SRPGA dues for 2009
will include dinner and membership in the Hole in One Club.
Regular and Social members’ dues are $20.
Seniors: If you are a regular member and 62 years old or older by December 31, 2008, your dues are $10.
USGA dues are $25.
Split The Pot

Enter our split-the-pot raffle for a chance to take home half the pot.
A scramble will be held at Oakwood Golf Course in SunLakes on the following Saturday, (December 6).
Do not forget to sign up for the scramble!
Annual Dinner: Thursday
December 4, 2008
It is that time again folks:
the SRPGA Annual Dinner
will be held at PERA Club on Thursday evening, December 4, 2008. Many door prizes will be drawn for, and the 2008trophies will be presented.
The bar will open about 5:30 PM
and the great BBQ steakor chicken dinner will be served about 6:30 PM. No auction for the two-person scramble will be conducted.
Speaker:Listen to a talk by an AGA spokesperson on USGA handicap issues, entering scores, and so on.

/ Dinner
No RSVP—no dinner. To get an accurate head count for the dinner, we need to hear from you.
If you plan to attend the dinner you must RSVPby November21. This will give us time to place the final order with the caterer and have PERA set up the room to accommodate us. We would appreciate RSVPs as early as you can to help avoid the last- minute rush.
Guests and new members are welcome for the dinner and are encouraged to attend—be sure to RSVP
by the deadline.
Visit srpgolf.comforeasy instructions for payment transfers.
Complete the attached form and mail it to the appropriate address.

2008 Annual Dinner RSVP Deadline: November 21
2009 MembershipOnline Registration from Our Website

No RSVP—no dinner.

Guests and new members are welcome for the dinner and are encouraged to attend—be sure to RSVP by the November 21 deadline.

Membership payment through the Credit Union by November 21 puts your name in for a drawing for a
$100 Van’s gift card!

Notify Ray Ybarra that you have paid by this method.

Registration and payment by transfer to the Credit Union is easy.
Alternatively, complete the attached form and mail it along with your check to one of the addresses below.

Social members
must be sponsored.

Senior membersmust be regular members who have reached age 62 by December 31, 2008 (social members are
not eligible).

All Information Here Is Mandatory
Name / Membership / Handicap
AGA (USGA) / Dinner
Home Address*:
/  $20 Regular
 $10 Senior*
*See qualifications
 $20 Social
required, see
below left)
 No membership / $25.
Allows you to participate in flight prizes.
Already an
AGA member (provide information
I do not want a handicap and will not compete for flight prizes. / Member Attending
 Steak
 Chicken
Guest Attending
($15 for Guests)
 Steak
 Chicken
Not Attending

Phone, Home*:
Phone, Cell*:
E-mail Address*:

AGA/USGA Number / 2009 AGA Dues*
Already paid through my other golf association
Paying through SRPGA
Social Members:Sponsorship is required—by a regular or senior member.Social members must be approved by the SRPGA board.
Sponsor’s Name:
/ Eligibility for Membership
 SRP Employee SRP payroll Social membership
 SRP Board or Council member or no membership
 An officially retired SRP employee
 Have PERA privileges

If you prefer tomail your registration,
make your check payable to SRPGA.
Mail your RSVP to:

SRPGA Payment Options

To the Altier Credit Union

Payment Option A: Phone Transfer

This option applies if you are an existing Altier CU member account holder.

  1. Call Altier CU at 602-797-3000 and ask for ServiceLine™.
  2. Ask, “I’d like to transfer the SRPGA annual membership dues (and dinner guests) from
    [your existing account] to the SRPGA checking account #31906.

Payment Option B: Pay-By-Phone

This option applies for both Altier CU members and nonmembers.

  1. Call Altier CU at 602-797-3000 and ask for ServiceLine™.
  2. Ask, “I’d like to make a “pay-by-phone” payment for the SRPGA annual dues (and dinner guests) from [option below] to the SRPGA checking account #31906.

Debit Card (immediate payment applied)

 Credit Card (will be processed as a cash advance—immediate payment applied)

Checking Account (your non-Altier account)
This option will take 2–3 business days before payment is applied.

Payment Option C: Bill Pay

This option applies for both Altier CU members and nonmembers.
This option will take 2–3 business days before payment is applied.

  1. Login to your financial institute’s Online Banking and Bill Pay account.
  2. Set up SRPGA as a payee.
    Use SRPGA checking account #31906 and routing number 322172852.

Notes:The contact phone number is 602-797-3000.