Mr. Jones

/ 215-368-9800

North Penn High School Grading Scale

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the grading scale that will be used in all courses will include a “plus” designation for grades of C or higher. The grade of D will be the equivalent of 65% - 69%.

Grading Scale for Marking Periods Final Course Grades

A+ 97 – 100% A+ - D course averages parallel the marking period grades.

A 90 – 96% E 50 – 64% (Remediation permitted)

B+ 87 – 89% F Below 50% (Remediation not permitted)

B 80 – 86%

C+ 77 – 79%

C 70 – 76%

D 65 – 69%

F Below 65%

Factors Used To Determine the Quarterly Grade:

Grades will be based on scores earned on classroom assignments and activities, projects, quizzes, tests, homework and class participation. Letters will be assigned each marking period. The student’s grade will be based on the number of points he/she has earned for the marking period.

The final marking period grade will be determined by dividing the student’s total earned points by the total points for that marking period. (Example: Total points possible = 150; Total points earned = 124; 124/150 = 82.6%)

Mid-Term and Final Exams:

The value of the mid-term exam is 10% of students’ second marking period grade. The value of the comprehensive final exam is 16% of students’ final grade. Students can not exempt the Health & Society final exam. A student who is passing the course and cuts the final exam will receive an automatic E for the course.


Students will be responsible for completing in class assignments during each health class. These assignments will be kept in a required notebook and checked for completion. Homework may be assigned when class work cannot be completed during class time. When a student does not complete his/her class work and/or is absent from a class, he/she will be responsible for completing that day’s assignment(s). Students should not expect to use class time for making up work. If you have an excused absence or tardy for only one class period, the student should be prepared to take a missed test/quiz on your first day back. Longer absences will require arrangements with Mr. Jones.

Help Class (9th and X periods):

Mr. Jones is available during 9th periods and x-periods on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:30 – 2:50 pm. Mr. Jones’ office is located in the P.E. planning center (which is connected to the auxiliary gymnasium). If a student can not attend a 9th or X-period, the student must communicate with the teacher a time that will accommodate both schedules.

Teacher Website:

Mr. Jones will post power point slides, worksheets, homework assignments, useful websites, study guides, etc. throughout the school year by unit. The website can be found off the NPHS school site.


Each student will be required to maintain a notebook. The students must have a notebook which the papers can fasten to the center and each page must be numbered – preferably a three ring binder. Notebooks will be checked and graded periodically (announced and unannounced). It is the student’s responsibility to have his / her notebook for every class.

Extra Credit:

Extra credit opportunities may be offered every marking period to students as an option to raise their overall quarter grade. The assignment will be related to the current unit being covered in Health. The assignment will be posted on the teacher website with a specific due date and criteria to earn full points.