Physics Course Syllabus
John Davis Room A-T219
I. Course Description: This course covers the fundamental concepts of physics. Physics is a course dealing with a broad range of topics including mechanics, heat, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on projects simulating the concepts being taught.
**Mr. Davis’ Physics class will refer to his website, where helpful videos and electronic versions of the material may be posted.
II. Textbook: Conceptual Physics by Paul Hewitt, Prentice Hall ©2002.
III. Materials:
#2 pencil / pen (no red or pink ink) (You need something to write with every day.)
Scientific calculator (Graphing Calculator not required)
Notebook (1” 3 ring binder for notes and handouts, 1 subject spiral)
Notebook Paper
IV. Semester Grading percentages:
80% Semester Grade: 20 % Semester Grade:
Tests: 50% Exam
Labs/Quizzes: 30%
Daily/Homework: 20%
V. Homework and Testing Schedule:
We will do a large number of assignments in class, but you will have homework assignments to be completed outside of class time. This work is expected to be complete by the start of the class period it is due. Homework will be collected on Tuesdays and Thursdays but may be assigned any day of the week.
Tests and major projects due dates will be announced a few days before they are given, and will be posted electronically to the website and calendars. Tests and projects are scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays, and even-week Fridays in the semester.
VI. Retake Policy:
Students will be allowed to demonstrate proficiency of learning objectives by means of a re-test. Students will receive their actual grade with a maximum grade being a 70. Students must attend tutorials, correct their original test and receive extra instruction to be eligible for retakes. Retakes of exams will be through taking a different exam covering the same material. Retakes of exams will be proctored by a physics teacher. Times and locations of exam retakes will be posted by each teacher in advance of the due date. All retakes must be completed within one week of the assignment being returned. The higher of the two grades will be recorded. Midterm or final exams are not to be included in the retake/retest policy.
VII. Lab safety:
Safety is paramount in the physics lab. Students must always follow the directions of each lab and must not work on any part of the lab that has been excluded. During any school drill (i.e. shelter in place, inclement weather, fire, etc), students must remain quiet and listen to any instructions given by the teacher. Students must report any and all accidents to the teacher immediately. Failure to follow safety guidelines will result in the student being sent out of lab and disciplinary action taken. A signed safety contract and an safety quiz of 100% mastery must be on file.
VIII. Tardies and Attendance:
Tardies and attendance will be handled according to the student handbook and district policy.
IX. Classroom Rules:
· Come to class on time with appropriate materials.
· Be respectful of the teacher and other students. Don’t talk whenever the teacher is talking; listen when other students have permission to talk.
· No food or drink in the lab.
· iPad or cellphone rules and procedures will be enforced to ensure educational benefit of the devices.
· Use of inappropriate language will result in disciplinary action.
· Follow all school rules stated in the student handbook. (cell phones, ipods, mp3 players, headphones, dress code, tardies.)
X. Academic dishonesty
Cheating and academic dishonesty (including but not limited to plagiarism, copying) will be handled according to the student handbook and district policy. Parents will be notified, grades will be affected, and disciplinary action will be taken.
XI. Make-up Work:
Excused: Work may be made up for up to a full grade of 100%.
Timeline for completion of the missed work will be completed as per the student handbook.
Unexcused: Work may be made up for a maximum grade of 70%
Timeline for completion of the missed work will be completed as per the student handbook.
XII. Tutorial Times:
Each physics teacher will have posted tutorial times outside the classroom and determined at the onset of the school year.
VI. Physics Schedule (Tentative)
These are the topics we hope to cover throughout the year. Detailed curriculum documents can be found at:
1st 6 Weeks – Safety, equipment, scientific method, scientific notation, metric, graphing, linear motion, speed, velocity, acceleration.
2nd 6 Weeks – Free fall, gravity, projectile motion, laws of motion, weight, mass, Newton’s laws, free body diagrams.
3rd 6 Weeks – Law of conservation of energy/momentum, work energy theorem, kinetic and potential energy, work, power, rotational motion, torque, angular motion.
4th 6 Weeks – Wave properties, wave motion, types of waves, resonance, frequency, wavelength, wave velocity, sound, visible light, electromagnetic waves.
5th 6 Weeks – Universal gravitation, satellite motion, gravitational and magnetic forces, mechanical energy, thermodynamics, heat, heat movement, phase change, specific heat, temperature.
6th 6 Weeks - Lenses and optics, refraction, reflection, mirrors, magnetic forces in everyday life, generators, transformers, and motors, photoelectric effect, duality of light, emission spectra, fusion and fission, nuclear power, nuclear imaging.
VII. Reminders
Mr. Davis sends text and/or email reminders through remind10, his website, and other outlets. Information on these is posted on the website, Student assignments, videos, contact information and other helpful tools can be found on this site.