February 2018 Memo
February heralds the beginning of Spring. We celebrate the feast of St Brigid on 1 February. New resources for all class levels are available on the Grow in Love website. We celebrate the World Day of the Sick on 11 February for which specific resources are available in the Grow in Love programme 3rd Class (Theme 3, Lesson 4). Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, 14 February.Prayer services for Lent and Ash Wednesday are available for all class levels in the Grow in Love programme.
Class / Theme / Lessons / Prayers and ScriptureJunior Infants
(Grow in Love) / T5:Jesus / L2: Jesus is the Good Shepherd
L3: Jesus teaches us
L4: We can live as Jesus taught us / Night Prayer
Prayer to Jesus
Senior Infants
(Grow in Love) / T5:St. Brigid and the Spring
T6: Jesus / L2: God cares for us in Spring
L1: We listen to stories
L2: Jesus feeds the people / Morning Prayer
Night Prayer
1st Class
(Grow in Love) / T5: Reconciliation
T6:Celebrating Mass / L2: The Lost Sheep
L3: We celebrate God’s forgiveness in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation
L1: We offer gifts / Act of Sorrow
2nd Class
(Grow in Love) / Seasonal Lesson (4)
T5: Reconciliation / L4: St Brigid p.298
L2: Choices
L3:Zacchaeus made bad choices
Note: Liturgy for the Rite of Reconciliation and suggested Scripture Readings for the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time are available on the Grow in Love website under the heading, Professional Development / Act of Sorrow
Prayer for Forgiveness
Prayer after Forgiveness
3rd Class
(Grow in Love) / T5: God’s Covenant and Our Response
Seasonal Lesson (2)
T6. The Great Commandment / L4: Responding to God’s Call
Lent p.352
L1: Love God. Love your Neighbour / Jesus and Zacchaeus(Lk 19:1-10)
Healing of the Paralysed Man
(Mt 9:1-8)
Parable of the Lost Sheep (Lk 15:1-7)
The Great Commandment (Lk 10:27)
4th Class
(Grow in Love) / Seasonal Lesson (2)
T5: Trusting God
Seasonal Lesson (3)
T6: Building God’s Kingdom / Remembering St Brigid p.418
L4: Living the Commandment of Love
Prayer Service for Ash Wednesday p.431
L1: I Have a Conscience. I Can Choose / The New Commandment
(Jn 13:34)
The Great Commandment
(Lk 10:27)
The Golden Rule (Lk 6:31)
Prayer to the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit…
5th Class
(Alive-O7) / Christian Living
The Holy Spirit / T2, L4: Christian Morality
T2, L5: Christian Love
T2, L7: Enkindling the Sprit / Revise The Angelus
Come Holy Spirit
6th Class
(Alive-O8) / The Holy Spirit / T2, L2: Spirit-Filled Life
T2, L3: Led by the Spirit
T2, L4: Celebration of Confirmation (1) / Come Holy Spirit…
Mass responses
Prayer Space
The basic elements to include in all prayer spaces are a crucifix, a statue or image of Our Lady, a children's Bible (open on a relevant page) and a candle. The colour green represents the fact that the Liturgical season is Ordinary Time. On ash Wednesday the colour changes to purple for Lent. You may wish to represent Spring displaying budding twigs, growing plants and other examples of new life. The prayer space may also include the Alive-O or Grow in Love poster, and examples of pupils' R.E. work.
Calendar / Upcoming......1 February
3 February
11 February
14 February / Feast of St Brigid
Feast of The Presentation of the Lord
(4th Joyful Mystery)(GIL SInf T4 L1)
Feast of St Blaise (Blessing of Throats)
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
World Day of Sick (Sacrament of the Sick,GIL 3rd Class T3 L4)
Ash Wednesday (prayer services available in Grow in Love programme) / 17 March Feast of St. Patrick (Holy Day of Obligation)
25 March Palm Sunday
29 March Holy Thursday
30 March Good Friday