IUPESM Education and Training Committee (ETC) – Activities 2009-2012
The IUPESM ETC had a number of activities during the period 2009-2012.
These were:
1. Workshop “BME and MP Education: Current trends in Europe” – a joint activity with the IFMBE. The Workshop was co-organised by S Tabakov and N Pallikarakis and was included in the programme of MEDICON 2010 - The XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (Halkidiki, Greece, 30 May 2010). The Workshop was attended by approx. 80 participants and included an open discussion.
2. Workshop “Status and Future Development of Education and Training in Medical Physics/Engineering” – a joint activity with the IOMP. The Workshop was co-organised by S Tabakov and M Lopes and was included in the programme of the ICMP2011 – the International Conference on Medical Physics (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 19 April 2011). The Workshop was attended by approx. 100 participants and included an open discussion.
During the second Workshop a new book on Medical Physics and Engineering was launched: “Medical Physics and Engineering Education and Training – Part I”. The book was published by ICTP, Trieste, Italy and is now available as a free e-book from: http://www.emerald2.eu/mep/e-book11/ETC_BOOK_2011_ebook_s.pdf
The book includes description of teaching programmes and curricula from 27 countries, as well as many educational projects. The second part of the book is in preparation at the moment.
3. A Mini-Symposium “Global Status and Future Development of Education and Training in Medical Physics/Engineering” – an activity of the World Congress WC2012 planned for 27, 28 May 2012, WC2012, Beijing, China. The sessions will be Co-Chaired by S Tabakov, M Lopes and N Pallikarakis.
During the period 2012-2015 the system for international validation of Medical Physics Educational Programmes will be introduced through IOMP. If the system would be successful, it will be discussed with the IFMBE EAC in order to expand this activity.
Slavik Tabakov, FIPEM
Chair IUPESM ETC 2009-2012