Kindergarten Writing Lesson
Lesson Theme: Unit 4 Food– “How To” Books – Procedural Text
Writing Objectives: Students will continue to write procedural text.Standards (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills):
K.13A plan a first draft by generating ideas for writing through class discussion
K.13B develop drafts by sequencing the action or details in the story
K.13C revise drafts by adding details or sentences
K.13D edit drafts by leaving spaces between letters and words
K.13E share writing with others
K.14A dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological sequence
K.14B write short poems
K.15 Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to dictate or write information for lists, captions, or invitations.
K.16A understand and use the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking (with adult assistance):
(i) past and future tenses when speaking
(ii) nouns (singular/plural)
(iii) descriptive words
(iv) prepositions and simple prepositional phrases appropriately when speaking or writing (e.g., in, on, under, over)
(v) pronouns (e.g., I, me)
K.16B speak in complete sentences to communicate
K.16C use complete simple sentences
K.17A form upper- and lower-case letters legibly using the basic conventions of print (left-to-right and top-to-bottom progression)
K.17B capitalize the first letter in a sentence
K.17C use punctuation at the end of a sentence
K.18A use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters
K.18B use letter-sound correspondences to spell consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words (e.g., "cut")
K.18C write one's own name
K.19A ask questions about topics of class-wide interest
K.19B decide what sources or people in the classroom, school, library, or home can answer these questions
K.20A gather evidence from provided text sources
K.20B use pictures in conjunction with writing when documenting research
Enduring Understanding:
- Students will write a variety of how to books.
- Students will be able to create a numbered lists.
- Students will be able to share their work using complete sentences.
- Why should we reread our work?
- How does adding details make my work better?
- Why do I need to do my best work?
- Why does having a partner read my work help make my writing better?
- Why is it important to include detailed steps when giving directions?
- How does procedural writing help in our every day lives?
How to, steps, first, then, next, last, revise, edit, draft, recipe, numbered list, procedural text, procedure, task, sequence, introduction, conclusion
Journals should be used when needed to teach the mechanics and conventions of writing. Entries in the journals may not happen daily or even weekly. These journal pages will act as a reference for the students when they are writing during Writer’s Workshop.
Writer’s Workshop – WW
Writer's Workshop is a teaching technique that invites students to write by making the process a meaningful part of the classroom curriculum on a daily basis. Students are exposed to the organization and thought required to create a story or write about a favorite topic. The Writer's Workshop format includes story planning, revision, teacher editing, and direct instruction in the mechanics of grammar. The goal is to move pre-emergent/ emergent readers into the writing process by eliciting a story from a drawing, recording the student's words in dictation form on the drawing, and encouraging the student to move from drawing to writing by guiding the student in the use of phonics to sound out words.
Writer’s Workshop:
10 minutes: establish purpose/read mentor text
5 minutes: discuss lesson with class
5-20 minutes: writing time (must establish stamina)
10 minutes sharing
5 minutes: In the beginning of the school year you will use this time to check procedures and routines and
re-teach if necessary
*Shared and interactive writing should be incorporated throughout the day in addition to the independent Writer’s Workshop.
Materials and Resources
Books: Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington (Treasures), Tomatoes to Ketchup by Inez Snyder, Milk to Ice Cream by Inez Snyder, Fruit Salad by Helen Depree, A Monster Sandwich by Joy Cowley, Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie dePaola, Maisy Makes Gingerbread by Lucy Cousins, Benny Bakes A Cake by Eve Rice, Chop, Simmer, Season by Alexa Brandenberg, Beans to Chocolate by Inez Snyder
Chart Paper
Four to five page how to booklet for each student
How to graphic organizer *Click here for template
How to anchor chart from previous week
Various picture or simple recipe books
Anchor Charts – Created with Students
Writing Lessons
When modeling writing, remind children about conventions of writing: capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, spaces between words, period at the end of the sentence. You may refer to Jessica Meacham for specific lessons or Lucy Calkins books.
Lesson 1: Introducing Numbered Lists or Recipe in a How to book *Journal
- Book: Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington
- Mini Lesson: Students will create a numbered list of steps for a recipe.
- Model Your Thinking: “When writing my recipe I need to think about what the reader needs to complete this recipe successfully. I will need to list my ingredients and number the steps they need to follow. I will include pictures to help the reader understand each step.”
- Students will create their own numbered list of steps for a recipe. Students can reference recipe books if needed.
- Book: Choose a book from the Materials and Resources section above or from your own library.
- Mini Lesson: Teacher will introduce that a “how to” book is also called procedural text. The teacher will explain that procedural means steps that must be followed in order to complete a task.
- Model Your Thinking: “Another way to say how to is procedural. Procedural means the steps that need to be followed to complete a task.”
- Once a topic has been selected, students will use their graphic organizer to write the steps for their procedural text.
- Book: Choose a book from the Materials and Resources section above or from your own library.
- Mini lesson: Discuss how to provide an introduction to their procedural text. The introduction should let the reader know what their book is about and will make the reader want to read the book. The students will also learn about conclusions as a way to let the reader know that the book is over.
- Model your thinking: “We have been working so hard on writing the steps to a task however it is also important to let the reader know what they will be reading about and get them excited about your book. This first page is called the introduction. We want the last page of the book to let the reader know that the book is over. To conclude something means that something has ended. This last page is called the conclusion”
- Students will begin to write their booklet. Students will write their introduction, the steps of their task and a conclusion. If students are struggling with the introduction encourage them to skip page one and go back when the book is finished.
- Sharing: Select 2-3 students to share their graphic organizer in front of the class. The audience’s job is to listen quietly. For an extension, the students can try to follow the steps in the writer’s book.
Austin ISD K Department, 2014/ 2015 Page 1