January Newsletter

January 2014

Dear Parents/Guardians of Riverview East School:

What an exciting year we’ve had! It’s so amazing being in our new school and all students being under one roof! Staff and students have settled in nicely.

Riverview East School is excited to continue to make updates to our website! The address is On the website you’ll find calendar items of upcoming events, school information, newsletters, documents, etc. You can also access it by going to the Anglophone East School District website, clicking on Riverview East School, and then clicking on the website link.

The staff, in conjunction with our PSSC, will continue to review and revise our School Improvement Plan (SIP). Our major goals will focus on continuing to maintain our strong Literacy and Mathematics results and maintaining our high level of positive student behavior. The main goals will be placed on the website.

The Middle Level is now scheduled to have literacy and numeracy blocks as opposed to simply having periods. This last practice coincides with our K-5 blocks.

On Monday, January 27th, in conjunction with Family Literacy Day, Riverview East School would like to invitegrandparents of Grade K-5 to come in to the school at 9:45 am to read with their grandchild, to celebrate the importance of reading. If a grandparent is not available, another family member could come.

Mme. LeBlanc’s grade 3 Immersion class will be hosting grandparents at a different time due to another commitment. Her class will be inviting grandparents at 12:45 pm.

PSSC will hold its next monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 22ndat 6:00 pm here at the school. All parents/guardians are welcome.

Home & School would like to thank everyone for their efforts in their in their pie fund-raiser. At our school/spirit assembly on Friday, January 10th, the winner for top fund raiser and class participation were announced!

Information about Staff Appreciation will be coming home soon.

January 21st- Cafeteria Service Starts. A menu went home and details emailed.

January 21st- Breakfast Program Starts

January 21st- PSSC at 6:00pm

January 27th- Family Literacy Day

The always popular water polo will be beginning in the new year for the Grade 5’s. The coaches will be Mme. Belone and Mme.Perry. Regular practice will take place at noon at school. All matches will be held on Tuesdays. All matches are from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.

Our schedule is as follows: January 22: FLB vs GES

February 5: WRES vs GES

February19: GES vs LC

March 12: CDT vs GES

The following is a listing of some of the activities currently being offered at Riverview East School. With our dedicated staff, there are so many activities that your child may actually have to choose between activities that are on the same day.

Monday / Peer Helpers / Noon
Power Hour – Grade 2 / Noon
Tuesday / Power Hour – Grade 2 / Noon
Wednesday / Choir / Noon
Thursday / Power Hour - Grade 3 / Noon
Friday / Power Hour – Grade 3 / Noon
Grade5Water polo practice / Noon

Riverview East School’s Hackmatack Book Club will be starting in the new year! Grades 4 & 5 students will have the opportunity to share their passion for reading with their peers. Students will be reading from a wide selection of books written by some outstanding authors from across Canada. Stay tuned for more information.

The Ryan Gunn Write for Fun Author/Illustrator project is a picture book enrichment project sponsored by ASD-E to celebrate the creativity of our elementary/middle school students at the Grade 3-5 levels. Teachers and other adults facilitate the project as mentors and provide constructive feedback and guidance. However, these books are the student's own work. This project began on December 18th and runs until March 1st. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs.Kieley run this activity.

Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball teams have started and games have begun. Schedules can be found on the RES website. Math for some Grades 7 and 8 students have begun with the playing of Bridge for an hour Friday mornings.

Grade 7 and 8 bridge club has begun on Fridays. Bridge is a wonderful Math enrichment.

Grades 3-5 students had a wonderful opportunity this past week by participating in a drama work shop through the Capitol theatre here at school.

Grades 6-8 had an assembly this week to discuss student government council. Information was sent home with those student who expressed an interest. The number of students who expressed interest was exciting!


Adam Rogerson, Principal RES