October 17, 2015
Minutes of Annual Board Meeting
In attendance:
AWMA Board: Anne Camper, Angie Stark, Waine Singleton, Shari Lipski, and via telephone: Cynthia LaPointe, Christopher Smith, Michelle Kutelis, Donna McGinnis.
Club Delegates: Steve Gregalunas, Central Florida WDC; James Downey, Sacramento Schutzhund Club; Sean Boone, Midwest WDC; Anthony Hartelaub, Oxford IPO; Jill Lyden, Motor City Working Dogs; John Bochenek, Metro Detroit SchH & Police K9; Ivan Balabanov, Spirit WDC, Samie Jones, Big Sky Working Dogs
Guests: Ludwig Teurbane, Natalia Balabanov, Christopher Lucas
1.Call to Order and Introductions.
Ms. Camper called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m.
2.Reading of the Previous Meeting Minutes.
Ms. Camper asked for a motion to approve the minutes as they had been posted for a period of time and were approved by the board. Ms. LaPointe moved to approve, second from Mr. Singleton. Approved as posted.
3. Introduction of New/Continuing Regional Directors.
Ms. Camper introduced Waine Singleton, seeking re-election as regional director for the Northern region, and Les Flores as regional director for the Western region. Mr. Flores was called out on a search mission and sent his regrets in not being able to join the meeting. She further indicated we were continuing our search for a regional director for the Southern region and hoped this would be resolved in the near future.
4.Officer Reports.
President's Report:
Ms. Camper would comment as the meeting progressed, and noted she was happy to report Mr. Singleton was almost done with his AWMA judge apprenticeship, and that we have received a new judge applicant as well. After 45 days, the board may recommend to accept Wendy Schmidt'sAWMA Judge apprenticeship.
Vice President: No report.
Secretary Report:
Greetings AWMA members. Thank you to all the clubs and members that have been supportive of the AWMA during the past year and for your cooperation in responding to my requests as secretary.
The AWMA held its first conference call in lieu of general meeting on January 8, 2015, as we were unable to form a quorum to conduct business during our national championship. We also held our first electronic election following said conference.
The AWMA welcomed four new clubs to our association this past year:
1. All Canine Working Dog Club
2. Sacramento Schutzhund Club
3. High Drive Working Dog Club
4. Oxford IPO Working Dog Club - Canada
The following is a chronological accounting of AWMA national events and club trials beginning with:
- 2014 AWMA National Championship held December 12-14, hosted by Central Florida Working Malinois Club, included 17 entries (14 IPO3; one IPO2; one IPO1; and one BH); and
-The AWMA provided 11 IPO3 and one IPO1 entries in the 2015 AWDF Championship.
Six clubs held trials this year (half of which were new clubs), providing 55 dogs and handlers the opportunity to attain titles, as follows:
-March 7, 2015, Southern Arizona Malinois Association = 10 entries
-May 2-3, 2015, Sacramento Schutzhund Club = 5 entries
-May 30, 2015, Midwest Working Dog Association = 10 entries
-September 5-6, 2015, High Drive Working Dog Club = 9 entries
-September 12-13, 2015, Big Sky Working Dogs = 10 entries
-September 19, 2015, Oxford IPO Working Dog Club = 11 entries
Donna McGinnis, AWMA Secretary
Treasurer's Report[Provided by Carol Karchnak prior to meeting]:
In March, 2015, I took over as Treasurer of the AWMA and opened a new bank account with my local bank, Orrstown Bank. The initial deposit was $18,170.17. In May, Kristina, out-going Treasurer, closed out the previous bank account and sent the remaining balance of $1,382.00.
To date, I have deposited a total of $7,985 in checks, including a very generous donation of $5,000 for the Judge’s Program, and transferred $12,348.97 from PayPal. Terry Miller has mailed me checks totaling an additional $990 in scorebook fees, which I have not yet received. The current account balance is $32,554.78.
To date, I have not received any FMBB expenses for reimbursement, for uniforms, etc.
National championship reimbursement appears to have been higher than budgeted because two reimbursements for 2014 Nationals were paid in 2015. There was an increase in postage when out-going officer(s) mailed records to newly elected officer(s).
Regarding the proposed budget:
Income from dues was calculated based on current membership of 226 individual memberships, 28 family memberships, plus 10 individual.
Score books, based on selling 70.
Trial fees, based on each of 17 clubs hosting a trial, with a minimum of 3 entries at $5 each.
Club Dues based on current 17 clubs.
Most expenses, approximately 10% was added (rounding up or down slightly for an even number) to 2016 Proposed Budget.
2015-2016 AWMA Proposed Budget
Income / 2016 Proposed / 2015 ActualMembership Dues (based on 226 individual/28 family + 10) / $8480.00 / $ 9037.25
Scorebooks (based on 70 scorebooks) / 1050.00 / 1573.50
Trial Fees, AKC Working Title Fees / 255.00 / 230.00
Club Dues (based on 17clubs) / 1190.00 / 930.00
Fundraisers (Sponsors, T-shirts, IPO3 Club) / 500.00 / 29.23
Rush Fees / 600.00 / 950.00
Donation – Judge’s Program / 5000.00
Total Income / $12,075.00 / $16,972.23
AWDF Delegate Reimbursement / 750.00 / 270.71
AWDF Dues (230 members) / 450.00 / 450.00
AWMA National Championship Expenses / 2000.00 / 3335.00
Arizona Corporation Filing Fee / 10.00 / 10.00
Bank Service Charges / 50.00 / 44.00
Bank Fees (foreign transfers) / 50.00 / 35.00
AWDF Catalog Ad / 100.00 / 0.00
Judge’s Program / 100.00 / 0
FMBB Dues (150 euros, est. as of 9/30/15) / 200.00 / 247.41
FMBB Entry Fees – (100 Euros, approx.. $115/ea.) / 920.00 / 0
FMBB Uniforms / 1000.00 / 0
Insurance – D&O / 1000.00 / 909.00
Insurance – General Liability / 370.00 / 337.00
Insurance – Officer Bond / 200.28 / 184.28
Office Supplies / 50.00 / 43.85
Membership Database (Zooza) / 199.50 / 199.50
PayPal Processing Fees / 400.00 / 378.04
Postage / 500.00 / 794.15
Scorebooks (based on 70) / 780.00 / 777.50
Taxes – Arizona Corp Income / 200.00 / 50.00
Taxes – Federal Income / 500.00 / 0
Trophy Donations (AWDF) / 150.00 / 150.00
Website Hosting Service / 120.00 / 0
Total Budgeted Expenses / $9,154.50 / $8,215.44
Net Income / $2,920.50 / $8,756.79
Respectfully submitted,Carol J Karchnak
Membership Chair: [read by Ms. Stark]
Scorebook Report: [read by Ms. Camper for Terry Miller]
Ms. Camper further mentioned the costs of sending scorebooks to Canada and questioned if we should be including additional charges for international postage. This will be discussed at a later time and if anyone had strong feelings regarding this, to let us know. She further remarked regarding the many reasons we allowed the Canadian clubs to form under the AWMA, all in accordance with required protocol/approval, and in appreciation oftheir desire to grow their own organization and one day have access to the FMBB. For the time being, they cannot represent the AWMA in such endeavor.
Regional Director Reports:
Eastern Region: [read by Mr. Singleton]
Western Region: As read by Ms. Camper in Mr. Flores absence:
Western Region Clubs (six)
-Southern Arizona Malinois Association
-Sacramento Schutzhund Club
-All Canine Working Dog Club
-Big Sky Working Dogs
-High Mesa Malinois
-Cache Valley Working Dogs Club
Since October 2014 3 clubs held trials:
October 22, 2014, Big Sky WDC, Judge: Cynthia LaPointe, BH – 1, IPO 2 – 2, IPO 3 – 1, FRp 1 – 1, FRp 2–2, STPr 1 – 1
March 7, 2015, Southern Arizona Malinois Association, Judge: Bill Szentmiklosi, BH – 2, IPO 1 – 1,
IPO 2 – 2, IPO 3 – 2, TR 1 – 1, TR 3 – 1, STPr 2 – 1
May 2-3, 2015, Sacramento Schutzhund Club, Judge: Cynthia LaPointe, BH – 2, IPO 1 – 1, IPO 2 – 1,
TR 2 – 1
September 12-13, 2015, Big Sky W.D., Judge: Glen Stephenson, NO RESULTS POSTED
No more trials scheduled this year.
Clubs that did not hold a trial this year:
All Canine Working Dog Club (email sent for information)
High Mesa Malinois (email sent for information)
Cache Valley Working Dogs Club (responded and told me they will schedule a trial for next year)
New Clubs – 0
Re-start a club – 1 Cascade Belgian Shepherd Club
Southern Region: No Report. Ms. Camper added no trials were held in the Southern region and we would be addressing this.
World Championship Report: [read by Ms. Lipski]
Judges Committee Report: [read by Ms. LaPointe]
Board of Inquiry: No filings to report.
5. Elections.
A list of nominees wasdistributed in advance of the meeting. Ms. Camper asked if there were any nominations from the floor. As there were none, Mr. Singleton moved to elect the nominatedby acclimation, James Downey second, the motion carried. Election results as follows:
WD/NE Committee: Shari Lipski and Jim Honda, re-elected
Judges Committee: Christopher Smith and Carol Karchnak, re-elected
Nominating Committee: Katie Finley, Chair, elected
6. Old Business.
AWDF updates: The AWDF has a new slate of officers and they have been working on the championship that Waine Singleton and Angie Stark have agreed to host. At the current time there was no FH championship planned for the fall, but hopefully they would be able to provide one the following year. FCI/FMBB update: Cynthia LaPointe attended the FCI meeting. The FMBB is held the same weekend every year with locations posted several years out. In 2016 it will be held May 12-15 in France, 2017 in German, 2018 in Northern Italy, and negotiations pending for 2019.
7. New Business.
Ms. Camper mentioned all motions and votes are listed on the webpage should anyone have questions or concerns regarding board activity.
Bylaws revision to allow electronic submission of club delegate letters:
We are requesting a change to the bylaws to clarify procedure in designating club delegates. Ms. Camper asked for discussion. As there was none, Mr. Singleton moved to accept and Ms. LaPointe second. With no opposition, the motion carried.
Lifetime Memberships:
Ms. Stark opened discussion regarding the establishment of a lifetime membership. Ms. Camper clarified membership is set by the general board and not the executive board. Discussion commenced regarding the many advantages and disadvantages, honorary membership, gift versus fee, costs, comparison to current dues, who it would/could be offered to, as well as the benefit, if allowed, in creating additional funds for our budget. Ms. Camper reminded everyone that any change to membership fees would need to be voted on by the general membership. Christopher Lucas commented that he understoodwhy an organization would want to create this financially, but from a legal perspective it was problematic, listing many examples. Mr. Singleton suggested Mr. Lucas draft an example of such a membership for further discussion at a later time. Discussion tabled.
Discussion of items related to growing the AWMA, requirements for entering the AWMA Championship, entering the FMBB, and requirements to remain an active AWMA club:
Ms. Camper opened discussion by stating that the board has gone round and round on ideas to encourageAWMA clubs to uphold the requirement of participation each year, that an event does not have to be a trial, all the while being as open, friendly, and as welcoming as possible to encourage growth and participation. She further stated the only way we can grow the organization is by hosting more trials andhavingthem judged by more of our own judges. While we are on the right track with judges, we’re not going to get more judges without offering them more trial opportunity.
Mr. Downey commented regarding his club's experience hosting an AWMA trial (which included 4 Dobermans and 1 GSD), that none of the local Malinois handlers participated in their trial even though they were encouraged to support the AWMA with their entry. Their reasoning being that the AWMA had nothing to offer them. Mr. Downey believes it would benefit the AWMA to make participation in an AWMA trial a prerequisite to our national championship, giving judges more opportunity to apprentice and judge, generate revenue for the clubs, and help grow the organization. He further commented that allowing a seminar as a replacement provides an easy out for clubs that are basically not contributing and the general perspective was that they're allowed to do that. Imposing this requirement might also encourage people to form clubs so they would not have to travel.
Mr. Balabanov and Mr. Gregalunas spoke in opposition, that such a requirement would be a hardship and decrease the number of entries to the championship. Other suggestions in place of this requirement were to add fees for a waiver, have a variance for a competitor if they cannot demonstrate participation in a club trial the year prior or six months prior to the championship, to fine clubs for not having events, or to allow entry to the AWDF through the AWMA as a qualifier, as well as local club entry. Mr. Downey acknowledged the concern that such imposition could affect national participation, but noted all other organizations have requirements to increase participation. Ms. Lipski added that no matter the sport, a lack of commitment comes from the fact that it is a lot of work and unless someone is "bitten by the bug," they will not be dedicated to the amount of work involved in forming clubs and hosting trials. Ms. Camper asked everyone to give this more thought and email their ideas/suggestions on this subject.
Lastly, in the interest of gathering information for the AWDF survey, Ms. Camper asked for answers to the three questions presented by the AWDF: 1.How is the AWDF currently benefitting your organization? 2. What would you like the AWDF to do for your organization? 3. Is the AWDF doing anything that your organization believes needs to be changed?
In response to these questions, suggestions included membership not be limited to one club per breed, open membership to any club that wishes to join, seek a two week window to set date for AWDF championship, one judges program for all AWDF member organizations, including the ability for any AWDF member club judge to judge at any and all other AWDF member club trials.
Mr. Singleton moved to adjourn, Ms. LaPointe second, and with no oppositionthe meeting adjourned at6:32 p.m.