OCTOBER 24, 2012
Council Members:Mayor, John Grow
Lee Ballard
Danyale Blackmore
Bruce Densley
Others:Monica Bowcutt, Town Clerk/Recorder
Chris Holm, Town Maintenance Supervisor
Larry AmodtPat Galvez
Sean AmodtShirlene Hall
Kim KonikowDarcey Spendlove
Sharon AllenMcCoy Allen
Becky EricksonMarci Holm
a. Discussion of Past Due, un-collectable water bills.
Mayor Grow reported that there are several past due water bills. A lot that is now owned by the bank in Butch Nogus's subdivision had paid $675. The Mayor stated that this had shown good intent. Dale Hunstman's property had been sold, but the new owners have been notified of the bill, which totals about $898. The Mayor will try to contact Dale Huntsman personally. Jack Ruggles has a bill of approximately $2,400. The water has been shut off for two years, mainly because it has a cross connection with the private well located on the property. The Mayor stated that cross connections are against the State of Utah, Washington County Water Conservancy District, and Virgin Town Ordinances. The Mayor will take the steps necessary to place a lien on the property, hopefully as a way to receive what is owed, if the property sells. The Bud Bringhurst/Dolle Dado property owes around $114. Monica Bowcutt, Town Clerk, sent a letter informing the property owner that the meter had been double checked and water had, in fact gone through. Since this time, the house had been rented and the water had been put in the renter's name. The Council agreed that a letter informing of shut off will be sent to the actual property owner, in order to collect the money owed. Larry Amodt has an outstanding bill of $32.04, which is an overage amount. Mr. Amodt was present to discuss the bill. He stated that his bill has remained the same since he moved into the house in 1995. In August of this year, the meter read 26,000 gallons, which is 14,000 gallons over the normal reading. In September the meter read back at 11,000 gallons. Chris Holm, Maintenance Supervisor, had re-read the meter three different times and clarified that the gallons used was correct. The Council discussed the possibilities of a leak (above and/or underground), a hose being left on, meter malfunction, leaking swamp cooler, and water heater usage. Chris Holm, Maintenance Supervisor, stated that a flow test had not been done. Mayor John Grow suggested that they split the bill down the middle. Larry Amodt asked that the Town pay the full amount, because he has always been current on his bill and the proof of usage is a mystery. Council Member Lee Ballard stated that the policy is to forgive half the bill. The Mayor clarified that the policy is to only charge what the WCWCD charges, not the mark up the Town receives. Council Member Ballard suggested that more testing be done, if it is the Town's fault then they will pay the full amount, otherwise it will be split in half. Council Member Danyale Blackmore stated that she also thought a second opinion on the possibility of a leak was needed. Mayor Grow stated that it would cost more money to do more testing, and possibly buy a new meter, than the total bill. He stated that the entire $32.04 should be forgiven, considering that others in the past had also been forgiven. Council Member Bruce Densley stated that a one time write off would be appropriate because of Larry Amodt's good payment record. Council Member Lee Ballard agreed that it would be fine considering the problem could not be identified. The Mayor instructedd Monica Bowcutt, Town Clerk, to tell Candus Tibitts, Town Treasurer, of the decision.
Town Clerk, Monica Bowcutt, questioned how much to charge for water connections. Mayor Grow replied that if the lot is in a developed subdivision, the developer has already paid the $2500. If the lot is located on an undeveloped parcel, the entire amount is charged. The Council clarified that Phase II and III of Rio de Sion and Sierra Bella are now bank owned and that the impact fees have not been paid. Mayor Grow stated that Joel Haw's one lot subdivision impact fees had been paid and that he was not sure about the Little Birds Subdivision.
b. Open Sealed Sidewalk Bids.
The Mayor explained that two bids had been received to complete the sidewalk to Zion River Resort, although, both were over the $7,000 grant (with a 25% match budget). The Mayor suggested having the Town purchase the concrete, hire help from Town citizens and have Chris Holm, Maintenance Supervisor, lay the sidewalk. He stated that Chris Holm is familiar with cement and his being there would also supply the 25% match. Mayor Grow stated that the piece being poured is 500 feet long by 5 feet wide. The Council agreed to to proceed in this manner.
c. Discussion and report of Heritage Town Square Project.
Shirlene Hall reported that Lori Rose had visited with Gary Zabriskie, from the 5 County Association, about a grant/loan from the Community Impact Board. The money would be on a half grant and half loan basis, with no penalties for early pay off. The Council agreed the Mr. Zabriskie should be invited to the November 28 Town Council Meeting to explain the application process. Shirlene stated that a letter from 5 Counties should be coming in order to get on their list of projects. She also explained that Leeds is doing a large project, which did not get on last year's list. The CIB is opening last year's list back up for them. Mr. Zabriskie was very confident that Virgin's Heritage Town Square could also be placed on this list, which would make the funding available in June 2013, not January 2014. Council Member Lee Ballard asked Shirlene Hall to continue to remind the office to make sure the letter is filled out and sent back. Council Member Lee Ballard clarified that the Capital Facilities Plan has not been amended, but a resolution has been passed in order for Heritage Town Square to receive funds from the Parks and Recreation budget. Shirlene Hall asked permission to carry out another fundraiser. The idea is to invite citizens voluntarily round up their water bill total to the next highest dollar. For example, instead of paying $49.44, they would pay $50.00. Council gave approval to give citizens the option to do this on their water bill.
- Call to Order-Mayor John Grow
Mayor John Grow called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:07 pm. Luke Stevens was excused.
2. Pledge and Opening Remarks.
Mayor John Grow led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest.
No conflicts of interest were declared.
4. Declaration of Ex Parte Communications.
No ex parte communications were declared.
5. Presentation for the WashingtonCounty Arts Council-Kim Konikow
Kim Konikow, from the Washington County Arts Council, was present. She stated that the Art Council's goal is to make sure the arts in Southern Utah are professionally offered and recognized. She asked VirginTown to give a $100 donation this year and possibly next year. Ms. Konikow stated that the Art Council is asking the CountyCommissioners to place a sales tax increase on an upcoming ballot, which would likely raise two million dollars per year. Half of that money would be used for arts and recreation to re-grant funds back to the cities and towns, based on an application process. The other half would be set aside to fund a CountyArtsCenter. After discussion, the Council agreed to donate the $100 for this year.
6. Swearing in New Town Clerk/Recorder-Monica Bowcutt
Mayor John Grow led Monica Bowcutt in the swearing-in ceremony. Monica is now the Virgin Town Clerk/Recorder.
7.Discussion with possible approval of the September 26, 2012 Minutes.
Mayor Grow stated that Jason Smith, from Rosenberg Engineering, had been asked to write a concept plan, in order to acquire the entire 80 acres located near the BMX Track. Council Member Bruce Densley reported that Bob Kelly had accepted the invitation to be the Town Liaison for the Community Covenant Program with the National Guard. Mr. Kelly has already been in contact with Captain David Jones. Council Member Lee Ballard asked minute-taker, Darcey Spendlove, to boil the presentation
agenda items down to a few sentences. The Mayor stated that no camping permit was issued to the BMX Track for the Red Bull Rampage weekend. Council Member Danyale Blackmore stated that it was not all incorrect pipe installation causing the water breaks in DesertGardens. She said that a batch of faulty pipe had been purchased. The Mayor agreed that other towns were also having problems, and the matter will be looked into.
Lee Ballard moved to accept the minutes from the September 26, 2012 Town Council Meeting with the changes made. Bruce Densley seconded the motion. Vote on motion: Lee Ballard-Aye, Danyale Blackmore-Abstain, Bruce Densley-Aye, Mayor John Grow-Aye. The motion passed.
2. Discussion with possible approval of the Invoices and Checks for September 2012.
The Council clarified that the amount paid to Karen Markovich was an annual salary.
Lee Ballard moved to accept the Invoices and Checks for September 2012. Bruce Densley seconded the motion. Vote on Motion: Lee Ballard-Aye, Danyale Blackmore-Aye, Bruce Densley-Aye, Mayor John Grow-Aye. The motion passed unanimously.
--Larry Amodt asked if the home now owned by the Ken Long (previously owned by Shawn Spendlove and located across the highway from Ken Cornelius ) was required by the Town to have an easement coming across the property from the North. He stated that the new property owner to the north had fenced off that easement. After discussing the matter, the Council instructed Monica Bowcutt, Town Clerk, to research the minutes and plat maps available in the office, in order to issue a Town opinion, but it was really a civil matter. They suggested Mr. Long check with the Recorder's Office and UDOT.
-- Mayor John Grow stated that a $1500 bill had been received for trophies for the BMX, which he had not authorized. Council Member Danyale Blackmore explained that Diana Wood had called her to ask permission to purchase trophies, then at the last minute, had said that certificates were going to be issued instead. When Mrs. Blackmore had shown up at the race, trophies were there and being handed out. When she questioned Ms. Wood, Danyale Blackmore was told that the trophies had been donated. The trophy store had informed Monica Bowcutt that a Diana Wood, who ordered the trophies, had stated to them that the order had been authorized by the Mayor and the Town Clerk. Danyale Blackmore stated that Ms. Wood had also taken the race entry monies on the day of the race, stating that she would pay the insurance and BMX, USA membership fees. Monica Bowcutt stated that no receipts have been turned in for any payments or purchases. Sean Amodt suggested the Town Council should discuss the issue with Ms. Wood before any decisions were made. The Mayor asked Monica Bowcutt to send a letter to Diana Wood, requesting her to be at November's Town Council meeting with all receipts and the BMX books.
- Approve Motion to Adjourn Public Meeting.
Bruce Densley moved to adjourn. Lee Ballard seconded the motion. Vote on Motion: Lee Ballard-Aye, Danyale Blackmore-Aye, Bruce Densley-Aye, Mayor John Grow-Aye. The motion passed unanimously.
The Town Council Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:18 pm.
Monica Bowcutt
Town Clerk