Foundations of Law
MaldenHigh School
Academic Year 2011-2012
Course Syllabus
Level: College Prep/HonorsInstructor: Kerry Veritas
Room: H 315Email:
After school office hours: are by appointment Tuesday and Wednesday until 2:45 and Thursday until 3:00.
Wikispace/Class Website:
Binder: one 2 inch, 3 ring, loose leaf paper, dividers
Pens: 3 different colors(any colors you choose)
Highlighter/s: different colors if possible
Suggested: Small Flash Drive
Course Description:
Why do we need laws? How does a law in practice compare to a law on paper? What does equal justice mean? This semester course helps students develop in-depth knowledge of how and why laws are formed as well as the relationships between laws, law enforcement and social justice. The course will use inquiry and project based approaches to foster critical thinking and literacy skills. Unit topics include criminal law, civil law, equality under the law, international law, human rights, crime scene investigation and careers in law and justice. Integrated into the curriculum are performance based assessments, including mock trials, international conferences, policy debates, and a crime scene investigation. Students will be exposed to a variety of career opportunities within the law and justice field, learning and applying the skills needed for each job.
Honors Level: The honors and cp students will have the same curriculum. Honor students will do some more challenging assignments and extensions with am emphasis on writing.
In preparing you for a 21st century society, we will incorporate technology-rich lessons into the curriculum. You will have the opportunity to work with school laptops and computer labsand will learn many Web 2.0 tools. In addition, you may have the opportunity to work with a virtual notebook and experience a digital classroom. More information on this will be provided in the future. As always, the school-wide Acceptable Use Policy should be followed at all times and technology should only be used for school-related assignments.
Distribution of quarterly grading components:
Chapter Tests and Major Projects: 35%
Section Quizzes, Minor Projects and Minor Writing Assignments: 15%
Daily Homework: 15%
Daily Pair/Share Grade, Preparedness, Class work and Binders: 35%
Test Correction Policy: Students will be allowed to make open book/notes test corrections following a test with an unsatisfactory grade. Corrected answers will be worth lesser point values from the original. The new grade will be calculated from the partial points earned. Point value available will vary depending on the test, but no correction is ever worth more than 50% of its original value. Test correction days will be announced in advance and additional days will not be added unless a special circumstance exists and is accepted by myself.
Homework and Make-Up Work Policy:
Late Work: Students are expected to hand in all work on the day it is due. If this does not occur, students will have no more than two weeks after the assigned date to complete the assignment. All major assignments such as essays or projects will lose 5 points each day they are late.
Absent Work: If you were absent, you are responsible to find out what was missed and make it up promptly. The wiki should be updated with the days work and therefore should be easy to figure out what you have missed.
All Work: I will NOT accept any make-up work for a chapter any later than the scheduled date of the Chapter Test. This is because homework and class work are used to practice a skill, learn a concept or assess what you know about a concept. If you do the work after a test, you will not be able to get misinformation cleared up before you take the test.
After School Office Hours Policy: In order to avoid many students all coming after school and waiting in line, you must see me or speak to me before the end of the day to schedule an appointment. (See above office hours)
Grading Scale 0-4 for Daily Class Work/Homework/etc.4 (100%) / Demonstrates an exceptional level of quality and effort. Work is completed to exceed expectations. Mastery in applying the concepts (or principles).
(75%) / Demonstrates proficient knowledge with a good effort and quality of work. Assignment is complete. Demonstrates the ability to apply the concepts (or principles).
(50%) / Demonstrates proficient knowledge and the ability to apply concepts (or principles). Work shows average effort.
(25%) / Work shows minimal effort. Demonstrates a basic or surface understanding of recalling or comprehending concepts (or principles).
(0%) / Understanding is below basic in relation to understanding concepts (or principles). Work is of poor quality and does not meet standards or expectations.
Key Topics
Quarter 1 / Quarter 2Unit 1: Human Nature, Rules, and Power: The Origins of Law / Unit 4: Lawsuits and Liability
Unit 2: The Legal System in Action / Unit 5: Equal Justice Under the Law
Unit 3: Criminal Law and the Pursuit of Justice / Unit 6: International Law and Human Rights
Classroom Expectations
There is no talking when someone else is speaking. I grant all permission to speak. There is no calling out or talking when it is not your turn.
In order to get a turn to speak you must raise your hand and be chosen. Failure to follow these simple rules will result in consequences ranging from warnings to time after school. If you refuse to comply you will be removed from class.
We will treat one another with respect. If you treat me with respect, you will be treated with respect.