Best Route
Procura® Health Management Systems
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Software version / Procura 8.0
Documentation version / 8.0
Last Update Date / 2014-07-21
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Best Route 1
Introducing Best Route 1
Best Route License and Access Rights 2
Setting up Best Route 3
System References 3
Pay Records 4
Employee Categories 6
Travel Rules 7
To Work with Travel Rules 9
Geocoding a Group of Addresses 12
The Best Route - Geocode Client Addresses Form 14
Set up Client Related Travel 16
Viewing & Verifying Addresses 21
The Verify or Correct Address Form 21
To Verify a Single Client or Employee Address 23
Working with Best Route 25
The Best Route Scheduling Form 25
To Define a Route for Visitation 28
To Print an Employee Route Report 30
Client Related Travel 32
GPS Travel Data 33
Introducing GPS Travel Data 33
Working with GPS Travel Data 34
Appendices 45
To Generate Mileage Expense Records 45
Sorting Visits Forward 47
Best Route
Best Route
Introducing Best Route
The Best Route module is licensed and packaged with Procura Mobile. If you have obtained a license to use Best Route, you can use a mapping application to help you locate client addresses. This enables you to sort the visits that a specific employee is scheduled to fill on a given day, in order to minimize the time or distance they travel between those visits. It also allows you to calculate mileage and time data for those same visits, and then create mileage and time expenses in Timekeeping.You can also use Best Route to verify the address of one or more clients or employees to ensure that it is valid. To do this, the mapping application allows you to pan and zoom in/out of a geographical area, and then change the address if it is incorrect. /
Best Route | Introducing_Best_Route.htm
Best Route License and Access Rights
You must enable the Best Route license in order to use the Best Route feature. User access rights for the Best Route solution must also be assigned. A separate access right will be defined for each major functional element:
Access Right Name / DescriptionBest Route - Calculate Mileage / Grants access to Best Route calculate mileage functions
Best Route - Client Address Validation / Grants access to the geocode function on the client address page
Best Route - Department Address Validation / Grants access to the geocode function on departments addresses
Best Route - Employee Address Validation / Grants access to the geocode function on the employee address page
Best Route - Geocode Client/Employee Addresses / Grants access to Best Route geocode addresses screen for client and employees
Best Route – Scheduling / Grants access to the Best Route Sort Visits option in scheduling
Best Route - Scheduling Group Address Validation / Grants access to the geocode function on the scheduling group screen
Best Route - Travel Rules Maintenance / Grants access to the Travel Rules maintenance screen
Best Route | Appendix__Access_Rights.htm
Setting up Best Route
System References
Your System Administrator can define the following settings for use with Best Route. These are stored in a System Reference with the label Best Route Settings.
Note: The Visit Sort Forward Settings system reference in the Group Scheduling module contains a setting, called Visit Sort Copy Forward, which determines how the Sort Visits Forward form can be used to schedule sorted visits across multiple days. This setting can be configured so you can also access the Sort Visits Forward form from Best Route Scheduling. See Appendix: Sorting Visits Forward.
Label / Value / PurposeUppercase Address / Yes/No / To maintain all address information in upper case during address geocoding enter Yes. A value of no allows mixed case address information to be saved. This applies to all addresses that can be geocoded.
Distance Units / Sets the units used in Best Route mileage calculation and display. Default is kilometers. / Controls the units used in Best Route mileage calculations and displays.
TK Attendance Types / Transfer to TK Only / Attendance types with "Refusal Absenteeism Type" selected or a label that starts with "Travel Time" are always invisible in the Best Route Sort Visit forms. If the setting is present with the required value, then only attendance types with Transfer to Timekeeping checked will be displayed.
Client Related Travel / Yes/No / Enables the comparison of scheduled client related travel expenses to actual client related travel for a visit.
Client Related Travel Service Type / Name of service type / Specifies the service type (bill and/or pay) that will be used for client related travel budget expenses.
Travel Rule for Department / Name of travel rule / Specifies the travel rule that should be used for all employee categories in the department. Must name a valid rule. See Best Route Travel Rules DARL for more information.
Best Route | System_References.htm
Pay Records
When defining travel rules, only service types that have a mileage pay record can be selected. Therefore, your System Administrator must configure a Pay Record for "per km" reimbursement and for "per day" reimbursement in every pay table where mileage reimbursement is possible.
Note: The mileage rules calculation does not use statutory holiday rates, although a statutory rate is still required on every pay record. The statutory rates can be set to the same values as the regular rates.
The pay record for Pay Per Route reimbursement must have the following properties:
§ Pay Type: Mileage
§ Pay Units: Unit
§ Pay Rate: the amount paid per unit travelled (can be km or mile, depending on Best Route Settings)
The sample Pay Record below is configured for a Pay per Route reimbursement at a rate of $0.32 for every km paid.
The pay records for Pay Per Day reimbursement must have the following properties:
§ Pay Type: Mileage
§ Pay Rate: the amount paid per day. For example, if staff are reimbursed at $20 per day then the pay rate is $20.
§ Pay Units: Unit
The sample Pay Record below is configured for a Pay per Day reimbursement at a rate of $20.00 per day worked.
Best Route | Pay_Rates.htm
Employee Categories
If you have enabled the license to use the Best Route feature, your System Administrator must link travel rules to Employee Categories in order for mileage calculation to be performed. The same travel rule can be linked to multiple categories. However, an employee category can only be linked to one travel rule.
If you have travel rules that should be used for all employees in a department, rather than attaching rules to specific employee categories, you can define a Travel Rules DARL.
Note: If the selected travel rule has been archived, it will be indicated in red in the Employee Category window.
Best Route | Employee_Categories.htm
Travel Rules
The Best Route module allows schedule sorting to reduce the travel distance and time between client visits as well as the ability to generate mileage expenses based on the actual distance between client visits. If you have enabled the license for Best Route, you can use the Travel Rules form to work with rules that are applied for mileage traveled by an employee when they visit a client. The actual rates of pay for reimbursement can be adjusted as needed using Procura's existing Pay Table module.
You can set up rules at a department level or an employee category level, but there is no difference in how the mileage for these rules is processed.
If you've defined the rules on a department level, only a single rule can be used for an employee's day. Therefore, if you have employees who work in more than one department in a single day, to view their visits through the Best Route Scheduling form, you must first select one department, and view the visits, then select the other department, and view those visits.
(enables you to add a new rule to the table below)(enables you to edit the rule that you select from the table)
(removes the rule you select, and then stores it for future reference)
(toggles the display between rules that are current and those that have been archived)
Best Route | The_Travel_Rules_Form.htm
To Work with Travel Rules
You can use the Travel Rules form to add, edit, or archive travel rules, and if necessary, to view archived rules.
To add a travel rule, do the following:
- Go to Maintenance | Employee Setup | Travel Rules. The Travel Rules form appears.
- To add a travel rule, click . The Travel Rule window appears.
- In the Rule Name field, enter a name for your rule.
- Select one of the following choices:
· To pay for mileage traveled by route, select the Pay mileage by route using Service Type checkbox, select the service type from the corresponding drop-down field, then fill in the Pay Per Route section, as follows:
Option / DescriptionPay additional mileage to first visit in route from / Indicates that the mileage traveled from either the employee's address or the department/agency's address to the to the first visit in the route will be paid. You can then subtract a specific number of kilometers from the mileage when work days exceed a specific number of hours.
Pay additional mileage from last visit in route to / Indicates that the mileage traveled from the last visit in the route to either the employee's address or the department/agency's address, will also be paid. You can then subtract a specific number of kilometers from the mileage when work days exceed a specific number of hours.
Start new route when gap between visits is greater than / Indicates that a new 'route' will begin when the gap between visits exceeds a specific number of hours. You can then subtract a specific number of kilometers from the mileage when work days exceed a specific number of hours.
You can also indicate that the mileage traveled from the employee's address or the department/agency's address to the first visit in the route will be paid, and/or that the mileage traveled from the last visit in the route to the employee's address or the department/agency's address will also be paid. You can then subtract a specific number of kilometers from that mileage.
Pay mileage to and from / Pay mileage to and from the Employee Address or Department/Agency Address for selected attendance type visits. This is intended to be used to reimburse staff for travel to training on their days off. If there are client visits before/after the attendance type visit then staff are not paid to/from their home. A number of kilometres can be subtracted from the amount paid.
Note: Actual GPS coordinates for the attendance type visit are used in the following situations:
§ If there is a visit close (captured by phone), the GPS location of that close will be used.
§ If there is no visit close (captured by phone), but there is a visit open, the GPS location of that open will be used.
§ If there is no visit open or close (captured by phone), mileage to/from the attendance type cannot be calculated and a mileage expense will not be created.
o To pay for a single mileage expense record for the day, click the Pay mileage by day using Service Type checkbox, then select the service type from the corresponding drop-down field.