:00 in the evening.
She is not, working either. She just goes to the mall and to friend’s houses.
Dad comes home no wife, no supper, no gentle affection from the wife.
The house is not cleaned. Breakfast dishes are still in the sink.
There are dirty clothes everywhere.
The children come home from school, and no mom.
She is gone who knows where?
Then we ask why do so many homes fail?
Why do so many children turn out bad?
It could be mom’s fault for not being home when she was supposed to be.
When you said “I do” at the wedding altar, you gave up all your other friends, including your parents.
You have only one to be concerned with now.
Only one to be the center of your attention; your husband and your children.
How many moms here today are the kind of mother that John the Baptist’s mother was?
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