Office:UNT History, Wooten 234

1155 Union Circle, #310560

Denton, TX 76203-0650

Home (preferred contact):

2008 Laurel St.

Denton, TX 76205-6917

Tel.: 940.765.1327


Ph.D.United States History, University of Arizona

2nd major in Premodern European History

Minor in Women and Gender Studies

M.A.Premodern European History, University of Arizona

B.A.History, Anthropology minor, magna cum laude, University of Washington

Professional Employment

Aug. 2013-presentAssociate Professor, History Dept., Univ. of North Texas (UNT)

Jan. 2013-presentWomen’s Studies Advisory Board member, UNT

Aug. 2007-presentWomen’s Studies Program Affiliated Faculty, UNT

Aug. 2007-May 2013Assistant Professor, History Dept., UNT

Jan. 2005-May 2007Adjunct Professor, History Dept., Univ. of Arizona (UA)

Summers 2000-4Adjunct Instructor, History Dept., UA

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Pomerleau, Clark A. “‘Consorting with the Enemy?’: Women’s Liberation Rhetoric about Sexuality.” Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes, eds. Sexual Rhetorics. Studies in Rhetoric and Communication series. Routledge, 2015.

Pomerleau, Clark A. Califia Women: Feminist Education against Sexism, Classism, and Racism. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2013. Reissued in paperback 2014.

Pomerleau, Clark A. “College Transitions: Recommended Policies for Trans Students and Employees.” A. Enke, ed. Transfeminist Perspectives in and beyond Transgender and Gender Studies. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2012.

Pomerleau, Clark A. “Empowering Members, Not Overpowering Them: The National Organization for Women, Calls for Lesbian Inclusion, and California Influence, 1960s–1980s.” Journal of Homosexuality 57.7 (2010): 842-861.

Pomerleau, Clark A. “Gender-Inclusive Feminist Praxis in Contested Spaces.” In Vic Muñoz. and Ednie Kaeh Garrison. “Transpedagogies: A Roundtable Dialogue.”WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly 36.3 (Fall/Winter 2008): 288-308.

Encyclopedia Entry

Pomerleau, Clark A. “Mary Inman,” in the American National Biography, Susan Ware, editor-in-chief, Oxford University Press (online), 2016.

Archived Oral History Interview Transcripts (since 2013)

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Adams, Jennifer L. Oral History Interview withJennifer L. Adams. UNT OH1841. 2014.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Berkowitz, Warren. Oral History Interview with Warren Berkowitz. OH1810. 2013.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Bryan, Gerry. Oral History Interview with Gerry Bryan. OH 1873. 2015. Bound 2016.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Cart, Lee E.Oral History Interview with Lee E. Cart. OH 1858. 2015.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Coleman, Eliot. Oral History Interview with Eliot Coleman. OH 1791. 2013.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Dyer, Lorraine. Oral History Interview with Lorraine Dyer. OH 1881. 2015. Bound 2017.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Fitzgerald, Diane. Oral History Interview with Diane Fitzgerald. OH 1882. 2014. Bound 2017.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Gaudette, Jeanne. Oral History Interview with Jeanne Gaudette. OH 1811. 2013.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Groves, Doris. Oral History Interview with Doris Groves. OH 1795. 2014.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Heavrin, Jr., Keith. Oral History Interview with Keith Heavrin, Jr. OH 1868. 2015.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Ikemiya, Masanobu. Oral History Interview with Masanobu Ikemiya. [in process] 2015.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Ikemiya, Tomoko. Oral History Interview with Tomoko Ikemiya. [in process] 2015.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Joly, Greg. Oral History Interview with Greg Joly. OH 1790. 2014.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Jones, Robert E. “Bob.” Oral History Interview with Robert E. “Bob” Jones. OH 1840. 2014.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Kimber, Robert “Bob,” Kimber, Rita. Oral History Interview with Robert “Bob” and Rita Kimber. OH 1874. 2015. Bound 2016.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Legler, Gretchen, Hill, Ruth. Oral History Interview with Gretchen Legler and Ruth Hill. OH 1886. 2015. Bound 2017.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,McMillen, Abbie. Oral History Interview with Abbie McMillen. OH 1780. 2015.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Ravindranath, Preetha (Menon), Natesan, Prathiba. Oral History Interview with Preetha Ravindranath (Menon). OH 1908. 2017.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Ricci, Elizabeth “Ivy” Feiga Ross,Ricci, Joel Anthony. Oral History Interview with Elizabeth “Ivy” Feiga Ross Ricci and Joel Anthony Ricci. OH 1792. 2014.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Wadsworth, Chip. Oral History Interview with Chip Wadsworth. OH 1857. 2015.

Pomerleau, Clark A.,Winn, Janine. Oral History Interview with Janine Winn. OH 1875. 2015. Bound 2016.

Conference Paper Presentations

April 2018“Cultivating Humaneness by Grafting Together Natural Science and Spirituality,” Organization of American Historians, Sacramento, CA

April 2018“Translating 19th-c. Ideals into postwar Environmentalism: the Case of Helen Knothe Nearing,” Postwar Faculty Colloquium, UNT, Denton, TX

April 2015“Back-to-the-Maine Myth: Homesteader Success in a State of Natural Wonder and Poverty,” American Society for Environmental History, Washington, D.C.

March 2015“Helen Nearing: Modeling Food Production in Service to ‘the Good Life,’” Moral Cultures of Food: Access, Production, and Consumption from Past to Present, UNT, Denton, TX

May 2012“Califia Community, Sisterhood, and the Intractability of Racial Segregation in Second Wave Feminism,” Western Association of Women Historians Conference, Berkeley, CA

Oct. 2008“Masculine-Spectrum Histories, Gender/Sexual Identities, and Social Justice,” Southern Comfort Conference, Atlanta, GA

Apr. 2008 “Masculine Spectrum Identity, Alliances, and Feminism,” International Foundation for Gender Education, Tucson, AZ

Jun. 2005“Fat Liberation and Abundant Possibilities for Coalition,” Thinking Through Action:Twentieth-Century Social Movements and Their Legacy, Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Aug. 2002“Meat on the Table: Califia Community’s Development of Feminist Class Consciousness,” American Historical Association-Pacific Coast Branch (AHA-PCB), Tucson, AZ

Oct. 2001 “Women-Identified Women Bringing a Lesbian Nation Home: Anti-Sexism Work and Sexual Identity in Califia Community,” QGrad, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Aug. 2001 “Seeing Women of Color in Feminist Anti-Racist Work: Race and Ethnicity in Califia Community,” AHA-PCB, Vancouver, BC

Invited Lectures

July 2015“Grow It and Eat It: A Good Life of Fresh Healthy Food with Less Kitchen Prep,” Reversing Falls Sanctuary, Brooksville, ME

July 2015“‘No Helen, No Good Life’: Helen Nearing’s Ethic of Service,” Monday Lyceum, The Good Life Center, Harborside, ME

July 2015“The Nearing Diet,” Maine Department of Conservation Farm Day, The Good Life Center, Harborside, ME

2013Panel moderator for FMLA/Project Nur panel, “Feminist Perspectives in Muslim Communities,” UNT

2013Keynote Speaker, “Women’s Studies as the ‘academic arm of the feminist movement,’” Women’s Studies Honors Ceremony, UNT

Nov. 2012Speaker at Guyer High School Gay/Straight Alliance, TX, “American LGBT History from World War II on”

Oct. 2012Speaker at Plano High School Gay/Straight Alliance, TX, “American LGBT History in Five Themes”

Mar. 2012Moderator and co-organizer of Equity through Dance Symposium (Mar. 6)

Mar. 2012Keynote Speech, Counseling Psychology Graduate Diversity Conference, UNT

Oct. 2011Speaker at Free Thought Alliance UNT, “The History of Gender Bias in European and American Medical Science”

Mar. 2011Speaker at Resource Center Dallas, “Honoring and Preserving Women’s History: The Centrality of Labor and Feminist Activism”

Apr. 2010Speaker at Glad UNT student group, “Queer History”

Mar. 2010Speaker at Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA), UNT, “Women’s History Month & Women’s History: Honoring Labor & Feminist Activism”

Nov. 2009Speaker at FMLA, “Constructing Gender and Cisgender Privilege”

Nov. 2008Speaker at FMLA, “Duanna Johnson, Nakhia Williams, …: Violence, Transphobia, Homophobia, and Sexism”

May 2004“U.S. Homosexual Persecution and Pride:a 1940s and 1950s Dialectic,” Holocaust Exhibit Event, Tucson Jewish Community Center, Tucson, AZ

Consulting and Reviewer Work

2018External Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion, History Department, Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Kansas State University

2018Reviewer for Routledge Press on the history of simple living

2017External Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion, History Department, Sam Houston State University

2017Reviewer for Routledge Press on GLBT history

2015-2016Reviewer for Palgrave Macmillan on LGBT studies, then transgender studies

2015Review of documentaries for Films for the Feminist Classroom

2014Reviewer for Routledge Press on GLBT history

2013-2014Consulting and grant writing for The Dallas War, Dallas, TX GLBT history

2013-2014Reviewer for GLQ on lesbian feminist history

2013External Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion, History Department, University of Indiana, Kokomo

2010 Reviewer for Feminist Formations (formerly National Women’s Studies Association Journal), “‘Studying Up’ as a Feminist Anti-Racist or Social Justice Venture”

2009Reviewer for Coryell/Faires, Women and America McGraw-Hill on women and gender history

2005-2006Reviewer for Women’s Studies International Forum on women and gender history

Teaching Experience

graduate courses

Twentieth-century U.S. Women’s and Gender History Research Seminar (HIST 5100 Sp17)

Twentieth-century U.S. Women’s and Gender History Readings (HIST 5110 F16, F14, F11, F08)

U.S. Topics since the Second Industrial Revolution (HIST 5110 F15)

Twentieth-century U.S. Social Movements Research Seminar (HIST 5100 Sp12)

U.S. Oral History with LGBT Americans (HIST 5110 → 5900 F13)

graduate independent studies and thesis supervision (with students’ names)

Dissertation (HIST 6950 F14-present Karen Wisely, F15-present Amy Hedrick)

Individual Research – comprehensive exam prep (HIST 6940 Sp17 William “Denny” Thweatt, F14 Amy Hedrick, Sp14 Karen Wisely)

Thesis (HIST 5950 Sp17-F17 Matthew Harvey, Sp16-F16 William Treadway, Sp15-Sp16 Rebecca Dickerson, Sp15 Sarah Holbrook, F14-Sp15 Kyle Edelbrock, F13-Sp15 Robert Cox)

Special Problems M.A./M.S. exam prep (HIST 5900 Su17 S. James “Jamie” Shepperson, Su16 Rebecca Dickerson, F15 Erin Darity)

U.S. Topics since the Second Industrial Revolution (HIST 5900 Sp16 Matthew Harvey)

U.S. Gender, Race, Class, and Policy since World War II (HIST 6900 F13 Amy Hedrick)

U.S. Women from 1900 (HIST 5900 Sp14 Rebecca Dickerson, Sarah Holbrook, S18 Kate Doak)

U.S. Women from 1900 (HIST 6900 Sp14 Amy Hedrick)

U.S. History of Sexualities, Foundation and Course Development (HIST 6900 F11 Karen Wisely)

Thesis (HIST 5950 Su09, Su10, F10, Sp11, Su11 Karen Wisely, F12-Sp13 David Brooks)

Late 19th-20th-century U.S. Sports History Readings (HIST 5900 Su11 Jackie Roberts)

U.S. History of Sexualities (HIST 5900 F10 Stephanie Hawkins)

Women in Dallas LGBT Community (HIST 5900 Su10 Karen Wisely)

Work with Oral Histories (HIST 5900 Sp10, Karen Wisely)

History of Women in the U.S. since 1900 (HIST 5900 Sp09 Karen Wisely)

Late 19th-20th-century U.S. GLBT History Readings (HIST 5900 Su09 Karen Wisely)

Masculinities in recent U.S. History Readings (HIST 5900 Sp08 Christopher Grall)

U.S. Gender, Race, Class, and Policy since World War II (HIST 5900 Sp08 Sultan Dolek)

History of Women in the U.S. since 1900 (HIST 5900 F07 Sara Spillers)

Honors Thesis (HIST 4951 Sp13 Jennifer Forester)

undergraduate courses

Twentieth-century U.S. Women’s and Gender History Readings Independent Study (HIST 4900 F10 Jeffrey Rose)

History of Women and Gender in the U.S. since 1870 (HIST 4470 Sp18, Sp17, Sp16, Sp14, F12, Sp11, Sp10, Sp09, F07)

U.S. Gender, Race, Class, and Policy since World War II (HIST 4461 F17, F15, F13, F12, Sp11, F09, Sp08)

History of Modern Sexualities (HIST 4261F17, F16, HIST 4460 Sp14, F14, Sp13, F10, Sp10, F08, F07)

Social & Cultural Topics in U.S. Religions History (HIST 4261 Sp18)

Twentieth-century U.S. Social Movements “Capstone” Research Seminar (HIST 4261 Sp12)

U.S. Since 1865 (HIST 2620 Sp16, 2xSp13, 2xSp12, F10, 2xF09, 2xSp09, 2xSp08)

Adjunct Professor andInstructor, University of Arizona undergraduate courses

U.S. History 1945-present (HIST 440)

U.S. History 1917-1945 (HIST 438)

U.S. Politicians, Protesters, & Press Since 1945 (HIST 396 senior thesis course)

Independent Study on Theorizing Gender Transgression in History (HIST 499)

Independent Study on Neoliberalism and University Resources (HIST 399)

Independent Study on Gender and Sexuality in U.S. History (HIST 399)

Theories of Power, Gender, and Sex in History (HIST 458)

Feminist Theories (WS 305)

U.S. Women 1890-Present (HIST/WS 254) (2 times)

Comparative History of Sexuality (HIST/WS 202) (3 times)

Women and Western Culture (WS 200) (2 times)

Gender and Contemporary Society (INDV 102)

U.S. since 1877 (INDV 103)

Europe in the Modern World, 1600-1989 (INDV 103/HIST 102) (2 times)

Western Civilization Prehistory-1648 (TRAD 102/HIST 101)

Additional teaching assistance, UA

U.S. since 1877 (INDV 103)

U.S. Meaning of Freedom 1776-1877 (TRAD 103)

Europe in the Modern World, 1600-1989 (INDV 103) (4 times)

Western Civilization Prehistory-1648 (TRAD 102) (5 times)

U.S. Women 1890 to Present (HIST/WS 254)

U.S. Women from Colonial America to 1890 (HIST/WS 253)

The Reformation Era (HIST 409)

England 1603-Present (HIST 118)

England Prehistory-1603 (HIST 117)

Student Committees

2016-presentJoseph Rzeppa, committee chair, History Ph.D. program; Dewey & Luciano

2013-presentAmy Hedrick, committee chair, History Ph.D. program; WASP history

2011-presentKaren Wisely, committee chair, History Ph.D. program; LGBT Dallas history


2016-presentZacharie Barber, committee member, History Ph.D. program; African American hist.

2014-presentWilliam “Denny” Thweatt, committee member, History Ph.D. program; biography of Margaret Bayard Smith from early republic D.C.

2013-2016April Jo Murphy, committee member, English Ph.D. program; gender and sexuality focus, “Welcome to the Rest of It,” successful dissertation defense May 2016

2011-2014Katherine Cloer, committee member, History Ph.D. program; Chicana Dallas—did not complete degree


2016-presentCaroline Hausman, committee chair, History M.A. program

2015-presentMatthew Harvey, committee chair, History M.A. program; Vietnam-era masculinities thesis in process

2015-presentWill Treadway, committee chair, History M.A. program; professional wrestling, thesis in process

2016-2017James Shepperson, committee chair, History M.S. program; successful oral exam defense

2013-2017Rebecca Dickerson, committee chair, History M.A. program; women in war—obtained teaching position instead of finishing

2013-2015Kyle Edelbrock, committee chair, History M.A. program; “Taking It to the Streets: the History of Gay Pride Parades of Dallas, Texas, 1972-1986,” successful thesis defense August 2015

2013-2015Sarah Holbrook, committee chair, History M.A. program; successful oral exam defense

2013-2015Erin Darity, committee chair, History M.A. program; successful oral exam defense

2012-2015Robert Cox, interim committee chair, History M.A. program; intellectual property history—did not complete thesis

2012-2013David Brooks, committee chair, History M.A. program; “The Ultimate Ethos: Challenges, Cooptation and Survival During Ultimate’s Adolescence,”successful thesis defense August 2013

2008-2011Karen Wisely, committee chair, History M.A. program; “Women in the Gayborhood: The Role of Lesbians in the Dallas LGBT Community,”successful thesis defense August 2011


2016-2017Codee Scott, committee member, History M.A. program; “A Woman’s Place is at Work: The Rise of Women’s Paid Labor in Five Texas Cities, 1900-1940,”successful thesis defense June 2017

2015-2016Summer Smith, committee member, History M.A. program; “Married in a Frisky Mode: Clandestine and Irregular Marriages in Eighteenth-century Britain,” successful thesis defense August 2016

2014-2015Megan Haase, committee member, History M.S. program; successful oral exam defense

2012-2013M. Omar Siddiqi, committee member, History M.A. program; “Ethnogenesis and Captivity: Structuring Transatlantic Difference in the Early Republic,” successful thesis defense August 2013

2011-2013David McKee, committee member, History M.A. program; “Lester Walton’s Champion: Black America’s Uneasy Relationship with Jack Johnson,” successful thesis defense August 2013

2011-2012Jackie Roberts, interim committee chair, History M.A. program; U.S. women’s basketball

2010-2011Wesley Chin, committee member, Art History M.A. program

2008-2011Katherine Cloer, committee member, History M.A. program; “A Champion for the Chicano Community: Anita N. Martinez and Her Contributions to the City of Dallas, 1969-1973,” successful thesis defense August 2011

2008-2009Darenda DeLoach, committee member, Art History M.A. program


2017-2018Sierra Burrier, committee chair, Undergraduate Research Fellow and Scholar’s Day “We Still Have Mutual Friends”

2011-2013Jennifer Forester, committee chair, Honors College Senior Thesis:“Pics or it Didn't Happen: Sexist Hyperskepticism in the Modern Skeptical Movement”

University-wide Committees

2014-2016President’s Advisory Council, has included meeting with each candidate for the VP of Diversity and Inclusion

2012-2016Founding member, Transgender Taskforce, Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity, UNT

2008-2016Ally Trainer, UNT and facilitator at UT-Dallas, UNT-Dallas, TWU

2010-2014Founding member, LGBT Taskforce, Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity, UNT

2008-2014Founding member and secretary, IDEA Team, Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity, UNT

2010-2011LGBT SIGN group, co-chair, Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity, UNT

College-wide Committees

2017-2020College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, elected

2017-2018College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Subcommittee for Changing College Requirement, volunteered with two others

2016-2017College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, appointed

2015-2017Women’s and Gender Studies Search Committee for permanent director, member

Departmental Committees

2015-2018Graduate Committee, History (elected to 1 year term + 2 year term), chair

2013-presentAdvisory Board, Women and Gender Studies, member

2011-presentBlack History Month Committee, UNT, member

2007-presentWomen’s History Month Committee, UNT (Chair on alternating years), currently member

2007-present Representative for Office of Disability Accommodation, UNT

2015-2017Departmental Affairs Committee, History (2nd term)

2013-2014Departmental Affairs Committee, History (1st term; faculty leave interrupted term)

2016-2017History Department ad hoc charter revision committee, chair

2016-2017History Department ad hoc committee for a new graduate concentration, co-chair

2011-2013History Undergraduate Committee, UNT, member

2008-2010History Undergraduate Committee, UNT, member

2007-2008History Department U.S. West Search Committee, UNT, member

2006-2007Undergraduate History Major and Minor Adviser, UA

2006Reviewer, History Department Outstanding Undergraduate Paper, UA

2005Search Committee for History Department spring faculty hire, UA, member

2001-2005Sex and Freedom Advocacy Project, Women’s and Gender Studies, UA

2000“The Future of Women’s Studies: Foundations, Interrogations, Politics” Conference committee member, UA

Advising of Student Organizations since 2007

2007-2015Faculty Advisor, TRIAD (formerly Trans*former or Transcending Gender Denton)

2010-2014Faculty Advisor, By the Bi, UNT

2009-2014Faculty Advisor, Glad: The UNT Queer Alliance, UNT

2009-2014Faculty Advisor, Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance, UNT

2009Faculty Advisor, Relationship Styles Student Group, UNT

2006-2007Faculty Advisor, Political Writings Reading Student Group, UA

Community Work

2015-presentAikido Academy of Denton Assistant Teacher to Youth Program

2014-presentAikido Academy of Denton Board Member, including yearly seminar

2018Denton High School Orchestra Scholarship Review Committee

2016-2017Trained as Citizen Forester, Denton, TX

2014-2016Member OUTreach Denton Steering Committee and co-facilitator for the LGBTQ Youth Group (2-year term)

2013-2014Consultant and Grant Writer to The Dallas Way (GLBT history of Dallas)

2012-2013Member of the Lay Teaching Committee for Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship’s Intern

2009-2014 Aikido Academy of Denton (non-profit) Treasurer and Board Member

Funding, Awards, Nominations

2018-2019“Body, Place, and Identity Expansion” Team Mentorship Grant, UNT, applied; granted

2017-2018“Body, Place, and Identity Mentorship Network” Team Mentorship Grant, UNT, applied; granted

2016History Department Research Travel Grant

2015Departmental nomination for university J.H. Shelton Excellence in Teaching Award

2014Faculty Developmental Research Leave for spring 2015, UNT, applied; granted

2014Principle Investigator, “The Dallas Way-UNT GLBT Oral History Transcription,” 2014 UNT Community Engagement Grant Application, $7,000 applied; unfunded

2014President’s Community Engagement Honor Roll, Division of Community Engagement, UNT

Oct. 2013Principle Investigator, “History of American Voluntary Simplicity,” Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, $1,500 Small Grant Application applied; granted

2013Voice and Action Advisor Finalist, Campus Pride (national organization)

2009-2010Certificate of Appreciation: Diversity Champion, Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity, UNT

Summer 2008Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, Univ. of North Texas

Summer 2003Elizabeth Lantin Ramenofsky Graduate Fellowship in Southwest History

Sept. 2002Irene Ledesma Prize, The Coalition of Western Women's History, Western Historical Association

1998-1999Fulbright Full-Maintenance Gradate Fellow to Germany

1994Phi Beta Kappa honor society, University of Washington


Organization of American Historians

National Women’s Studies Association