The application loads most of the data from xml files

Main compulsory file is: ‘countries.xml’ and should be in the same folder as the swf filefor single instance on one html page and in subfolders for different multiple instances.

This file contains:

  1. Labels for state combobox.
  2. Location of regions.xml file in folders that contain xml files for each country relative to the html page that embeds the swf file.
  3. Colors for bars.

<main subtitle="Set 1: Total population" barcolor1="0xD8EDED" barcolor2="0x275960" barcolor2="0x275960" barcolor3="0xD8EDED" barcolor4="0x275960"> barcolor1=”hexadecimal value for color of the bar”. barcolor1 for bar1 ,barcolor2 for bar2 and so on.. . To add more colors with added bars ad more attributes with new number eg: barcolor5="0x275960" for fifth bar if you have 5 bars.

  1. To add subtitle: put text in subtitle attribute <main subtitle="Set 1: Total population". This adds a subtitle in the flash file just below the header text
  2. To add new states: Add a new <country1 cname="CountryName" file="newcountry/countryfile.xml" />. And create a new folder with the new name ’newcountry’.In this folder add a region.xml file. This new folder can be made by copying an existing folder and making the changes for new country.


<country1 cname="South Australia" file="South Australia/allregions.xml" />----cname =”Label entry for area combobox” , file=”address of the xml file for this country relative to the html file that embeds the swf file ”eg: IF south_australia.xml is placed in the same folder as the html file: the file=”south_australia.xml”

IF southaustralia is placed in a subfolder (named data) then: file=”file/south_australia.xml”


<country1 cname="Adelaide" file="adelaide.xml" />

<country1 cname="Country SA" file="country_sa.xml" />

Next the regions.xml file

This file contains:

  1. Labels for region combobox.
  2. Location of region files for each regiontype relative to the this ‘regions.xml’ file .
  3. To add new regions: Add a new <region1 cname="All regions" file="allregions.xml" />. And create a new xml file a ‘regionname.xml’ file. This new file can be made by copying an existing file and making the changes for new region.


<region1 cname="All regions" file="allregions.xml" /----cname =”Label entry for area combobox” , file=”address of the xml file for this region. file=”allregions.xml”

IF southaustralia is placed in a subfolder (named data) then: file=”file/south_australia.xml”


<region1 cname="All regions" file="allregions.xml" />

<region2 cname="Capital cities" file="capitalcities.xml" />

Next are the data files for specific region. allregions.xml, capitalcities.xml,etc.

This file contains :

  1. Labels for objective combobox: name attributein <objective i>tag
  2. Labels for target combobox. name attribute in<target i> tag.
  3. Text for description descriptionattribute in <target i> tag.
  4. And more labels in target tag are:
  5. Label for the yaxis (Rate or Percent): in ylabel attribute
  6. Label for the Period1 (2001, 1999 etc) for Legend and in Inequality Ratio Section : in cperiod1 attribute
  7. Label for the Period2 (2001, 1999 etc)for Legend and in Inequality Ratio Section : in cperiod2 attribute
  1. Data for:
  2. Inequality ratio for Period1: inrr1 attribute
  3. Inequality ratio for Period2: inrr2 attributeand so on for next periods
  4. Data for bars for Period1: in data1 attribute in <bar data1="4" data2="6" />
  5. Data for bars for Period2: in data1 attribute in <bar data1="6" data2="12" /> and so on for next bars
  6. To add new targets duplicate whole <target i>from<target i>------to ------</target i>

<target2 name="Unemployment" description="Description text here" ylabel="Percent" rr1="2.78" rr2="2.64" maxv="20" cperiod1="1991" cperiod2="2001">

<bar data1="6.6" data2="4.9" />

<bar data1="8.9" data2="5.4" />

<bar data1="10.7" data2="7" />

<bar data1="13.3" data2="8.6" />

<bar data1="18.5" data2="13" />


And add new data

  1. Similarly to add new Objective duplicate and put new data:

<objective2 name="Improving wellbeing" >

<target1 name="Healthy South Australians" description="Description text here"ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="Period2">

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="00" data2="0" />

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="00" data2="0" />


<target2 name="Healthy South Australians" ylabel="Rate" description="Description text here"ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="Period2">

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="00" data2="0" />

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="00" data2="0" />



  1. To display only required period and in legend and Inequality ratio data(bars) for that period.

Delete the data attribute in <bar> tag

For one bar: <bar data1="6.6" />

For two bars: <bar data1="6.6" data2="4.9" />

For two bars: <bar data1="6.6" data2="4.9" data3="4.9" />

And so on for more bars.

Legend and ratio will automatically be updated .And add ‘rr3’ and ‘cperiod3’ in target tag respectively for new bars :

<target1 name="Healthy South Australians"description="Description text here" ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0"rr3="0” maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="Period2" cperiod3="Period3">

  1. To add new bars just add data tags with bar number.(as discussed in point7)


<objective1 name="Growing prosperity" >------here name” objective combobox label” is: the label entry in the combobox.

<target1 name="Jobs" description="Description text here"ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="">------

In target tag: name=”label for the target in target combobox and graph header”

ylabel= “ text for the yaxis label ie Rate or Percent”

description=”text to display in the description box at the bottom”

rr1=”the Inequality ratio(Q5/Q1) for Period1”

rr2=”the Inequality ratio(Q5/Q1) for Period2”

cperiod1="Text for period1 legend label and in the Inequality Ratio label for Period1"

cperiod2="Text for period2 legend label and in the Inequality Ratio label for Period2"

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />------data1=”data for bar1” data2=” data for bar2”for first two bars

<bar data1="00" data2="0" />--for second 2 bars

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />for third 2 bars

<bar data1="0" data2="0" /> for fourth 2 bars

<bar data1="00" data2="0" /> for fifth 2 bars

</target1>// end of target 1data


<target2 name="Unemployment" description="Description text here"ylabel="Percent" rr1="2.78" rr2="2.64" maxv="20" cperiod1="1991" cperiod2="2001">

<bar data1="6.6" data2="4.9" />

<bar data1="8.9" data2="5.4" />

<bar data1="10.7" data2="7" />

<bar data1="13.3" data2="8.6" />

<bar data1="18.5" data2="13" />


<target3 name="Youth employment"description="Description text here" ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " >

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="00" data2="0" />

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="00" data2="0" />



<objective2 name="Improving wellbeing" >

<target1 name="Healthy South Australians" description="Description text here"ylabel="Rate" ylabel="Rate" rr1="0" rr2="0" maxv="100" cperiod1="Period1 " cperiod2="Period2">

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="00" data2="0" />

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="0" data2="0" />

<bar data1="00" data2="0" />
