The application loads most of the data from xml files
Main compulsory file is: ‘countries.xml’ and should be in the same folder as the swf filefor single instance on one html page and in subfolders for different multiple instances.
This file contains:
- Labels for state combobox.
- Location of regions.xml file in folders that contain xml files for each country relative to the html page that embeds the swf file.
- Colors for bars.
<main subtitle="Set 1: Total population" barcolor1="0xD8EDED" barcolor2="0x275960" barcolor2="0x275960" barcolor3="0xD8EDED" barcolor4="0x275960"> barcolor1=”hexadecimal value for color of the bar”. barcolor1 for bar1 ,barcolor2 for bar2 and so on.. . To add more colors with added bars ad more attributes with new number eg: barcolor5="0x275960" for fifth bar if you have 5 bars.
- To add subtitle: put text in subtitle attribute <main subtitle="Set 1: Total population". This adds a subtitle in the flash file just below the header text
- To add new states: Add a new <country1 cname="CountryName" file="newcountry/countryfile.xml" />. And create a new folder with the new name ’newcountry’.In this folder add a region.xml file. This new folder can be made by copying an existing folder and making the changes for new country.
<country1 cname="South Australia" file="South Australia/allregions.xml" />----cname =”Label entry for area combobox” , file=”address of the xml file for this country relative to the html file that embeds the swf file ”eg: IF south_australia.xml is placed in the same folder as the html file: the file=”south_australia.xml”
IF southaustralia is placed in a subfolder (named data) then: file=”file/south_australia.xml”
<country1 cname="Adelaide" file="adelaide.xml" />
<country1 cname="Country SA" file="country_sa.xml" />
Next the regions.xml file
This file contains:
- Labels for region combobox.
- Location of region files for each regiontype relative to the this ‘regions.xml’ file .
- To add new regions: Add a new <region1 cname="All regions" file="allregions.xml" />. And create a new xml file a ‘regionname.xml’ file. This new file can be made by copying an existing file and making the changes for new region.
<region1 cname="All regions" file="allregions.xml" /----cname =”Label entry for area combobox” , file=”address of the xml file for this region. file=”allregions.xml”
IF southaustralia is placed in a subfolder (named data) then: file=”file/south_australia.xml”
<region1 cname="All regions" file="allregions.xml" />
<region2 cname="Capital cities" file="capitalcities.xml" />
Next are the data files for specific region. allregions.xml, capitalcities.xml,etc.
This file contains :
- Labels for objective combobox: name attributein <objective i>tag
- Labels for target combobox. name attribute in<target i> tag.
- Text for description descriptionattribute in <target i> tag.
- And more labels in target tag are:
- Label for the yaxis (Rate or Percent): in ylabel attribute
- Label for the Period1 (2001, 1999 etc) for Legend and in Inequality Ratio Section : in cperiod1 attribute
- Label for the Period2 (2001, 1999 etc)for Legend and in Inequality Ratio Section : in cperiod2 attribute
- Data for:
- Inequality ratio for Period1: inrr1 attribute
- Inequality ratio for Period2: inrr2 attributeand so on for next periods
- Data for bars for Period1: in data1 attribute in <bar data1="4" data2="6" />
- Data for bars for Period2: in data1 attribute in <bar data1="6" data2="12" /> and so on for next bars
- To add new targets duplicate whole <target i>from<target i>------to ------</target i>
<target2 name="Unemployment" description="Description text here" ylabel="Percent" rr1="2.78" rr2="2.64" maxv="20" cperiod1="1991" cperiod2="2001">
<bar data1="6.6" data2="4.9" />
<bar data1="8.9" data2="5.4" />
<bar data1="10.7" data2="7" />
<bar data1="13.3" data2="8.6" />
<bar data1="18.5" data2="13" />
And add new data
- Similarly to add new Objective duplicate and put new data:
<objective2 name="Improving wellbeing" >
<target1 name="Healthy South Australians" description="Description text here"ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="Period2">
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="00" data2="0" />
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="00" data2="0" />
<target2 name="Healthy South Australians" ylabel="Rate" description="Description text here"ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="Period2">
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="00" data2="0" />
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="00" data2="0" />
- To display only required period and in legend and Inequality ratio data(bars) for that period.
Delete the data attribute in <bar> tag
For one bar: <bar data1="6.6" />
For two bars: <bar data1="6.6" data2="4.9" />
For two bars: <bar data1="6.6" data2="4.9" data3="4.9" />
And so on for more bars.
Legend and ratio will automatically be updated .And add ‘rr3’ and ‘cperiod3’ in target tag respectively for new bars :
<target1 name="Healthy South Australians"description="Description text here" ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0"rr3="0” maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="Period2" cperiod3="Period3">
- To add new bars just add data tags with bar number.(as discussed in point7)
<objective1 name="Growing prosperity" >------here name” objective combobox label” is: the label entry in the combobox.
<target1 name="Jobs" description="Description text here"ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="">------
In target tag: name=”label for the target in target combobox and graph header”
ylabel= “ text for the yaxis label ie Rate or Percent”
description=”text to display in the description box at the bottom”
rr1=”the Inequality ratio(Q5/Q1) for Period1”
rr2=”the Inequality ratio(Q5/Q1) for Period2”
cperiod1="Text for period1 legend label and in the Inequality Ratio label for Period1"
cperiod2="Text for period2 legend label and in the Inequality Ratio label for Period2"
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />------data1=”data for bar1” data2=” data for bar2”for first two bars
<bar data1="00" data2="0" />--for second 2 bars
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />for third 2 bars
<bar data1="0" data2="0" /> for fourth 2 bars
<bar data1="00" data2="0" /> for fifth 2 bars
</target1>// end of target 1data
<target2 name="Unemployment" description="Description text here"ylabel="Percent" rr1="2.78" rr2="2.64" maxv="20" cperiod1="1991" cperiod2="2001">
<bar data1="6.6" data2="4.9" />
<bar data1="8.9" data2="5.4" />
<bar data1="10.7" data2="7" />
<bar data1="13.3" data2="8.6" />
<bar data1="18.5" data2="13" />
<target3 name="Youth employment"description="Description text here" ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " >
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="00" data2="0" />
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="00" data2="0" />
<objective2 name="Improving wellbeing" >
<target1 name="Healthy South Australians" description="Description text here"ylabel="Rate" ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="Period2">
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="00" data2="0" />
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="0" data2="0" />
<bar data1="00" data2="0" />