Murrieta Valley High School

Course Syllabus

Course Title:U.S. Government / Teacher Name: Mr. Partin
A-G/UC/CSU approved: Yes / Teacher email:
Haiku/website used: Website / Teacher phone: (951) 696-1408 x 5993


Government is a semester course designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of how the institutions of American government work. This course will examine the philosophical, historical, and institutional underpinnings of our republican form of government and compare it to different systems in the world today. This course should help students understand the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and how to actively participate in the democratic process.


The following basic topics will be covered during the semester:

  1. Constitutional underpinnings of U.S. government – theoretical understanding of federalism, separation of powers, democratic theory, republican government, pluralism, and elitism
  1. Political beliefs and behaviors – U.S. political culture and how it affects and informs political participation; an analysis of political beliefs and behaviors
  1. Political parties, interest groups and mass media – an understanding of the often symbiotic and frequently conflicting relationship between candidates, elected officials, and the mass media
  1. Institutions of national government – an examination of the organization of power, both formal and informal, in the major political institutions of the United States
  1. Public Policy – the ultimate result of interactions and dynamics among interests, institutions and processes
  1. Civil rights and civil liberties – a study of the development of individual rights and liberties, both theoretical and practical


The textbook is Magruder’s American Government, and it will be the reference point for the course. However, we will be using other resources when necessary to augment the text or to provide greater breadth of knowledge. Students will be expected to have read assigned materials before each class meeting. Reading assignments will be posted or distributed well in advance.


  • Readings will be supplemented with lectures, in-class assignments, and group projects.
  • Notebook. Each student will bring a three-ring binder with five divider tabs. All handouts, notes, and assignments will be placed in this notebook and brought to class every day. There will be a notebook check at the end of each unit.
  • Chapter Quizzes will be given frequently to measure short-term learning. They will consist of 5-10 questions on material discussed in class or contained in assigned reading.
  • Tests will be given at the end of each unit to assess broader, long-term learning. A typical test will include matching, multiple-choice questions, and short answer and/or essay questions.
  • Preamble Quiz: Each student will be required to memorize the preamble to the Constitution. This is a pass/fail quiz that students may repeat as many times as necessary.
  • Amendments Test: Students will take a test on the amendments to the Constitution. This test may be taken as often as a student chooses until he/she is satisfied with the score.
  • Cumulative Semester Final. These exams are used to assess the students’ learning and retention of course material throughout the term.


  • If you are absent, refer to my website for missed assignments.
  • If you miss a quiz or test, consult with me to establish a time to make it up.
  • I am available before school to provide assistance to students in need of help. I usually arrive about 7:00 a.m. I will also be available on “A” days at lunch. Please let me know if you intend to see me and I will make sure I am in my classroom.
  • If necessary, students can make arrangements to meet at other times.
  • Students may also email me at my school address anytime they have questions. I check my email every night.


  • Students should be able to complete assignments in the classroom, if they are working hard.
  • Students will be afforded extra time to finish assignments, if it is necessary.
  • If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, it must be turned in on the day the student returns to class, or it is considered late.
  • Late work will be accepted up to one calendar week after the due date and will be marked down 50%.


Category / Weight
Coursework / 50%
Assessments / 50%


A+ / 97-100 / C+ / 77-79
A / 93-96 / C / 73-76
A- / 90-92 / C- / 70-72
B+ / 87-89 / D+ / 67-69
B / 83-86 / D / 63-66
B- / 80-82 / D- / 60-62
F / 0-59

Grades will be updated at the end of each unit, approximately every three to four weeks.

ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT (Refer to the MV guide, p.8)

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cheating on assignments or tests
  • Copying from other sources (on-line courses, any Internet sites)
  • Turning in work done by parents
  • Using notes without permission
  • Forging, altering, or duplicating school or teacher documents or signatures
  • Plagiarism
  • Text messaging regarding test data or information

No cheating of any kind will be tolerated. Basically, cheating is includes any kind of non-approved assistance on any assignment at school or home.

If caught cheating, you will receive a zero for the assignment and be referred to the Assistant Principal for disciplinary action.


  • This class is required for graduation. Make sure you are taking care of business.
  • If you fail my class, it is because you spent 18 weeks trying very hard to do so.
  • I am not your adversary. I want to see you succeed, but I expect you to work hard.
  • If you are a good citizen, a hard worker, and follow the rules, we will get along great.


  1. Come to class prepared with the following materials:

Blue or black pen. Pencils are only used for Unit Tests

Yellow highlighter.

8 ½’ x 11” lined white paper. No spiral paper or notebooks will be accepted.

Government binder. 1 ½” white binder with divider tabs.

Book, newspaper, or appropriate magazine for silent reading.

  1. Be in your seat when the bell rings

Place backpacks in designated area when you arrive.

If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy.

Paper and pens should be out of backpacks and ready to use.

  1. Get permission before speaking or leaving your seat

Raise your hand to be called on, to leave your seat, or if you need help.

  1. Respect other people and their property

Listen when the teacher or a classmate is speaking.

Keep the room neat and clean.

Books and desks must be kept pristine.

Do not use another person’s things without permission.

  1. Nogum, food, or drinks in the classroom.
  2. Dress code will be strictly enforced.


  1. Warning
  2. Parent contact.
  3. Parent conference will be arranged with student, teacher and assistant principal.

NOTE: a referral may be given any time the teacher feels it is appropriate, even if a warning has not been given. (Ex. Cheating)


Communication between student, parent and teacher is important to having a successful year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via e-mail at at any time. If you prefer to reach me by phone, my number is 696-1408 x5993. My prep is 7th period. Please do not call me during class time because it disrupts instruction. I will strive to return all messages within 24 hours.

Thank You,

Mr. Partin

Student/Parent Verification


I, ______, verify that I have read and understand the rules and regulations stated in this syllabus. I accept them and will abide by them. I also understand that I am responsible for any policies not stated in this syllabus which may need to be implemented at a later time.

Signature: ______


I, ______, verify that I have reviewed the above rules and regulations with my student. I have explained the need for my student to abide by them. I understand and accept that my student will be held responsible for everything contained within this syllabus, as well as any other policies which may need to be implemented throughout the school year.

Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Information:

Name: ______

Home Phone #: ______Hours Available: ______

Work Phone #: ______Hours Available: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Name: ______

Home Phone #: ______Hours Available: ______

Work Phone #: ______Hours Available: ______

E-mail Address: ______