Senate Minutes
The Associated Students Leadership Team serves the University of San Diego undergraduates as official representatives, who promote opportunities for growth and expression, address student issues, and enrich a diverse, inclusive, and engaged community.
Thursday, November 6th, 2014
University of San Diego, Salomon Hall
The public is invited and encouraged to attend and participate in all Associated Students Senate Meetings. All meetings are open to the public, and are accessible to those with disabilities. Public participation in all discussions is welcomed, and the public is invited to address the Student Senate on non-Agenda items during the Announcements and Hearing of the Public portion of the Agenda.
1)Call to Order
2)Roll Call
3)Approval of Minutes from Senate October 23rd 2014
a)Michaela: wrong dates or grammar? Here are some:
i)Item 6 D, Oct 27th
ii)Instead of Oct 9th, it’s Oct 23rd
iii)Adding the Masterplan information
c)New Amended minutes approved
4)Approval of Agenda
5)Hearing of the Public (10 minutes per topic)
a)Emily, SCHWIP representative
i)Please fill out the survey, helps the SCHWIP with results that can help better the school
ii)Encourage your constituents, explain the importance
iii)John got a gift card
6)Report from Speaker of the Senate
a)Feedback Dom has been hearing has been building things; do we want to spearhead a recreation center? Begin advertising and getting student planning
i)Kelsea: what would be in the rec center?
ii)Dom: Very nice system, down on valley field, an overall health facility, nutrition classes and nutrition bars, your average very nice gym
iii)Kelsea: Gym at JCP is geared toward athletes, missions is too small, so this would be a good idea
iv)Matthew: Olympic size pool, track?
v)Dom: They have options, but I’m not entirely sure
vi)Sarah: Fields would be moved to where the sports fields are…possibly
vii)Phillip: Contact LMU to collaborate, since they have a cool rec center
viii)Kelsea: would this come out of tuition?
ix)Kit: That’s one of the items we will have to figure out
x)Kaitlin: Just transferred from LMU, cost 2.5 million dollars about, but donors were a resource, LMU didn’t inform the students and that was a big shock, just going to keep them
xi)Danielle: what about revamping the sports center? We could use that space.
xii)Dom: These are all things that the committee wants to hear, so if this is something you want to pursue, then feel free!
xiii)Kit: Is this something you want to follow up on? To ask constituents? Maybe we take this week we complete a survey and ask our constituents, then look at the results and go from there
7)Reports from Chairs of Standing Committees (3 minutes each. Unless otherwise noted)
a)Kelsea Tower, Academics Committee
i)Harrison has met with the dean, good stuff is happening
b)JaniqMeneze, Inclusion and Diversity Committee
i)Displayed her art
ii)I&D committee is working on an art initiative that promotes diversity and inclusion, collaborating with TPB and CASA to see if the fusion of Artism (art activisim) could happen
iii)Been going to student orgs
iv)Google doc has been made of all the available student org hours
c)T.J. Hodges, Student Life Committee
i)Tram efficiency and on campus hang out scene
ii)Trams bump up next to each other, people who get on the trams and cuts, possibly making lines are permanent signs, see if the civility policy could be implemented in the tram system
iii)Nick: Nighttime hang out, Tori and I met with Norman and discussed an option to having a yogurt type shop in Franks. Also, SLP is losing plates and an initiative is being made
iv)T.J.: Paloma and Berts hangout would lose money if opened longer
d)Sarah Nolan, Student Organizations Committee
i)Approval of Clubs and Organizations
(1)Pi Tau Sigma
(2)Etta Kappa Nu
8)Reports of Executive Board and Ex Officio Members (3 minute each, unless otherwise noted with agenda items)
(i)At this time, any AS Executive Board Member and any Ex Officio Member may address the body on non-Agenda items.
b)Dominic Pera, President
i)Presidential Fourm follow up: thank you all and I loved the feedback, continue to have your constituents updated
ii)The bins for Get on the Grass are getting restocked
iii)USD Stands For was a great success, next week there will be a sign up outside of the UCs to write a cause in which they are passionate about
iv)Athletics is forming a pep band, email them if you want to be a part of that
v)Lung walk is this Sunday: it’ll be awesome! It would be a great time to connect with your constituents
vi)Take the health survey and encourage your consituents
vii)Make AS as a group more inclusive, Nov 18th 6-8:30pm Safe Space Allies Training
c)Rommel Pinlac, Vice President
i)Nov 18th, Student orgs mixer 6-7pm SLP 3rd floor courtyard
ii)Get on the Grass Pop Up Event on Nov 20th,
iii)Dec 2nd, Core Curriculum Open Forum, look at the curriculum a little more intently
iv)Directors want to do an initiative field day, like an Alcala Bazaar for initiatives, contact me if you want to be a part of
d)Bryan Chiang, Finance Chair
e)John Michael, Communication Chair
i)Outdoor Office Hours, Nov 13th, dead hours until 4:00pm, turn the grassy area outside of Maher in an Office Hour Hub, join Get on the Grass Event
f)Alexandra Steinhaus, Torero Program Board Chair
i)Introduction of TPB
ii)Tailgate tonight in the JCP for the volleyball game
iii)Tramming to Coronado 10am-2:30pm
iv)Spoken World on Tuesday: 6-8 IPJ
v)Wednesday: Holocaust Survivor Lecture
vi)Thursday Hunger Games Showing
vii)Video Update
g)Val Estrada, United Front Multicultural Center Rep
i)Next Friday Multicultural Night, Shiley Theatre
ii)#Whatstrending Nov 20th
h)Kaylee Gil, RHA Rep
i)Thank you to all who participated
ii)Relay for Life Kick Off
i)Sandra Gadow, Panhellenic Rep
i)Had a great Discussion around sexual assault awareness with IFC
ii)Please register for recruitment
iii)Kaitlin: What if they want to rush and are doing intersession abroad?
iv)Contact VP of membership
v)Ashley: emails of Ex-Officio members will be posted today
j)Phillip Juarez, IFC Rep
i)Preparing for Spring Rush
ii)Dec 9th, 7:30pm in SLP courtyard, let your constituents know
iii)Sexual Assault awareness
k)Spencer Hoffman, Athletics Representative
i)Women’s Soccer Game on Friday
9)Old Business
a)Wayne Luk, Vote on ASBC By-Laws
i)Approved (yay!)
10)New Business
a)Introduction of Josh Coyne, Assistant Director of Associated Students
i)Woohoo!!! That’s so exciting
b)Crash Ketcham, Servant Leadership
c)Feedback, how are you communicating the “WHY?”
i)Nick: Cameron spoke to someone on the tram, Tori tabled to people outside
ii)Sarah: Talked to people in the elevator, connected with a student who
iii)Rommel: talk excitedly, showing that love to students
iv)John: ambushed people and advertised, being visible
v)Kit: know why you do the things you do
11)Final Announcements and Hearing of the Public
i)Ashley: if you are not receiving the agenda, come see me
ii)Rommel: connect with your directors
iii)John: grab your polos!
iv)Harrison: the Variety Show, engineers trying to sing and dance, Dec 4th
v)Paige: pay attention, but great job with the no phones
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
November 6th, 2014