Subject: Language Arts Greeneville City Schools Curriculum Map Grade Level: 4


/ Aug. / Sept. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec. / Jan. / Feb. / Mar. / Apr. / May
Reading Development / ·  Identify common text features
title page, illustrations (B1), captions (B2), headings (B2), maps/charts, graphics (B2), time line, table of contents (B1), glossary (B2)
·  Setting (B1)
·  Character (B1)
·  Sequence (B2)
·  Predictions (B2)
·  Making connections (text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world)
·  Determine importance in text
·  Use prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine word meaning (B1) / ·  Problems and Solution (B2)
·  Details
·  Main Idea/Theme (B2)
·  Paraphrasing
·  Dictionary/Glossary (B2)
·  Select questions to clarify thinking (B2)
·  Skim/Scan Text / ·  Problem and Solution (B2)
·  Author’s purpose (B3)
·  Fact/Opinion (B2)
·  Questioning
·  Compare/contrast / ·  Using context clues (B2) (ongoing)
·  Visualizing
·  Connect to texts (B2) / ·  Plot / ·  Fact/Fiction (B2)
·  Reality/Fantasy (B2)
·  Intro to drama (B2)
·  Elements of a fairy tale, myth, and fable (B1)
·  Analogies (B3) / ·  Use graphic sources (B2)
·  Cause and effect (B2)
·  Questioning (B2)
·  Compare/contrast
·  Summarize / ·  Charts and diagrams
·  Summarizing
·  Draw conclusions (B3)
·  Make inferences (B3)
·  Poems and drama (B2) / ·  denotation/connotation
·  Idioms
·  Personification
·  Hyperbole / ·  Point of View (1st)
·  Mood
Writing / Ideas
·  Thinking Maps
·  Writing Process (pre-writing, drafting) / Organization
·  Paragraph (topic sentence, conclusion, details (B1))
·  Transition words (B2)
·  Hook
·  Ending
·  Sequence
·  Writing Process (editing, revising, publishing) / ·  Saga
·  How-to Paragraph
·  Select sources from which to gather information (B3)
·  Locate information (B3)
·  onomatopoeia / Sentence Fluency
·  transition words
·  thank-you letters / Word Choice
·  Simile/metaphor (B3)
·  Thesaurus/dictionary (B2)
·  Alliteration / ·  William Steig Author study
·  write an autobiography
·  Friendly Letter/Envelope / Voice
·  I am the Dog, I am the Cat
·  Poetry / Conventions
·  Review all traits
·  Class magazine
·  Editing/revising practice
Spelling / ·  Use conventional spellings in daily assignments (ongoing)
·  Use correct spelling in final drafts (ongoing)
·  Correctly spell words from science, social studies and math (ongoing)
·  Identify and spell root words (ongoing)
·  Long and short vowels / ·  Long and short vowels (continued) / ·  R-controlled vowels
·  Contractions (B2)
·  Blends and clusters / ·  Plurals
·  Inflectional endings
·  Schwa endings /el/, /en/, /er/ / ·  Word endings -ing, -ed, -s/-es / ·  Suffixes
·  Identify root words
·  -tion/-sion / ·  Prefixes
·  Identify root words
·  Compound words (B2)
·  Possessives / ·  Homophones
·  Silent letters / ·  Variant Vowels
·  Multisyllable words / ·  Multisyllable words
Grammar / Identifying complete and incomplete sentences
(1) Identifying kinds of sentences / Subject/predicate
*compound / NOUNS
(1) singular/
specific plural
(1) common/
(1) articles (a, an, the)
Daily Language Review (ongoing) / Possessive Nouns
(2) their, there, they’re
(2) its, it’s / PRONOUNS
*Antecedent recognition
(2) antecedent agreement
(2) subject
*using I and me correctly
*pronoun contractions / VERBS
(1) main/action
*be verbs used as helping verbs
(1) tense (present, past, and future)
(3) subject/verb agreement / Irregular Verbs
*identify forms
*use correct forms as applies to verb tense
Identify parts of a friendly letter / (1) identify be verbs used as linking verbs
(present and past tense)
(2) double negatives/
troublesome words
to, too, & two / ADJECTIVES
*(1) comparing
comparative &
superlative (er/est)
*proper / ADVERBS
*place, time, manner
(2) Degree (positive, comparative, superlative)
(2) Negatives
Mechanics / (1)Punctuation/Capitalization of sentences
Review cursive writing skills through first semester / (1) Run-on sentences
Use of comma to form compound sentences / (1) Capitalizing proper nouns / (1) Capitalizing I,
titles, addresses, initials, & dates
contractions &
capitalization / Comma
*items in a series
*nouns in a direct address
*introductory words
*city/state / (3) Punctuation of direct quotations / Punctuation of a friendly letter
Addressing an envelope / Capitalization of proper adjectives
Research/Presentation / Book report presentations / Native American Tribe Web Page Project
(Research paper with two sources)
Speaking/Listening / ·  Book report presentations (ongoing)
·  Author’s Chair (ongoing)
·  Read Aloud (ongoing) / Native American Culture Skits / “The Pilgrim’s Arrival” Reader’s Theater / Play – “Let George Do It” / John Henry Reader’s Theater
Related Literature / “Keepers”
“Children of Clay”
Leveled readers used throughout year /

Kaya’s Escape

The Legend of the Bluebonnet
“Sequoyah” / Rikki Tikki Tavi
“Into the Sea”
“Komodo Dragrons”
“The Swimming Hole”
Reader’s Workshop – Making connections/Compare and contrast
(Cinderella stories from different cultures) / “Race to the North Pole” / Josephina Learns a Lesson / ·  Felicity Learns a Lesson
·  William Steig Author Study
·  Donovan’s Word Jar
·  Reader’s Workshop – Identify types of literarure:
fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, fairy tales, folk tales, fables, myths
(Stories about space) / “Coming Home”
“Out of the Blue”
Kid’s Discover: George Washington
“Paul Revere” / “Half-Chicken”
“John Henry”
“Train to Somewhere” / Sarah, Plain and Tall / “Addie in Charge”
Kirsten Learns a Lesson
Field Studies / Colonial Day / “Let George Do It”
Technology / ·  Accelerated Reader
·  Publishing Software (Word)
·  CCC / ·  FrontPage (web page design)
Assessment / Story Comprehension Tests throughout year
Accelerated Reader throughout year
English skills test (book tests & teacher made) throughout the year
Daily classroom performance all year
Daily Language Review/Quizes throughout the year
First Timed Writing / Teacher Conference: Character, setting, sequence (rubric)
English skills test (sentences)
Problem/Solution and Main Idea teacher made test / Teacher-made test: Problem/Solution, main idea, author’s purpose, fact/opinion / Second Timed Writing / Teacher-made test: problem/solution, plot / Teacher-made test:
Myth, Fairy Tale, Fable; Reality/Fantasy; Fact/Opinion / Teacher-made test: Cause/Effect, Inference
Third Timed Writing / Teacher-made test: point of view, mood
Local Writing Assessment