- Stories about the Creation of the World
- “tell people who they areby telling where they came from” (21)
- influence how they think about the world & treat it
- their worldview
- symbolic story about how the world was created & how humans came to be
- common traits:
- advance a general cultural outlook
- perspectives on life
- ways to understand life
- also
- birth theme: start of life cycle
- higher power: a creator, catalyst
- innocence, sinlessness
- animals & humans together
- Natives:
- spoken, narrated, sung, chanted (oral tradition)
- mid- to late-1800s that Euro-Americans gained the linguistic skills & cultural understanding to translate them decently
- & Natives collaborated in the recording of their myths & legends
- Frank Hamilton Cushing, Zuni, 1879
- Washington Matthews (army doc), Navajo, 1880s
- JW Fewkes, & JW Lloyd, Pima, 20th C.
- David Cusick, a Tuscarora member of the Iroquois 6 Nations), 1825 – 1st Native
- 5 Nations:
- Mohawks
- Seneca
- Oneida
- Onondaga
- Cayuga
- 6th nation =
- Tuscarora of North Carolina, early 1700s
- “People of the Longhouse”
- Haudenosaunee
- referred to self
- longhouse –
- 20 ft. wide
- 40-200 ft. wide
- several families in 1
- shared cooking fires
- Iroquois:
- French
- English & Dutch: Mohawk, Seneca, Maqua
- area:
- northeast North America
- Erie & Ontario lakes
- St. Lawrence & Ottawa rivers
- Hudson River
- 25 versions (oral tradition)
- 1623: Gabriel Sagard, French
- 1828, David Cusick – Sketches of the Ancient History of the Six Nations
- 2 worlds –
- Lower World of darkness, the possession of the Great Monster
- Upper World of sky, inhabited by “mankind”
- conceives TWINS
- sinks, pushed, falls from Upper World to Lower World
- Lower World creatures see her falling, prepare her landing
- get a patch of earth
- turtle volunteers to catch her in the water
- grows to the size of an island
- w/bushes & trees
- fight in the womb
- evil one wants to burst out his mother’s side
- good one prevents it
- birth
- she dies shortly after
- good son
- creator
- sun from mother’s head
- moon from mother’s body
- stars
- creeks & rivers
- animals
- “Adam & Eve” = “The Real People” (Ea-Gwe-Howe)
- rain, vegetation, game animals
- evil son
- creates only bad things, tries to corrupt brother’s creations
- mountains, valleys
- (rivers in only 1 direction)
- reptiles – poisonous to humans
- tries to create humans – but APES
- tries again, brother stops, gives them life & souls
- “the most knowledge of Good & Evil” (25)
- Evil Son tries to contain all animals, to keep from humans – Good Son frees them
- Final Battle
- Evil Son challenges brother
- for governance of entire universe
- confess their weaknesses
- Good’s = beaten w/corn stalks, rushes, reeds (a lie?)
- Bad’s = beaten w/deer antlers
- 2-day battle
- Bad = beaten w/antlers, crushed into the earth
- Bad’s last words –
- he’ll become Evil Spirit (“Devil/Hades”)
- hold equal power over human souls after death
- virgin birth
- good vs. evil struggles
- Creation
- Adam & Eve
- ultimate battle, Good vs. Evil, Armageddon
- Devil, Hades
- Athabascan language
- shared by Canadian & Alaskan tribes
- shared by Apaches
- Navajo Nation
- Din-e
- “The People”
- Navajo = Spanish, Apaches who cultivate fields (Apachu de Nabajo)
- migrated south west
- skills
- farming & weaving - from Pueblos
- silver-working – from Mexicans
- livestock – from Spanish
- complex
- 5 Worlds
- #1 theme
- harmony & balance
- gods & humans & creatures
- man & wife
- Washington Matthews, late 1800s
- 1st WORLD:
- “like an island floating in a sea of mist” (26)
- red
- no sun, stars, people
- only light = the sky
- wind creatures (Nilchi Dine’e)
- the Holy People (Hashch’eeh Dine’e)
- predecessors of Humans (we got their beauty & form)
- 4 colors of the day
- white = eastern sky, dawn (rise & shine)
- blue = southern sky, day (work)
- yellow = western sky, evening (retire)
- black = northern sky, night (sleep)
- north = death
- Great Fountain
- center of the world (axis mundi)
- confluence of 3 rivers
- 12 tribes
- 4 in 3 directions
- ants, dragonflies, beetles, bats, locusts
- not insects/animals
- but spiritual beings
- in the water surrounding the 1st World
- Water Monster, east
- Blue Heron, south
- Frog, west
- White Mountain Thunder, north
- “FALL”
- adultery
- resulted in deceit, jealousy, turmoil
- * destroys the HARMONY between husband & wife
- warned 3x, 4th = banishment
- but they were “lost in their wickedness & did not heed”
- 4 Guardians sent Great Flood
- escape east, through small opening into a blue world
- “strange blue head” in the sky
- 2nd WORLD:
- blue
- barren & flat
- scouts (like Noah & raven & dove)
- Swallow People (blue beings)
- (supernaturals who were precursors of today’s birds)
- don’t learn their lesson:
- take liberties with head Swallow’s wife (adultery #2)
- kicked out #2
- White Head appears, go south – crooked opening
- 3rd World:
- white
- Grasshopper People
- (supernaturals who were precursors of today’s insects)
- adultery #3 kicked out #3
- Red Head, go west – winding entrance
- 4th World:
- black & white
- the Pueblos (the Kiis’annii) –
- lived in pit houses, houses in the ground
- Pueblos teach them @ agriculture (corn, squash, pumpkin, beans)
- *Nilch’i Dine’e behave
- (no adultery, no kick out)
- Holy People appear
- 3x just a voice – 4th x = appear
- White Body (Talking God)
- Blue Body (Water Sprinkler)
- Yellow Body (Calling God)
- Black Body (Fire God)
- 4 days, 4x a day – tried to speak w/gestures & signs – not understood
- want to make more people, but in better forms
- ND = formed like Holy People: teeth, 4 legs, claws like insects…
- “smell bad” purify
- wash
- dry with sacred cornmeal –
- white for men, yellow for women
- Holy People return in 12 days
- Creation of 1st HUMANS
- 2 buckskins
- 2 ears of corn (white, yellow)
- buckskin, ears, buckskin
- Sacred Wind came between buckskins
- Mirage people appeared & walked around the buckskins
- 4th turn of the MP man & woman replaced the ears
- First Man, First Woman
- Altse Hastiin, Altse Asdzaan
- make a shelter husband & wife
- rock crystal
- to man
- symbol of clear thought
- to burn for fire
- turquoise
- to woman
- symbol of power of speech
- to burn
- 4 days TWINS
- Nadleeh
- have both male & female spirit --???
- hermaphrodites?
- men who did women’s work w/o stigma?
- every 4th day
- 4 more sets of twins (no more Naleeh)
- Instructions:
- A&E taken to east mountains for 4 days
- children taken later, for 4 days
- how to live a good life
- how to conduct themselves (in a manner befitting their divine origins)
- Knowledge of Good & Evil
- b/c Holy People were capable of G&E
- taught them witchcraft, too
- religious rituals:
- A&E wore masks
- prayed – long life, ample rain, abundant harvests
- ceremonies: prayers, songs, rituals…have NOT changed
- marriage:
- children of A&E + Pueblos + Mirage People
- 4 days children
- inventions
- earthen dam
- guardians = Nadleeh
- Nadleeh made pottery, baskets while there
- “Millennium”
- period of peace
- 8 years (long time, 4x2)
- Trouble:
- Earth & Sky joinCOYOTE & BADGER
- bad & good omens
- 1st argument:
- 1st Woman’s “ungrateful remark” regarding his hunting & providing
- other versions make it seem a “bawdy” joke
- the vagina (the joosh) = responsible for the successful hunting & food provision
- 1st Man moves away, separation
- = loss of self-control
- (overreaction, pride)
- prank:
- 1st Man gathers all men
- take all their weapons & tools
- & move across river (with Nadleeh)
- Let’s see how they “get along w/o us after all!”
- 1st winter:
- women = OK b/c they harvest men’s crops
- women taunt men
- too late in season for men to plant, ate mush
- spring: men w/ bigger harvest
- (than before, than women)
- 4th year:
- men had so much they left most to rot in field
- waste = taboo
- women = starving
- women miss men
- dildos of cacti & stones
- creation of monsters
- loss of self-control
- reunion
- for sake of species (no more children)
- feast
- to commemorate, celebrate
- = “community”
- 3 women = missing
- mother, 2 daughters
- captured by Water Monster as they were rowing across the river
- pray to Holy People
- Coyote helps in search of water – 4 chambers of WM’s dwelling
- found, retrieved, BUT Coyote steals WM’s child FLOOD
- feast
- Floodb/c of Coyote’s trick
- planted trees to climb to safety
- juniper, pinon, pine, spruce
- Old Man, Young Man – w/sacred soil Great Reed
- from 7 sacred mts.
- 32 reeds fused into 1 giant reed
- hole in east side of reed, climb in for safety, sealed
- escape through Sky
- Turkey = last out, white tail feathers = reminder of escape
- 5th World:
- glittering
- Holy People, Pueblos, A&E, Nadleeh, offspring
- return Water Monster’s baby
- plant, build houses, scouts, multiply
- divination
- HP do test to determine their future
- “magic shell” tossed into water: float = immortality, sunk = mortality
- Coyote tosses 2nd stone in water when 1st floated
- sinks “If we do not die, we shall soon overrun the world. There will be no room for us all.”
- people see wisdom, reluctantly agree
- Coyote = responsible for human mortality = across Native Am. stories
- 1st death & burial
- Nadleah
- Holy People instruct – prepare body, place in rocky crevice
- Argument #2:
- over seed corm brought from 4th World
- vs. the Kiis’aannii
- separation #2
- borders, marked by 4 mountains, w/3 interior mts., by A&E
- Naming Ceremony (by A&E)
- east, south, west, north
- 4 color changes of the sky (as before – see 1st World)
- need more light Sun & Moon = created
- Old Man w/sacred soil, reward = Sun God, immortality, bears sun across sky
- Young Man = Moon God, immortality, bears moon across the sky
- result of women’s unnatural acts in 4th World (stones, cacti)
- horned monster, kicked people off cliffs, killed w/eyes, flying monster
- only 4 people remain
- 1st Man still prays each morning faith in hardship (JOB)
- 4th morning – White Body told 1st man to go to mountain
- Changing Woman: “the most beloved of all the deities”
- as a baby, 1st Man takes her home
- 4 days = full growth, maturity – moves out
- birth to TWINS
- sons of Sun & Waterfall
- Born-for-Water, Monster Slayer
- twins defeat the monsters
- (helped by Spider Woman, others)
- MS slew, B4W stayed home protection spells
- Sun gives special weapons to kill Giant, one of his sons/monsters b/c killing humans
- weapons made of lighting, magic to walk on rainbow
- last 4 monsters = PANDORA’S BOX-
- Old Age, Poverty, Hunger, Cold
- spared by the Twins so Humans would not get complacent
- Twins go dwell w/Holy People
- become protectors of Humans (still)
- Sun & Changing Woman get married
- after he agreed that she wouldn’t be long away from her people
- made more people (replenish earth after the Monsters)
- 4 Original Clans
- Happy Ending:
- Changing Woman makes more people
- Twins become protectors of Humans (live w/Holy People)
- Holy People leave but in touch through PRAYER & SONGS
- Sacred Rainbow =
- placed around Navajo homeland (Dine’bikeyah)
- protection
- blessing
- reminder of sacredness of that land
- so long as Dine remain w/in this boundary, they have protection of Holy People
- connection to the land
- (Jerusalem as “Holy Land”)
- #4
- industry
- cleansing/purification ritual
- how 1st Man & 1st Woman came to be
- prayer
- ceremonies & rituals
- why there’s good & evil
- marriage
- be fruitful & multiply
- harmony & balance
- loss of self-control & results
- waste = taboo (esp. waste of food)
- feasts to commemorate good times: symbol of community, celebration
- flood
- why turkeys have white tail feathers
- why we die – mortality
- how to bury
- naming ceremony
- faith in woe, still pray
- sun & moon
- twins
- why there’s Old Age, Poverty, Hunger, Cold
- prayer & song
- holy connection to the land
- axis mundi (Garden of Eden)
- 12 Tribes of Israel
- Sodom & Gomorrah
- Fall & banishment
- Great Flood
- scouts = dove & raven from Noah’s ark
- Adam & Eve
- marriage
- industry, work
- be fruitful & multiply
- millennium
- fall, Serpent-trickster
- Job & monsters (faith in woe/crisis)
- Holy Land
- Encyclopaedia Britannica:
- Bulfinch’s Mythology:
- Amazon’s list of books on CM:
- Genesis, Ch.1-3:
- Jewish, Christian, Islamic faiths
- 6 days
- from darkness to light
- sky, land, plants, sun moon, animals, humans
- story #2:
- Adam, from dust/earth
- creates Garden of Eden & places Adam there…w/warning
- Adam names all creatures
- Eve from Adam’s rib
- Fall & banishment
- Greeks:
- Aztecs: