MISUG Meeting
8-22-2014, 9:30 AM
Julie Thomas – Luminant
Kaci Jacobs – TXU Energy
Carolyn Reed – CenterPoint
Jamie Lavas – ERCOT
Sandra Tindal – ERCOT – Teleconference
Don Schopp – Unknown – Teleconference
Willms – Unknown - Teleconference
Reports to be discontinued – Draft NPRRs (30 Minutes)
Each report will have its own NPRR created. Jamie had already drafted the NPRRs. MISUG modified and added language for the business case and protocol language.
Business Case:
In June 2013 meeting of TAC’s update to COPS:
“Assignment to COPS: ERCOT reports to the market:
TAC chair recommended that all manually developed ERCOT market reports be reviewed for market interest and labor involved.
The objective is to free up ERCOT man-hours if there is little interest in a report or a report could be automated.
This is assigned to COPS to assign to MISUG”
Total 500+hours of manual effort for 15 reports identified for discontinuance.
Details for NPRRs, LPGRR, and NOGRR:
- NPRR NP3-558M created for Reliability Must Run Cost Data Deviation Requests – Protocol Section & (1) also has language. Sandra will check regarding what ERCOT will do if request for deviation is honored. We will be removing the posting. What is ERCOT committing to do or not do? This requires a SME to weigh in on. This occurrence has not happened since 2008. The SME Ino with ERCOT will review and get back to us.
- NPRR ZP18-432-M created for Profile Data evaluation Report – Protocol section NP18.3.1 (related to LPG 12.9.3(1)) – this is a report that has never been downloaded
- NPRR ZP4-724-M Discontinue Contingency List Changes Due to Weather Report – Protocols Section NP18.3.8. Mike J. with Oncor asked “How will ERCOT change the contingency list during an EEA (Energy Emergency Alert)?” They will use the reporting used today, per Jamie Lavas, called Weather Contingency List.
- NPRR NP3-760-M created for Long-Term Weekly Peak Demand Forecast – Protocol section NP3.2.3(2)(c )
- NPRR NP3-775-M created for 36 Month Resource Capacity Report – Protocol Section NP3.2.3(1), NP3.2.3(2)(a), NP3.2.3(2)(b), NP3.2.3(2)(d), NP3.2.3(2)(e)
- NPRR NP3-776-M created for Projected Transmission Constraints for Medium Term PASA – Protocol Section NP3.2.3(2)(g)
- NPRR NP3-783-M created for Ancillary Service Requirement Methodology Assessment – Protocol Section NP3.16(5)
- NPRR NP5-661-M created for RUC Payments Made to Resources with Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) Annual Report – Protocol Section NP5.6.1(8)(g)
- NPRR NP8-510-M created for Dispatch Instructions Compliance Metrics – Protocol Section NP8.1(3)(c), NP8.3(1)(f)
- NPRR NP8-922-M created for Backup Control Plan Submittal Results – Protocol Section NP8.3(1)(e), NOG9.3.6
- LPG_ZP18-432-M created for Profile Data Evaluation Report – Protocols Section LPG12.9.3(1), NP18.3.1
NPRRs have also been tagged as supporting the Data Transparency Strategic Goal.
MISUG would like to have these NPRRs (LPGRR and NOGRR) completed and out for by September 3rd for next COPS meeting in September, if possible.
Action items:
- ERCOT will provide follow-up information from Ino Gonzalez in regards to the language changes for NP3-558M and NP5-661-M.
- Julie Thomas to provide drafts of NPRRs, LPGRR, and NOGRR to Sandra Tindall
MIS Reports Review all 48 Hr Disclosure Reports 45 Minutes
- Did not get to cover
Upcoming releases and migrations from ERCOT 15 Minutes
- Did not get to cover
Next Meeting (Proposed) - Monday Sept. 29, 2014, 1:30 PM WebEx Only
NOGRR084 Workshop
8-22-2014, 1:00 PM
Julie Thomas – Luminant
Kaci Jacobs – TXU Energy
Carolyn Reed – CenterPoint
Jamie Lavas – ERCOT
Michael Juricek – Oncor
Chad Thompson – ERCOT
Gricelda Calzada – AEP
Stephen Solis – ERCOT
Sandra Tindal – ERCOT – Teleconference
Suzy Clifton – ERCOT – Teleconference
Dan Mantena – Unknown - Teleconference
Review of Grid Operations Report from Zonal
Goal - Walk through NOGRR and data elements as it stands. ERCOT states that they would like to take what they have identified to add and review with the group. Chad Thompson presented a list of items that ERCOT recommends. ERCOT finds the following data elements useful and may provide a great deal of benefit to the Market.
Category / Data / FormatLoad / Actual / Graphical
DA Forecast
3-Hour Ahead Forecast
Peak Demand Hour / Numeric
Peak Demand (Hourly) / Numeric
Peak Demand (Inst) / Numeric
Weather / Previous Day Forecasted Temperatures / Numeric
Previous Day Actual Temperatures / Numeric
Generation / Energy (by fuel type, stacked area) / Graphical
PRC (line graph generation plus PRC)
Spinning Reserves (line graph of Committed HSL)
New Unit Sync (if name is confid, then MW, Fuel type) / Text
Renewables / Actual Wind Production / Graphical
DA Wind Forecast
3? Hour Ahead Wind Forecast
Actual Solar Production
DA Solar Forecast
3? Hour Ahead Solar Forecast
Outages (Gen) / Planned Gen Outages MW / Graphical
Forced Gen Outages MW
Unit Commitment / RUC (MW, Area and Reason) / Text
RMR Commitment (Unit Name, MW, Reason) / Text
VDI (MW, Reason) / Text
Manual Overrides (MW, Area and Reason) / Text
Ancillary Services / Procured (MW by type by hour) / Graphical
Deployment (MW by type by hour) / Graphical
SASMs / Text?
Transmission / Active Constraints / Text
Constraints Exceeding yy% of Limit for > 15? Mins / Text
CMPs developed in or near RT / Text
Major Forced Transm Outages / Text
Constraints Violated in SCED (Constr ID, max sp, total amt of time violated each day for the last 4 days, total amt of time violated in last 30 days) / Text
Consistently Irresolvable SCED Constraints (Constr ID, max Shadow Price) / Text
Applications / Issues / Text
Unusual Events / Energy Emergency Alerts (Level) / Text
Resources Deployed / Text
Times & Duration of event / Text
Frequency Events (MW Tripped) / Text
Lowest Frequency / Text
Recovery Time to 60Hz / Text
Transmission Emergencies / Text
Location / Text
Constraint / Text
Action Taken / Text
Operating Notices / List / Text
Julie stated she would like to produce a “User Guide” for this by adding where these data elements are located and reference the locations if they are out there in some other report and show a broader “day in the life of” summary report.
Mike J. with Oncor recommended adding the EMIL number for where this data is already available in an ERCOT Market Report.
Review of current language from NOGRR084
ERCOT did not include the following data element.
- (g) SCED offset (including SCED timestamp, offset timestamp and amount); ERCOT does not have this accounted for, MISUG participants noted that this information hasn’t been of interest since the opening months of the Nodal market – will strike the gray box language
Suggestions and recommendations
- ERCOT provided a list of data element recommendations presented by Chad Thompson.
- Recommendations to be provided to the Market participants for feedback
- Further discussion will resume in next MISUG meeting for September
MISUG thanked ERCOT for the effort involved in developing the proposed enhancements to NOGRR084.
Action items:
- ERCOT to see if this report can be reproduced in summary and data posted. Jamie will take this and include a user guide and data transparency document.
- ERCOT to see if information for storage resourcesand other non-wind renewable resources can be included. May be dependent on what generation type data are in the network model, ERCOT (Chad Thompson and Stephen Solis) will work with John Mosley with ERCOT
- ERCOT to see if the ERS information can be included (double check what information could be available)
- Julie to distribute to leadership of all working groups and subcommittees and announce the next meeting times for MISUG on Monday Sept. 29, 2014, 1:30 – 4:30pm WebEx Only.
- NOGRR84 to be on the next MISUG meeting agenda to review (higher in agenda priority than the market reports review.) The PPL duration is 6-8 months after initiation and is slated for September to begin.
Clarifications of requirements
- n/a
Next steps
- Further discussion to resume in next MISUG meeting for September (9/29/2014, 1:30 PM, WebEx Only)