UpperTyroneTownship Supervisors Regular Meeting
March 8, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Mr. Beranek, present, Mr. Cook, present, Mr. Edwards, absent.
Persons Attending: Engineer Bill Utzman, Annie Quinn from Jacobs Creek Watershed, Maurice Zaffina, Edwin Zaffinaand Secretary Lori Henry.
Mr. Cook motioned to approve the February 16, 2016 regular meeting minutes as written. Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Beranek, yes, Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Edwards, absent. Motion accepted.
Treasurers report as of 03/08/2016:
(See Attached Balance Sheet)
Mr. Cook motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Beranek, yes, Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Edwards, absent. Motion accepted.
Public Comment:
Annie Quinn Director from Jacobs Creek Water Shed came to discuss the request from Bill Edwards to clean a dump site located on Woods Road.
Ms. Quinn stated that she was able to obtain a company that would be willing to take the tires from the dump area. (This has been an issue trying to clean this site in previous years) Ms. Quinn also stated that they will be able to provide the River Sweep since JacobsCreek runs thru this area. She is requesting that the Township provide a safe area for the volunteers. She would like the Township to close the road where clean-up will be performed. The Township will also have to provide an area for dumpster.
The Supervisors stated that they will definitely close the road, have property near clean-up site where the dumpster can be placed or the owner of property might be willing to place dumpster on property, and road crew will also be available to help with hauling.
Ms. Quinn stated that they have scheduled the sweep to be done on June 25th, 2016 if requirements can be met.
Mr. Cook motioned to allow Jacobs Creek Watershed with help from volunteers and Township to perform River Sweep on June 25, 2016 with all recommendations by the Jacobs Creek Watershed. Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Edwards, absent, Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Beranek, yes. Motion accepted.
Ms. Quinn also announced that they are planning a canoe access at JacobsCreek starting in Scottdale but will also be in the Township. She will provide the supervisors with more information as she obtains it. It will be given to Supervisors to approve after the Twp.Solicitor reviews information.
Last information she spoke of was to invite the Supervisors to the project meeting scheduled for March 16th at 1:30 p.m. at the ScottdaleBoroughBuilding. She would like to get involved with all surrounding Twp.’s and Borough’s to encourage them to take advantage of grants and help that is out there.
Motion to Pay Bills:
Mr. Cook motioned to pay the bills for the month of March 2016. Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Beranek, yes, Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Edwards, absent. Motion accepted.
1st piece of correspondence was from Armstrong Group Companies notifying of rate changes. (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST)
2nd piece of correspondence was from Rocco Lamanna representative for the Touch-A-Truck event to be held at the Fayette County Fairgrounds during the Fayette County Home and Garden Show. He is requesting the Township bring a truck for viewing.
Mr. Cook motioned to allow the Township to take the 2015Ford Truck to the Fayette County Touch-A-Truck event being held April 22-24, 2016. Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Beranek, yes, Mr. Edwards, absent. Motion accepted.
Mr. Cook stated that he along with both Supervisors attended the PennDOT meeting with officials regarding the proposed interchange on Rt. 119 and Kingview Road. This project is not going to be happening any time soon but we will continue to be involved to help protect our local businesses.
Solicitors report: None
Engineers report: None
New Business:
Mr. Cook motioned to renew the Sam’s Memberships for 2016. Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Beranek, yes, Mr. Edwards, absent. Motion accepted.
Mr. Cook motioned to adopt Resolution No. 03-01-2016: “Increasing the fee for municipal lien certification to $50.00 per certification.” Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Beranek, yes, Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Edwards, absent. Motion accepted.
Mr. Cook motioned to adopt Resolution No. 03-02-2016: “To update Lease Rent Ordinance No. 5 of 2015.” This Resolution changes all terms stating “Note” to be referred to as “Bond” in previously adopted Ordinance No. 5 0f 2015. This is a PennVEST requirement. Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Beranek, yes, Mr. Edwards, absent. Resolution adopted.
Mr. Cook motioned to introduce and direct the secretary to advertise the intent to adopt Ordinance No. 1 of 2016: “Directing the Owners of Certain Units/Buildings/Structures to Provide Certain Information.”
Maurice Zaffina questioned the purpose of the Ordinance.
Mr. Beranek stated that the main reason for this ordinance was for emergency management. If a fire would happen in a building, etc. they would be able to know how many people lived in the building and account for all.
Mr. Cook did state that they need to ask solicitor if children names under the age of 18 would be public information.
The Supervisors decided not to proceed with introduction of ordinance until they can speak with solicitor.
Motion died to no lack of second.
Mr. Cook motioned to adopt Resolution no. 03-03-2016: “A Resolution establishing a procedure in accordance with the requirements of the Second Class Township Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 53 P.S. § 1504 9b) for the sale of personal property, the value of which is estimated to be less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), and establishing a procedure for the sale of personal property over the value of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) if no bids are received. Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Beranek, yes, Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Edwards, absent. Resolution adopted.
Mr. Cook motioned to adjourn the Upper Tyrone township Supervisors regular meeting. Mr. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Beranek, yes, Mr. Cook, yes, Mr. Edwards, absent. Motion accepted.
Meeting adjourned at 6:08 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori Henry