Event Summary
Citizenship North Carolina Focus:
A Capital Experience and Service Opportunity for Military Kids
June 15-19, 2009, Raleigh, NC
Who:200 North Carolina 4-H and/or military teens and identified adult partners, selected by application.
What:Dynamic learning focused upon civic engagement, understanding stategovernment, and participating in volunteer service activities
When:Monday, June 15 – Wednesday, June 17 Capital Experience;
Wednesday, June 17 – Friday, June 19 Service Opportunities
Where:Sheraton Downtown and other local sites in Raleigh, NC
Why:To inspire engaged citizenship and to foster an ethic of service
Goals:~ Encourage expanded leadership and citizenship
~ Increase understanding of state government operations
~ Develop marketing and public relations skills among teens
~ Demonstrate collaboration between government, non-profit and for-profit
~ Develop strategic planning skills by planning Personal Citizenship
initiatives to implement in local communities.
How does it happen?
Hands-on workshops, panel discussions, distinguished speakers and small group dialogues will help you take a closer look at how government impacts your life everyday, and will give you ideas about how you can impact your government. You will learn about state government, gain skills in working with public officials, visit with legislators, and talk to prominent North Carolina officials.
Before the conference, you will gather information about youth issues, local government, community needs in your area, and about the specific challenges faced by military families around the country. At the conference, you’ll put this information together to create a citizenship initiative plan that you can implement in to your community.
Conference lodging will be at the Sheraton Downtown with roommates randomly assigned based upon information provided on the application. Transportation to and from the conference is the responsibility of the participant. Transportation to venues for citizenship and service events will be provided.
The first three days will involve up to 50 military youth working in cooperation with approximately 150 4-H youth to learn about civic engagement, and to prepare for and conduct legislative visits at the North Carolina General Assembly. The final two days will be scheduled for only the military youth to create opportunities for more specifically focused workshops and activities. These two days will also feature service-learning opportunities for participants to learn about government and nonprofit agencies and the various volunteer options available for teens who want to make a difference.
Participants are expected to:
~ Be at least 14 years old as of January 1, 2009
~ Demonstrate interest in citizen involvement and/or local issues
~ Have experience and/or interest in speaking before groups of peers
~ Take a leadership role in their communities
~ Wear business attire during the June 15-17 Citizenship event
~ Attend the entire weeklong event
~ Actively engage in service projects during the June 17-19 Volunteer activities
~ Gather key information about local issues and government operations in
advance of the conference
How much does it cost?
This opportunity is presented to children of deployed military personnel at a cost of $25 (non-refundable). “Deployment” is defined as those who have returned from deployment on or after December 1, 2008; those who are currently deployed; and those who are on alert for deployment within the current calendar year (2009). This nominal registration fee is made possible by the generous support of donors and through the Operation Military Kids initiative, a partnership between USDA and the Department of Defense.
How do I apply?
Applications must be received by May 15, 2009. Return completed application to: Scott Enroughty, NC 4-H Military Programs Coordinator, Department of 4-H Youth Development and Family & Consumer Sciences, Campus Box 7606, Raleigh, NC 27695-7606. If you have questions about this opportunity, contact Scott Enroughty at 919.515.8500 or or Harriett Edwards at 919.515.9548 or .
2009 Application for Youth Delegates
Citizenship North Carolina Focus:
A Capital Experience and Service Opportunity for Military Kids
June 15-19, 2009 Raleigh, NC
Applications must be RECEIVED in the State 4-H Office by May 15, 2009
Accepted delegates will be notified by email no later than May 22, 2009.
Delegates will be expected to gather specifics about their county’s youth climate, government structures, and community needs prior to attendance, and to follow-up with a community-based action.
COST: A $25 non-refundable registration fee is due with submission of application.
First Name: Middle: Last Name:
Preferred Name (for Nametag) County Where You Live:
Who are your NC Legislators?: Senate:House:
(Look up at and clicking on “Who Represents Me?” in the bottom right hand corner)
Military Branch Affiliation: Air Force Army Coast Guard Marine Corps Navy
Air Force Reserve Air National Guard Army National Guard
Army Reserve Coast Guard Reserve Marine Forces Reserve
Navy Reserve
Service Member is: Mother Father Stepmother Stepfather Grandparent Aunt
Uncle Sibling
Street Address:
City:State: Zip:
Phone:-- Cell (if applicable):-- Email:
Shirt Size: Age: Birthdate://
May we list your name and contact info on a participant list to be distributed to attendees? Yes No
Demographic Info
Collected for compliance with federal reporting requirements designed to ensure all programs are conducted in an equitable and non-discriminatory manner
Gender: Male Female Grade in School: As of 2008-2009 School Year
Race or Ethnicity: White or Caucasian Black or African-American Asian
(check all that apply) Native American or Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Hispanic or Latino Other: Please explain:
Place of Residence: Farm Town under 10,000 or rural non-farm Town of 10,000 – 50,000
(check one) Suburb of City of 50,000 or more City over 50,000 Military Installation/Base
Special Needs
Dietary Needs: Vegetarian (eat eggs, dairy) Vegan (no eggs, dairy, animal products of any kind) Other diet restrictions: Please explain:
Please describe any other special needs or accommodations that may be required to enable you to participate in this program:
My signature confirms that I understand that this event will be conducted under the North Carolina 4-H Youth Development Code of Conduct ( and that all misconduct will be handled accordingly.
Participant Signature ______Date:______
Signature of Parent/Guardian ______
Print Name:______Date:______
List any previous experiences or involvement in Citizenship projects, Youth In Governance, or Youth Voice programs (4-H, Boys & Girls Clubs, or other organizations):
Explain your interest in learning more about citizen involvement in North Carolina, local and state government, and youth in governance. What might you want to accomplish in your county as a result of your participation?
Have you served as a volunteer in your community? If so, please list some of your volunteer experiences.
Have you served as an officer (school, faith-based, civic organization, community organization, etc.) this year or any other year? (List year and office held)
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