Forschungsstation für Quartärpaläontologie Weimar

Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft

18th International Senckenberg Conference

VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar

Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution:

Regional developments and interregional correlations

A conference in honour of the 80th birthday of Professor Hans-Dietrich Kahlke

Weimar (Germany), 25th – 30th April, 2004

3rd Circular


Since the 2nd Circular was sent out, we have received a lot of interest in the above conference. So far we have over 135 participants, representing 25 countries from Europe, Asia and the Americas.

This circular provides information on the following points:

  • Current list of participants
  • Current list of contributions
  • Guidelines for the presentations (poster, talks)
  • Conference venue
  • Accommodation
  • Weather in Weimar

Further information is available at or you can contact the organisers directly.

Current list of participants

Aguirre / Emiliano / Madrid
Agusti / Jordi / Sabadell
Alberdi / Maria Teresa / Madrid
Alexeeva / Nadya / Ulan-Ude
Angermann / Renate / Dresden
Argant / Alain / Grenoble
Argant / Jaqueline / Grenoble
Argenti / Patrizia / Perugia
Arroyo Cabrales / Joaquin / Mexico, D.F.
Aziz / Fachroel / Bandung
Bajgusheva / Vera / Asov
Barisone / Giancarlo / Roma
Bishop / Laura / Liverpool
Bogicevic / Katarina / Beograd
Braniek / Gunter / Weimar
Breda / Marzia / Padua
Brink / James / Bloemfontain
Brugal / Jean-Philip / Aix-en-Provence
Condemi / Silvana / Jerusalem
Cregut / Evelyne / Avignon
Croitor / Roman / Kishinau
Cuenca Bescos / Gloria / Zaragoza
Davis / Simon / Lisboa
Daxner-Höck / Gudrun / Wien
Fortelius / Mikael / Helsinki
Gál / Erika / Budapest
Heinrich / Wolf-Dieter / Berlin
Heintz / Emile / Paris
Kotlia / Bahadur / Nainital
Martens / Thomas / Gotha
Mead / Jim / Flagstaff, AZ
Moullé / Menton
Sevilla / Paloma / Madrid
Deng / Tao / Beijing
Dimitrijevic / Vesna / Beograd
Dubrovo / Irina / Moskau
Eisenmann / Véra / Paris
Eissmann / Lothar / Leipzig
Elton / Sarah / Hull
Erbajeva / Margarita / Ulan-Ude
Erfurt / Jörg / Halle
Fejfar / Oldrich / Prag
Foronova / Irina / Novosibirsk
Fostowicz-Frelik / Łucja / Warschau
Franzen / Jens Lorenz / Frankfurt/Basel
Garcia-Garcia / Nuria / Madrid
Grasselt / Thomas / Weimar
Groiss / Joseph Th. / Erlangen
Hemmer / Helmut / Mainz
Hertler / Christine / Frankfurt/Main
Horacek / Ivan / Prag
Hou / Yamei / Beijing
Houben / Carmen / Bonn
Howell / Clark / Berkeley, CA
Indriati / Etty / Yogyakarta
Jäger / Klaus Dieter / Halle
Kahlke / Hans-Dietrich / Weimar
Kahlke / Ralf-Dietrich / Weimar
Kaiser / Thomas / Greifswald
Kalthoff / Daniela / Bonn
Karl / Silke / Frankfurt/Main
Keller / Thomas / Wiesbaden
Kersting / Roland / Bonn
Koenigswald / Wighart von / Bonn
Kostopoulos / Dimitris / Thessaloniki
Kotsakis / Tassos / Roma
Kretzoi / Miklos / Budapest
Kroukover / Anatoli / Nürnberg
Kullmer / Ottmar / Frankfurt/Main
Lacombat / Frederic / Nizza
Lamb / Angela / Liverpool
Lister / Adrian / London
Logvynenko / Vitali / Kiev
Lordkipanidze / David / Tbilisi
Marcolini / Federica / Pisa
Markova / Anastassia / Moskau
Martin / Robert / Murray
Masini / Federico / Palermo
Matyas / Vremir / Cluj
Mauch Lenardic / Jadranka / Zagreb
Maul / Lutz Christian / Weimar
Mazza / Paul / Firenze
Meng / Stefan / Halle
Meyrick / Rich / Weimar
Moigne / Ann Marie / Tautavel
Mol / Dick / Hoofddorp
Monguillon / Angelique / Villeurbanne
Montuire / Sophie / Dijon
Mörs / Thomas / Stockholm
Müller-Beck / Hansjürgen / Tübingen
Nadachowski / Adam / Kraków
Nagel / Doris / Wien
Navarro / Nicolas / Dijon
O'Regan / Hannah / Liverpool
Ostritz / Sven / Weimar
Palombo / Maria Rita / Rom
Paunescu / Alexandra Cristina / Bukarest
Petruso / Daria / Palermo
Pfeiffer / Thekla / Cremlingen
Pini / Roberta / Mailand
Polly / David / London
Popov / Vasil V. / Sofia
Rabeder / Gernot / Wien
Raufuss / Ingo / Weimar
Ravazzi / Cesare / Bergamo
Rekovets / Leonid / Kiev
Reumer / Jelle / Rotterdam
Rizal / Yan / Bandung
Robert / Isabelle / Paris
Sabol / Martin / Bratislava
Sala / Benedetto / Ferrara
Sardella / Raffaele / Rom
Schäfer / Dieter / Innsbruck
Schoneveld / Andries / Spijkenisse
Schrenk / Freidemann / Frankfurt/Main
Schüler / Tim / Weimar
Selkova / Yulia / Moskau
Sher / Andrej / Moskau
Sotnikova / Marina / Moskau
Spassov / Nikolai / Sofia
Stebich / Martina / Weimar
Steiner / Walther / Weimar
Steininger / Fritz F. / Frankfurt/Main
Storch / Gerhard / Frankfurt/Main
Stuart / Antony S. / Hanworth
Szuma / Elwira / Bialowieza
Takken / Liselotte / Leiden
Takken-Sahli / Chris / Fröschbach
Takken-Sahli / Käthi / Fröschbach
Tesakov / Alexej / Moskau
Titov / Vadim / Taganrog
Turner / Alan / Liverpool
Valli / Andrea / Moulins
van den Bergh / Gert D. / Leiden
Fiedler / Bärbel / Weimar
Keiler / John Albrecht / Weimar
Langner / Regina / Weimar
Rößler / Dennis / Weimar
Stache / Michael / Weimar
Strutz / Wolfgang / Frankfurt
Utschig / Gerald / Weimar
van den Hoek Ostende / Lars / Leiden
van der Made / Jan / Madrid
van Essen / Hans / Dieren
van Kolfschoten / Thijs / Leiden
van Logchem / Willrie / Culemborg
Vangengejm / Eleonora / Moskau
Vislobokova / Inessa / Moskau
Walther / Diethard / Weimar
Wolsan / Mieczylaw / Warschau
Zaim / Yahdi / Bandung
Zazhigin / Vladimir / Moskau

Current list of contributions

The presentations (both talks and posters) will be divided into three main groups:

  • General and regional evolution of particular fossil groups during the Neogene and Quaternary.
  • Regional developments and interregional correlations (Eurasia, North and Central America, Africa).
  • Innovative methods in palaeobiology, palaeoecology and taphonomy.

Time constraints mean that not all those participants who expressed an interest in giving an oral presentation will be able to. We apologise that it will unfortunately be necessary to ask some participants to present their work as a poster instead. We will contact those persons concerned individually.

Aguirre, E. / The Atapuerca (Spain) fossil sites: potential, progress and questions
Agustí, J. / Early human occupation during the Lower Pleistocene in the Guadix-Baza Basin (southern Spain)
Alexeeva, N., Karasev, V. & Erbajeva, M. / The Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Transbaikal region
Argant, A. & Argant, J. / The big cats of Château Breccia (Burgundy, France)
Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Polaco, O.J.& Johnson, E. / Quaternary mammals from Mexico
Aziz, F., van den Bergh, G.D., Setiyabudi, E.& Patriani, E.Y. / A new discovery of vertebrate fossils from Sumberdadi (Mojokerto, East Jawa, Indonesia)
Bajgusheva, V.S., Titov V.V. / The results of the Khapry Faunal Unit (Upper Pliocene) revision
Barisone, G. / The fossil record of the genus Castor (Castoridae, Rodentia) in the Neogene and Quaternary of Central and Western Europe and Italy
Belmaker, M. / New investigations of the large mammalian community of Ubeidiya (Jordan Valley, Israel) with biogeographical and palaeoecological considerations
Bogićević, K. / An Upper Pleistocene arvicolid fauna from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (south-east Serbia)
Breda, M. / Early Pleistocene mammalian faunas from the Leffe succession (Pre-Alps, northern Italy)
Brink, J.S. / The evolution of the black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou) as an indication of the appearance and spread of open grasslands in southern Africa
Brugal, J.-P. / The first Middle Pleistocene faunas with primates (Homo, Macaca) from Estremadura (Portugal)
Brugal, J.-P.& Croitor, R. / New insights concerning Lower Pleistocene cervids and bovids in Europe: dispersal and correlation
Condemi, S. / Was the history of Middle Pleistocene peopling the same in Western and in Central Europe?
Cregut, E. / European Caprinae (Ovibovini, Caprini) from the Plio-Pleistocene: new interpretations
Croitor, R. / Systematics and phylogeny of large deer of the genus PraemegacerosPortis (Cervidae, Mammalia)
Cuenca-Bescós & Garcia-Garcia, N. / Mammalian distributions in the Trinchera Dolina sequence (Lower to Middle Pleistocene; Atapuerca, Spain)
Cuenca-Bescós, G., Rofes-Chávez, J. & García-Pimienta, J.C. / Insectivores (Mammalia), palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment from the lower levels of Trinchera Elefante (Lower Pleistocene; Atapuerca, Spain)
Davis, S.M.J. & Robert, I. / Animal remains from Caldeirão Cave (Portugal): carnivores or people as bone accumulators?
Delson, E., Faure, M., Guérin, C. & Monguillon, A. / Franco-American research at the Villafranchian locality of Senèze (Haute-Loire, France): why are new enquiries needed?
Deng, T. / The sequence of Cenozoic rhinocerotid fossils from the Linxia Basin (Gansu, China)
Dimitrijevic, V. / Cave hyaena's prey selection in the Upper Pleistocene fauna from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (south-east Serbia)
Foronova, I.V. / Quaternary large mammal faunas from southern Siberia: evolution and inter-regional correlations
Fostowicz-Frelik, L. & Wolsan, M. / Trogontherium cuvieri(Castoridae, Rodentia) from the Middle Pleistocene of Poland
Franzen, J. L. / Late Neogene and Early Pleistocene mammal localities from the Mainz Basin (Germany) and their significance for reconstructing the development of the Rhine River System
Gál, E. / Early Pleistocene bird faunas from Betfia (western Romania): palaeoecological, taxonomic and taphonomic implications
Garcia, N. / New Results on the remains of Ursidae from Untermassfeld: comparations with Ursus dolinensis from Atapuerca and other Early and Middle Pleistocene sites
Hemmer, H. / About scimitar cats and cave lions – rise and fall of Pleistocene life-communities over the continents
Hemmer, H. / Deer, Pleistocene interregional faunal correlations, banded pottery and East-West mediation - the 80th Birthday of Hans-Dietrich Kahlke
Hertler, C. / Habitat theory and Pleistocene fossil sites in West Jawa
Horáček, I. , Ložek, V. & Fejfar, O. / The Middle Pleistocene Revolution and the Central European vertebrate and mollusc fossil record
Hou,Y. / Two cases of early man in China: a small tool industry from Donggutuo (northern Nihewan Basin) and a large tool industry from Longgupo (southern Yangtze River)
Indriati, E., Antón, S.C. & Jacob, T. / Taphonomy of Indonesian Homo erectus specimen Sangiran 27
Kahlke, R.-D. / Bibliography (1951 - 2004) of Hans-Dietrich Kahlke
Kaiser, T.M. & Schulz, E. / The dietary behaviour of ungulates as an environmental proxy in the Quaternary – with special reference to Late Pleistocene-Holocene bovids from southern Scandinavia
Kalthoff, D.C. / Tooth microstructures in Pleistocene mega-mammals (Xenarthra) from South America
Keller, T. / Sedimentology and taphonomy of the Middle Pleistocene Mosbach Sands (Germany)
Kersting, R.& Mörs. T. / Water moles (Desmaninae, Lipotyphla) from the Pliocene Reuver Clay of north-west Germany
Kotlia, B. / Recent advances in the knowledge of the evolution of Muridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) and Soricidae (Insectivora, Mammalia during the Plio-Pleistocene and Holocene on the Indian Subcontinent
Kotsakis, T / The Plio-Pleistocene rodents of Mediterranean islands: origin and evolution
Krukover, A. / Quaternary arvicolid faunas from the southern part of the West-Siberian Plain
Lacombat, F. / New data on the Villafranchian faunas of the Massif Central (France) with particular focus on rhinoceros
Lee, A., Semah, F., Semah, A.-M., Hervé & Moigne, A.-M. / Palaeoenvironmental evolution over the last one million years in South-east Asia
Lister, A. / The earliest Mammoths in Europe
Logvynenko, V. / The development of the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene large mammal fauna of Ukraine
Marcolini, F., Martin R.A., Najdek C.& Siefker A. / Morphometric variability in the linea sinuosa of the first lower molars of some Pliocene North American arvicolids (Rodentia, Mammalia)
Markova, A. / Evolutional changes in the Prolagurus - Lagurussteppe lemming (Rodentia, Mammalia) lineage and their significance for Pleistocene stratigraphy
Markova, A. & Victor Udartsev / Rybnaya Sloboda (Russia): the easternmost Likhvin small mammal fauna and its position in the Middle Pleistocene sequence
Martin, R.A. / The Meade Basin (Kansas/Oklahoma, USA) Rodent Project: preliminary results and future directions
Masini, F. & Abbazzi, L. / A preliminary quantitative taxonomic evaluation of the Pliocene and Pleistocene small mammal record in the Italian Peninsula
Mauch Lenardic, J. / Morphometric analyses of arvicolids from some Croatian localities
Mazza, P.P.A. / Response of Italian Late Neogene and Quaternary mammals to climatic and vegetational changes
Moigne, A.-M., Heriech-Briki, D., Quiles, J., Lacombat, F., Rivals, F. & Testu, A., / The biochronological framework of the Mediterranean Middle Pleistocene, as reflected at Caune de l’Arago (Tautavel, southern France)
Moigne, A.-M., Sémah, F., Bouteau, A.& Sémah, A.-M. / The biostratigraphical framework of the mammalian fossils of Sangiran Dome (Central Java, Indonesia)
Monguillon, A. & Costeur, L. / Ecomorphology of Acinonyx pardinensis (Felidae, Mammalia)
Monguillon, A. & Spassov, N. / Pliocene Nyctereutes spp. from Eurasia
Montuire, S., Legendre, S., Navarro, N. & Héran, M.-A. / Species richness and climate: the case of murid rodents
Müller-Beck, H / From the signs of Bilzingsleben to the figurines of the Geissenklösterle Cave (Germany): early humans in Central Europe
Nadachowski, A., Mirosław-Grabowska, J., David, A., Garapich, A., Pascaru, V., Tomek, T. & Obadă, T. / The faunal assemblages and biostratigraphy of some Pliocene sites from Moldova
Nadachowski, A., Motuzko, A.N. & Ivanov, D.L. / Middle and Late Pleistocene small mammal assemblages from the central part of the Russian Plain: faunal succession and biostratigraphy
Nagel, D., Rohland, N. & Hofreiter, M. / Phylogeography of the cave hyaena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea) – morphology versus genetics
Navarro, N. & Montuire, S. / Morphological responses of Microtus (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) to climatic changes throughout the Gigny Pleistocene sequence (Jura, France)
Navarro, N., Lécuyer, C. & Montuire, S., Cyril Langloisb & François Martineau / Tracking Quaternary climatic changes using oxygen isotope compositions of phosphate from arvicoline teeth
O'Regan, H., Bishop, L., Elton, S., Lamb, A. & Turner, A. / Afro-Eurasian mammalian dispersions of the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene.
Palombo, M. R. & Ferretti, M. / Italian steppe mammoth occurrences
Palombo, M.R. / The evolution of herbivore and carnivore guilds in Italy from the Late Neogene to the Late Pleistocene
Palombo, M.R. & Giovinazzo, C. / What do cenograms tell us about mammalian palaeoecology? An example using Italian Plio-Pleistocene faunas
Palombo, M.-R., Valli, A., Kostopoulos,D. S., Spassov, N. Alberdi, M:T. & Vislobokova, I. / Biochronological similarities between Western Mediterranean and Eastern European large mammal faunas of Earliest Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene age
Petruso, D. / New data on Pleistocene endemic Sicilian - Maltese dormice (Gliridae, Mammalia)
Pfeiffer, T. / From the Miocene to the Pleistocene – new insights into cervid phylogeny
Pini, R. & Ravazzi, C. / Vegetational history and cyclic events in the complete pollen diagram from the Early Pleistocene site of Leffe (Pre-Alps, northern Italy)
Polly, P.D., Le Comber, S.C.& Burland, T.M. / The analysis of intraspecific relationships among fossil taxa using quantitative data
Popov, V.V. / An almost one million year long (Biharian to Toringian) small mammal succession from the archaeologicallayers of the Kozarnika Cave (northern Bulgaria)
Povodyrenko, V., Rekovets, L.& Chepalyga, A. / New data concerning the stratification and mammalian fauna of Medzhybozh fossil site (western Ukraine)
Ravazzi, C., Breda, M., Muttoni, G., Pini, R. / The Pliocene – Early Pleistocene stratigraphy and chronology of the Leffe Basin (Pre-Alps, northern Italy)
Rekovets, L. & Dema, L. / Taxonomy and transitional forms within various lineages of the genera Villanyia and Pliomys (Arvicolidae, Rodentia)
Reumer, J.W.F. / Habitat fragmentation and the extinction of the mammoth
Rizal, Y. / Pleistocene terraces in the Majalengka District (West Jawa, Indonesia)
Sabol, M., Elečko, M., Holec, P. Hudáčková, N.,Konečný, V., Slamková, M. & Vass, D. / New data from the early Villanyian site of Hajnáčka I (southern Slovakia)
Sala, B. & Marchetti, M. / The Po Valley floodplain (northern Italy): a transitional area between two bioprovinces during the Late Neogene and Quaternary
Sandrock, O., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F., Bromage, T.G. & Juwayeyi, Y.M. / Effects on our understanding of African hominid diversity: biases of taphonomy and palaeoecology and the dispersal of large mammal faunas – a case study
Sardella, R. / Late Villafranchian and Galerian carnivores (Mammalia) from the Tyrrhenian coastal area of central Italy
Schäfer, D., Heinrich, W.-D., Böhme, G. & Steiner, W. / Comments on the geology, palaeontology, and archaeology of the travertine site of Weimar-Ehringsdorf (Thuringia, Germany)
Ellen Schulz, E. & Kaiser, T.M. / Dietary segregation and flexibility of Late Pleistocene - Holocene Urus (Bos primigenius) and Neolithic cattle (Bos taurus) from Denmark (Southern Scandinavia)
Selkova, Yu. E. / Analysis of the incisor dentin morphology of hibernating rodents: a new approach to palaeoclimatic reconstructions
Sher, A. / Where East met West: the history of the Weimar Palaeontological Colloquia
Sotnikova, M. V. & Noskova, N. G. / The history of Machairodus in Eurasia
Storch, G. / The fossil history of the subgenus Murinae (Rodentia, Mammalia), particularly Apodemus
Stuart, A.S. / Megafaunal extinctions in Europe and North Asia: new radiocarbon evidence
Szuma, E. / Dental polymorphism of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in the Holarctic region
Takken, L. / The Pleistocene history of the genus Lemmus in North-west Europe
Tesakov A.S., Vangengeim E.A. & †Pevzner M.A. / Zonal subdivision of Middle to Late Pliocene continental deposits from Eastern Europe based on small mammal assemblages
Tesakov, A.S. / Early Pliocene arvicolid faunas from Eastern Europe
van den Bergh, G.D.& van den Hoek Ostende, L.W. / A Late Pleistocene mammal sequence from Liang Bua Cave on the island of Flores (Indonesia)
van den Hoek Ostende, L.W. / A century of research on the classical site of Tegelen
van der Made, J. / Evolutionary lineages of large mammals and the stratigraphy of the West European Pleistocene
van Essen, H. / A supernumerary tooth and an odontoma attributable to Mammuthus primigenius (Blumenbach, 1799) (Proboscidea, Mammalia), and various related finds, from The Netherlands
van Kolfschoten, T. / Stratigraphic subdivision of the European Middle Pleistocene mammalian record
Vislobokova, I. / Main renewals of Pliocene and Early Pleistocene artiodactyl assemblages in Russia and adjacent countries
Zaim, Y. / A new discovery of a dwarf Stegodon in Early Pleistocene sediments from the Sumedang region (West Jawa, Indonesia)

Guidelines for the presentations

Oral presentations
Talks will be strictly limited to 20 minutes (including discussion).
Slide, overhead and multimedia projection facilities will be available.
We will provide a PC equipped with a CD drive and PowerPoint 2000.
Please contact us if you have any further questions or requirements.

The dimension of the display boards are 190 cm (width) x 90 cm (height)
Posters should clearly indicate:
The title of the contribution (in text at least 2.5 cm tall)
The name(s) of the author(s)

Mounting pins will be provided.
Please contact us if you will need any special facilities for your poster presentation.

We recommend that you produce handouts (preferably not just an A4 version of your poster) for those participants who are particularly interested in your work.

Conference venue

The conference will be held in the Hilton Hotel, which is situated just south of Weimar city centre (see city map on the conference website), near to the fossil site of Weimar/Ehringsdorf and to the Baroque summer residence Belvedere.

For further information see the website


The majority of hotels are within 15 minutes (walking) of the conference location.

Those who asked us to organise their accommodation will be provided with the address and details of their accommodation by the end of this year. WHEN YOU RECEIVE THESE, PLEASE CONTACT THE HOTEL DIRECTLY TO CONFIRM YOUR RESERVATION.