Nourishing North Carolina
Grant Application and Guidelines
Application Deadline ~ May 16, 2013
This is the final grant cycle for this program

This application should be submitted to Michelle Wells at the NC Recreation & Park Association by 5pm on May 16, 2013. Please type your information in the form below, save the file to your system, and send as an email attachment to . You will receive confirmation of your application being received. Note: There are 2 additional attachments noted below that are required for your application to be considered complete.


County: Ruttherford

Park & Recreation Agency Name: Rutherford County Planning & Maintenance

Director’s Name: Danny Searcy

Garden Manager who is responsible for reporting to Nourishing NC

Name: Jan McGuinn

Agency (if applicable): NC Cooperative Extension

Phone (include area code): (828) 287-6011


Garden Information:

Name of Park where Nourishing NC Garden will be: Rutheford County Walking Trail-Spindale, NC and Grahamtown Community Garden-Forest City,NC

Street Address of Park: 193 Callahan Koon Rd. / Adjacent to 197 Gypsy Street

City: Spindale/Forest City State: NC Zip: 28160/28043

This garden location is on public land? Yes No If No, your garden is not eligible for funding.

If your garden will not be located on park property, please give name/location of requested site and a brief description of why it is not being located on park property: First site is located on the county complex property - Callahan-Koon Rd in Spindale, NC. The garden will be sited between the Cooperative Extension Demonstration Garden & the Women Infant Children's Garden(WIC) of the Rutherford County Health Department. The Second Site, is the Grahamtown Community Garden located adjacent to 197 Gypsy Street in Forest City(part of the Grahamtown Community Revitalization Project Area).

Is this a new or existing garden? Both, New -Rutherford County, Existing -Grahamtown Community Garden.

If existing, how long has it been a working garden? 1 Year

If this is a garden to be revived, how long has the garden been non-working?

Does this garden location have access to water? Yes No

Please tell us about the population this garden will serve. Does this garden target one or more of the potentially underserved/at-risk-populations?

The Rutherford County Walking Trail site will service will be open to all county residents. The Grahamtown Community Garden has been established within the past year to serve one of the most economically stressed areas within the county.

Funding Needs:

What are the funding needs for this garden? Be specific with how the funding will be used:

Item / Amount of Funding Requested
Raised Plant Beds (8 Beds Constructed) / $1,000.00
Soil Media/Compost / $700.00
Mulch / $400.00
Irrigation Supplies / $250.00
Signage/Promotion Materials / $300.00
Fencing / $350.00

Total amount of funding requested (max $3000): $3000.00

Any comments regarding your funding request you would like to share?

Community Partners: List community partners and the role they will play in supporting the NNC garden. (Information will be verified with the contacts listed below)

Cooperative Extension Contact Name: Jan McGuinn

Phone: (828) 287-6011 Email:

What role will they play? The Rutherford County Extension Center will serve to

implement the grant, network with the Grahamtown Community Garden Board in

the continued development of their community garden with the establishment of a hoop

house, and assist in the promotion of the both garden sites.

Health Department Contact Name: Becky Koone

Phone: (828) 287-6007 Email:

What role will they play? The Rutherford County WIC will assist in providing an

outlet for the 10% produce distribution in conjunction with their Food Pantry, and

promotion of the Community Garden Project.

Have you made contact with your local Master Gardeners? Yes No

If yes, please list the contact person: Barbara Neuman

Phone: Email:

What role will they play? The Rutherford County Master Gardener Volunteers will

network with the Rutherford County Walking Trail Garden in the siting & installation of

the raised beds. They will also assist gardeners in vegetable garden trainings.

Additional Community Partners:

Agency Name: Grahamtown Team

Contact Name: Wilfred McDowell, Chair of th GTeam

Phone: (828) 248-3135 Email:

What role will they play? The Grahamtown Team Board will oversee the addition of soil ammendments in the establishment of a hoop house as part of the continued development of their existing Community Garden. They will assist in distribution on produce grown to the shelters within the Forest City area.

Agency Name: Town of Forest City

Contact Name: Danielle Withrow, Town Planner

Phone: (828) Email:

What role will they play? The Town of Forest City will assist in the administration of the grant funds to the Grahamtown Community Garden Project and network with the Grahamtown Team Board of Directors.

Agency Name: Grahamtown Team

Contact Name: Charles McDowell, Chair of Grahamtown Community Garden

Phone: Email:

What role will they play? Mr. McDowell will assist in the establishment of the hoop house and network with the community garden participants.

Agency Name: Town of Forest City Wellness Program

Contact Name: Felicia Hipp, Director

Phone: (828) 248-5200 Email:

What role will they play? Will continue networking with the Grahamtown Team in sharing health & wellness strategies for the Community Garden participants.

Agency Name:

Contact Name:

Phone: Email:

What role will they play?

Agency Name:

Contact Name:

Phone: Email:

What role will they play?

(If additional space is needed to list community partners, please check here and list on a separate page.

Submit this additional page as an attachment with your emailed application)

Produce Partner(s): The agency, organization, homeless shelter, food pantry, food rescue organization, etc. that our garden will donate at least 10% of our produce to:

Name of Agency/Group: Rutherford County Health Dept. - Bounty For Babies Food Pantry

Contact Person: Becky Koone

Address: 221 Callahan-Koon Road

City: Spindale State: NC Zip: 28160

Email: Phone: (828) 287-6007

Name of Agency/Group:

Contact Person:


City: State: Zip:

Email: Phone:

Name of Agency/Group:

Contact Person:


City: State: Zip:

Email: Phone:

Garden Team: Please list at least ten individuals who will have an active role in garden work and who make up the garden team; list their organizational affiliation if applicable and the role they will play.

1. Name: Jan McGuinn Organization (if applicable): Rutheford County Extension Center

Their role: Administration of grant funds, liason with Garden Team

2. Name: Danielle Withrow Organization (if applicable): Town of Forest City

Their role: Liason with the Grahamtown Board, Community Garden Participants

3. Name: Larry Hodges Organization (if applicable): Rutherford Master Gardeners

Their role: Siting, construction & establishment of the raised plant beds

4. Name: Barbara Neuman Organization (if applicable): Rutherford Master Gardeners

Their role: Assist in the construction of the plant beds, vegetable garden trainings

5. Name: Laurie Brainard Organization (if applicable): Rutherford Master Gardeners

Their role: Assist in the construction of the plant beds, vegetable garden trainings

6. Name: Sandra Hodges Organization (if applicable): Rutherford Master Gardeners

Their role: Assist in the construction of plant beds, vegetable garden trainings

7. Name: Organization (if applicable):

Their role:

8. Name: Organization (if applicable):

Their role:

9. Name: Organization (if applicable):

Their role:

10. Name: Organization (if applicable):

Their role:

Narrative: For questions with character limits, MS Word can provide you this information by using the Word Count function

Please provide a brief narrative of your community garden project and needs: Include strategy and evidence that your approach can be effective in achieving the goals of the Nourishing NC project. You can find the goals online at

Max of 2000 characters including spaces:

For Rutherford County we will utilize the Nourshing NC Grant funds to establish a new Community Garden that will be positioned between the Cooperative Extension Demonstration Garden (16 raised beds) and the WIC Garden (3 raised beds). The two existing gardens are utilized by the public, the Rutherford Senior Center and Vocational Workshop clients and ties into an existing walking trail with five exercise equipment stations. Eight (4' x 8') plant beds will be constructed, with need of building mateirals, soil media and fencing to secure the garden site. An irrigation line will need to be installed. Cooperative Extension will network with the Community Garden participants in providing training in vegetable production and home utilization to assist in improving increased consumption of fresh vegetables.

Rutherford County has been extremely impacted by economic conditions with the loss of it's textile industries and employment has been at 13-15 % during the past 6 years.

At the Grahamtown Community Garden site, a hoop house structure will also be established to continue the growing season with indoor plant beds for winter vegetable production and transplant production in late-winter. Soil ammendments will be utilized for the hoop house and

to supplement the existing 24 plant beds. Currently, 16 individuals are producing vegetables for their families.

The Grahamtown neighborhood is located in the most distressed census block group in Rutherford County. During it's initial year, the Community Garden has already began donating 10% of the produce grown to needy families within the Grahamtown neighborhood (providing fresh produce to underserved/at-risk populations). The GTeam has sponsored educational outreach programs including classes on how to grow food without pesticides, established a lending library with copies of "Square Foot Gardening" to circulate, and enlisted corporate support from AGI (American Greetings In-Store), Boy Scout Troop 129 Eagle Scout Project, and Lowe's Home Improvement.

How do you plan to create a garden that will have a long and vibrant role in the community? Max of 2000 characters including spaces

The Grahamtown Team Board has created a strong support group from both within and outside of their community in the development of their garden. They continue to "grow" in their outreach efforts enabling new families to support and sustain themselves through the garden.

Their network with the Town of Forest City and their corporate & civic linkages are already developing a stabilized system to continue the operation of the garden for the years ahead.

Likewise, for the new Rutherford County Community Garden our goal is to continue the partnership with the Health Department, Senior Center, WIC, and Cooperative Extension programming to benefit and assist the participants of the new community garden. Produce grown will be able to be shared with the WIC clients and Path Shelter for Women enabling both audiences access to increased consumption of fresh vegetables .

Does your agency have any other community gardens? If yes, tell us about the location of these gardens, the age of the gardens and who is utilizing them.

Required Attachments: Send these two attachments with your application.

  1. In one document, include a visual representation of the garden: plot description, either a drawn site plan or photographs along with measurements and compass orientation (N/S/E/W).
  2. A written plan with timeline on the steps the team will take to implement their garden project

Fiscal Agent: Please list the name and address of the agency that should receive the funds and will be responsible for paying the bills

Agency Name:

NC Cooperative Extension-Rutherford Center Contact: Jan McGuinn

Address: 193 Callahan-Koon Rd., Suite 164

City: Spindale State: NC Zip: 28160

By submitting this application, we agree to adhere to the guidelines and requirements outlined in this application if selected and funded as a Nourishing NC garden. Typing your name below and submitting this application is equivalent to your electronic signature.

Park & Recreation Director:

Rutherford County Planning & Maintenance Dept. Head: Danny Searcy

Garden Manager: Jan McGuinn

Nourishing North Carolina (NNC) Grant Application Page 4 of 7

January 2013