Home Task for Summer (2017-18)
Name - ______
Grade- ______3rd______
1. School summer vacation will start from 30th May 2017 to 2nd July 2017. PTM will conduct on 31st May 2017. The school will reopen on July 3, 2017 Monday.
2. Holiday work can be downloaded from the school website ( on
5 June 2017.
3. School office will remain open during these holidays. You may feel free to contact at school.
4. Extra classes from IX TO XII will be held from1st June 2017 to 24 June 2017. School buses will pick and drop the students.
5. Converse in English with your family. Take care of your health during this vacation.
6. There should be a separate notebook for holiday homework.
7. 20 % mark will be added in final exam for homework.
8. Special attention should be given to neatness and presentation while making projects and charts.
9. Work should be creatively & attractively done.
10. Periodic tests will be held as per the CBSE guidelines. Retest in any subject will not be possible.
11. The submission of holiday homework will be done on 6 of July.
12. Students must improve their reading and writing by regular practice at home.
Periodic test schedule for Class Mont. To 9th & 11th ( 2017-18)Subject / 1st Periodic Test / 2nd Periodic Test / Term-1 / 3rd Periodic Test / 4th Periodic Test
English / Monday, 29/05/2017 / Monday, 31/07/2017 / Thursday, 14/09/2017 / Monday, 06/11/2017 / Monday, 11/12/2017
Hindi/B.St/Chem / Tuesday, 04/07/2017 / Tuesday, 08/08/2017 / Monday, 18/09/2017 / Monday, 13/11/2017 / Monday, 18/12/2017
Science/Acc./Phy / Monday, 10/07/2017 / Monday, 21/08/2017 / Thursday, 21/09/2017 / Monday, 20/11/2017 / Tuesday, 26/12/2017
mathematics / Monday, 17/07/2017 / Monday, 28/08/2017 / Monday, 25/09/2017 / Monday, 27/11/2017 / Monday, 15/01/2018
S. Science/Bio/Eco / Monday, 24/07/2017 / Monday, 04/09/2017 / Thursday, 28/09/2017 / Monday, 04/12/2017 / Monday, 22/01/2018
Periodic test schedule for Class 10th & 12th ( 2017-18)
Subject / 1st Periodic Test / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / Pre board exam.
English / Monday, 10/07/2017 / Monday, 21/08/2017 / Monday, 25/09/2017 / Monday, 06/11/2017 / Monday, 18/12/2017
Hindi/B.St/Chem / Monday, 17/07/2017 / Monday, 28/08/2017 / Tuesday, 03/10/2017 / Monday, 13/11/2017 / Tuesday, 26/12/2017
Science/Acc./Phy / Monday, 24/07/2017 / Monday, 04/09/2017 / Monday, 16/10/2017 / Monday, 20/11/2017 / Monday, 15/01/2018
mathematics / Monday, 31/07/2017 / Thursday, 14/09/2017 / Monday, 23/10/2017 / Monday, 27/11/2017 / Monday, 22/01/2018
S. Science/Bio/Eco / Tuesday, 08/08/2017 / Monday, 18/09/2017 / Monday, 30/10/2017 / Monday, 04/12/2017 / Monday, 29/01/2018
On Personal Hygiene &Care
1. Keep yourself always clean & tidy.
2. Take a bath regularly.
3. Always keep smiling.
4. Have a proper haircut.
5. Comb your hair neatly.
6. Trim your nails regularly. Don’t bite them.
7. Wear polished shoes.
8. Change socks everyday.
9. Always keep a clean handkerchief in your pocket, properly folded.
10. Wash your hands before you eat.
11. Wash your feet before you sleep.
12. While yawning sneezing, coughing-use a handkerchief to cover your mouth.
13. Spit only in washbasins. Do not spit on road side.
14. Throw all waste in the dustbin only.
1. Learn periodic test syllabus and write also.
2. Do one page writing in writing book. Paste five pet animals picture and describe one of them
Which you like most.
3. Paste 10 pictures of naming word (Noun) and write a sentence of each.
4. Make a chart of action words with pictures.
1. ग्रीष्म ऋतु के किसी एक फल के बारे में चित्र बनाकर लिखें- ( कहाँ उगता है , कैसा होता है ,उसके क्या –क्या फायदे हैं , उससे क्या –क्या बनता है ,तथा उससे सम्बंधित विशेषण शब्दों की सूची बनाओ)I
2. आ से अः तक सभी स्वरों की मात्राओं के पांच – पांच शब्द बनाएं जो आपकी हिंदी व्याकरण की पुस्तक में न हों I
3. भारत के प्रत्येक प्रान्त में अलग – अलग भाषाएँ बोली जाती हैं I सभी प्रान्तों की भाषाओँ के नाम तथा उसकी लिपियों को याद कीजिए और अपनी उत्तर – पुस्तिका पर लिखिएI
4. दस विलोम शब्द ,दस पर्यायवाची ,दस लिंग बदलों लिखकर लाएँ जो आपकी पाठय- पुस्तक में न हों I इसे ए-4 शीट पर बनाओI
5. नियतकालिक परीक्षा का पाठयक्रम याद करें व लिखें I
6. हिंदी की देवनागरी लिपि में 1 से 20 तक संख्यावाची शब्द लिखकर लाएँI
नोट :- गृहकार्य को सुंदर लेख में करके लाएँI
1. Learn tables 2 to 20 and write 7 times.
Quiz on ‘Dodge Table’ will be held after the school reopens.
2. Make a maths dictionary and write vocabulary of first 3 chapters.
3. Make a chart of Roman symbols with their values.
4. Revise Chapters - 1, 2 and 3.
5. Make a model of different shapes using thermo coal.
1. Read lesson – 4 to 6 and do book 1 work. Find out difficult words and write their meaning also.
2. Make a chart on “Our World” collect pictures of living and non living things. Make a collage with these pictures (Roll. No. 1 to 29).
Collect ten different kinds of flowers and leaves remember the name of the plants from which you picked them. Paste them in a scrapbook. Write their name also (Roll. No. 25 to 50).
3 Learn and write W/M/, Q/A of lesson 1 to 3
1. Learn lesson-1 complete.
2. Do activity of lesson -1 Page no. -12.
1. In A4/A3 size sheet make any shape by different types of dry/fresh leaves.
1. How should we fill cash Performa, withdraw money from any bank (Write steps in A4 sheet).
2. ATM visit/transactions process.
Vice Principal - Ms. Kirti Soni