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APPLICATION FOR HOSE ACCREDITATIONDocument No.:- SAFPA 002 Rev.02 Issue Date:-30/08/2010
Company DetailsCompany Name
Co Reg Number
Contact Person
Contact Details / email:
Phone: / Fax
Date of application :
Are you ISO9000 (or equivalent) accredited : □ YES □ NO
Please list types, suppliers and manufacturers used
Please list suppliers and manufacturers used
The council of SAFPA (or its appointed sub committee for hose accreditation) reserve the right to refuse certification at any time on technical, ethical or environmental grounds. The decisions of the SAFPA council or its appointed auditors are final.
Should an inspection prove unsuccessful and certification not be approved a further inspection may be requested, but the SAFPA council (or its appointed sub committee for hose accreditation) reserve the right to refuse a re-inspection
Cost of Accreditation:-
Fees on wesbite
(Please answer all questions clearly in order that SAFPA can make a pre judgment prior to organizing an audit)
How are production instructions raised for:1. Manufacture of hose assemblies from customers orders?
2. Replacement of hose assemblies using customers sample hose assembly?
3. How is material checked against the issue documents?
4. How are the hose and fittings stored (ie are they clearly identified, properly racked, in a clean dry store)
1. List all equipment used for assembly (ie: tape measure, cut off machine etc)2. How many of your employees are able to demonstrate their ability to produce hose assemblies and follow QA manuals or other procedures? Are they able to use manuals, wall charts, manufacturers instructions and physically able to identify hose connectors termination?
3. Please state any training programmes attended by hose assembly staff?
4. Are the health and safety procedures known to the operators?
5. Are the employees issued with personal protective equipment?
1. Please list all equipment used for testing and inspection of hose assembliesNote: Current (not older than 12 months) records will be required for calibration and inspection of measuring equipment.
2. Is their a written inspection and test plan? YES □ NO □
3. How are hose assemblies identified and marked?
4. What equipment is used for hose assembly cleaning?
5. How are hose assemblies cleaned?
1. How are the hose assemblies signed off and completed?2. How are the assemblies packed for shipping?
3. How long are permanent records kept for all hose productions?
I certify that the above declarations are true and correct
Signed ______Date ______
Name ______Company ______
Job Title______
Summary of audit:
There are three basic audit activities that will take place :
Audit activity 1 Workshop Inspection
The hose assembly workshop, stores, and receiving and despatch areas will be inspected
Audit activity 2 . Meeting with responsible people
The auditor will hold a meeting with the relevant responsible persons to discuss the process of manufacturing of hydraulic hose assemblies
· Audit activity 3 Manufacture a hydraulic hose assembly
Companies will be monitored in the process of making up a hydraulic hose assembly to suit a jig supplied the SAFPA auditor. All the processes will be witnessed from selection of the components through to inspection and testing and packaging for delivery to client.
Preparation for auditing by auditors:
1. Check that the candidate is familiar with, and has a copy of the SAFPA: “Hose Assembly Certification and Accreditation Scheme”
2. Clarify the audit process – ie: it will be audited against the evidence guide in the next section.
Expected Duration
· Company: 4 hours
· Auditor: 6 hours (including preparation, evaluation, feedback and reporting)
Accreditation conditions
The company will be required to make up a hose assembly in a workshop environment where all tools and equipment are available. The interview questions will be answered orally and may be asked either before or after the practical inspection. Documentation evidence must be produced, where it is necessary to ensure the process is recorded correctly.