/ Action Item:December 13, 2005


It is recommended that the minutes from the following meeting of the Santa Monica College Academic Senate be approved as distributed:

Minutes of the November 29, 2005, Academic Senate Meeting

Present: Judith Douglas, Jan Austin, Garen Baghdasarian, Suzanne Borghei, Greg Brookins, Nate Brown, Alan Buckley, Ann Carroll, Katarina Cerovic, Fran Chandler, Mary Colavito, Tim Cramer, Guido Davis Del Piccolo, Tina Feiger, Gilda Feldman, Kathy Flynn, Makiko Fujiwara-Skroba, Peter Geltner, Martin Goldstein, Nancy Grass Hemmert, Terry Green, Diane Gross, Nancy Hanson, Janie Jones, Amber Katherine, Lesley Kawaguchi, John Kennedy, Jo Kidd, Lucy Kluckhohn Jones, Deborah Kraut (for Josh Kanin), Helen LeDonne, Laura Manson, April Mizuki, Eric Oifer, Jim Pacchioli, Pauli Peter, Toni Randall, Vicki Rothman, Audrey Sandoval, Christine Schultz, Jaqueline Scott, Lantz Simpson, Linda Sinclair, Eleanor Singleton, Heather Smith, James Stramel, Michael Strathearn, Susan Sterr, Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein, Esau Tovar, Marc Trujillo, Chunghi Yu, David Zehr.

Excused: Brenda Antrim, David Finkel, Marilyn Adler, Teri Bernstein, Patricia Burson, Dennis Frisch, Ethan Gallogly, Peter Morse, Ventris Woods, Sue Ann Pinner.
Absent: Kym McBride, Cassandrea Patillo, John Henderson, Nelly Farnoody-Zahiri, Robert Taylor, Maria Alvarado, Craig Hammond, Cary Childress, Suellen Gauld, Ken Buckner, Georgia Farber, Juan Quevedo, Bob Ware, Michelle Scholefield, Christine Hart.
Guests: Espy Bolivar-Owen, Janet Harclerode, Randy Lawson, Robert Adams, Jeff Shimizu.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Chair Tahvildaran-Jesswein declared a quorum at 11:23 a.m.
  3. M/S (Carroll/Geltner) to grant the Senate's guests the right to speak on agendized issues. Approved unanimously.
  4. Public Comments: None.
  5. Action Items
  6. Approval of the Minutes for November 15, 2003. Approved as perfected.
  7. Approval of New Courses, David Zehr, Curriculum.
  8. Chemistry 9, "Everyday Chemistry." M/S (Curriculum/Feiger). Approved unanimously.
  9. Resolution ASR05-05, Eric Oifer, Sabbaticals and Fellowships.
  10. M/S (Stramel/Tovar) to approve second reading.
  11. M/S (Stramel/Grass Hemmert) to revise the scale used to measure "service to College" from "0" or "3" to "1, 2, or 3." Failed on a hand vote.
  12. M/S (Chandler/Sinclair) to increase the value of "College Service" from "3 points" to "15 points" and the value of "Potential first-time recipient" from "2 points" to "10 points." Failed on a hand vote.
  13. M/S (Sterr/Zehr) to delete criteria 2(b) and increase the value of criteria 2(a) from "20 points" to "40 points." Failed on a hand vote.
  14. The second reading was approved on a hand vote.
  15. Information Items
  16. Plus/Minus Presentation, Jennifer Merlic, Plus/Minus Grading Task Force.
  17. The materials considered by the Ad Hoc Committee and its conclusions and recommendations were summarized by Dr. Merlic for the Senators. Similar presentations will be given to the Department Chairs Committee, the Curriculum Committee, Student Affairs Committee, and individual departments over this and the next semester.
  18. Senators expressed concerns regarding "C-" and "A+"grades, the impact of plus/minus on transfer rates and scholarships, how plus/minus affects student equity, and competion of our students with students from institutions that do not utilize plus/minus grading. Senators expressed concerns that all perspectives on plus/minus grading were not being adequately presented.
  19. M/S (Stramel/Oifer) to accept the recommendations of the Plus/Minus Grading Task Force. Approved by a show of hands.
  20. Administrative Regulations, Esau Tovar, Student Affairs.
  21. M/S (Feiger/Kluckhohn) to approve a first reading of new administrative regulations and amendments to current administrative regulations:
  22. Revision of AR 4311, "Grade Entries"
  23. New AR 4111.8, "Enrollment Priorities"
  24. Revision of AR 4111.8, "Continuing Student Enrollment Priority"
  25. Revision of AR 4113, "High School Concurrent Enrollment"
  26. Revision of AR 4111.4, "Mandatory Assessment, Course Placement, and Challenge Procedures."
  27. The first reading was approved unanimously.
  28. President's Report, Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein.
  29. A special meeting of the Academic Senate will be convened on December 13, 2005.
  30. Hayward Award. Three faculty members have been recommended for a Hayward Award nomination: Fran Manion, Maria Erickson, and Harvey Stromberg.
  31. M/S (Chandler/ Borghei) to authorize Senate leadership (president, past-president, treasurer, secretary) to select a nominee.
  32. M/S (Kluckhohn/Kawaguchi) to add the chair of Sabbaticals and Fellowships Committee to the nomination committee. Approved unanimously.
  33. Main motion approved unanimously.
  34. Discussions between the College and the City of Santa Monica regarding access to the Bundy site and an easement for our shuttle buses continue. The College will no longer have shuttle services from the Bundy campus after December 8, 2005.
  35. Old Business Discussion. None.
  36. New Business Discussion. None.
  37. Adjournment
  38. M/S (Singleton/Tovar) to adjourn at 12:40. Approved unanimously.

Approved December 13, 2005.