Chapter 15: Personnel Management
15.Personnel Management
Chapter-Chair/Editor: / Frank OemigTenovis GmbH & Co KG
Chapter-Chair/Editor: / Dr. Bernd Blobel
University of Magdeburg
NOTE: / This chapter is new with Version 2.4 and thus the entire contents should be examined. The STF and PRA segments have been moved from chapter 8 to this chapter. The changes to those segments appear in yellow highlights in this chapter.
The Personnel Management transactions set provides for the transmission of new or updated healthcare administration information about individual healthcare practitioners and supporting staff members. Since many systems (e.g., security, scheduling, orders, etc.), must be able to closely monitor changes in certain information regarding individual healthcare practitioners, the Personnel Management transaction set is used to clearly identify these events. For example, it is important to a Security System to be aware of when a staff member was hired or specific role has been terminated. Prior to Version 2.4, master file updates were the only method to update this information. However, when any of these changes are reported as master file update notifications, it is not obvious which of the data has been changed, and is cumbersome to process efficiently. It should be noted that Personnel Management functions that do not affect healthcare administration (e.g. benefits) are not addressed in this chapter.
Generally, information is entered into a Personnel Management system and passed to other systems requiring individual healthcare practitioner data either in the form of an unsolicited update or a response to a record-oriented query.
This document defines the transactions that occur at the application layer (the seventh level of the ISO-OSI models), that is, the abstract messages. The examples included in this chapter were constructed using the HL7 Encoding Rules.Trigger Events and Messages.
Each trigger event is documented below, along with the applicable form of the message exchange. The notation used to describe the sequence, optionality, and repetition of segments is described in Chapter 2, Section 2.11, “Chapter Formats for Defining HL7 Messages”.
The trigger events that follow are served by the unsolicited Personnel Management update (PMU) and General Acknowledgment (ACK) response.
The information that is included in any of these trigger event transactions can be more than the minimum necessary to communicate that event. Any of the fields occurring in the segments listed for the message can be used. A few or many fields can be used as agreed upon during implementation. However, please note, that when the contents of a field change for a field that is not necessarily related to the trigger event, it is a matter for implementation negotiation as to whether the receiving systems can capture this changed data.
15.1.1Usage of chapter 15 vs. chapter 8
Chapter 8 deals with master file maintenance.
Chapter 15 manages operational relationships based on trigger events.
15.2Trigger events and message descriptions
15.2.1PMU/ACK – add personnel record (event B01)
An event B01 signals to add a new record for healthcare administration information about an individual healthcare practitioner establishing a relationship between that practitioner and the institution.
The EVN segment is used to indicate the effective or planned date.
PMU^B01^PMU_B01 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 15
[ PRA ] / Practitioner / 15
{ [ ORG ] } / Organization / 15
{ [ AFF ] } / Affiliation / 15
{ [ LAN ] } / Language / 15
{ [ EDU ] } / Education / 15
ACK^B01^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.2PMU/ACK – update personnel record (event B02)
An event B02 signals to update the record with the healthcare administration information about an individual healthcare practitioner. This includes the ending of a relationship between the practitioner and the institution.
The EVN segment is used to indicate the effective or planned date.
PMU^B02^PMU_B01 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 15
[PRA ] / Practitioner / 15
{ [ ORG ] } / Organization / 15
{ [ AFF ] } / Affiliation / 15
{ [ LAN ] } / Language / 15
{ [ EDU ] } / Education / 15
ACK^B02^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.3PMU/ACK – delete personnel record (event B03)
An event B03 signals to delete the record with the healthcare administration information about an individual healthcare practitioner to correct erroneous entries.
The EVN segment is used to indicate the effective or planned date.
PMU^B03^PMU_B03 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 15
ACK^B03^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.4PMU/ACK – activate practicing person (event B04)
An event B04 signals that a health professional is able to practice. This message applies to STF-7.
PMU^B04^PMU_B04 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 15
[ PRA ] / Practitioner / 15
[ ORG ] / Organization / 15
ACK^B04^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.5PMU/ACK – deactivate practicing person (event B05)
An event B05 indicates that a health professional is no longer practicing. This message applies to STF-7.
PMU^B05^PMU_B04 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 15
[ PRA ] / Practitioner / 15
[ ORG ] / Organization / 15
ACK^B05^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.6QRY/PRM – query information (event B06)
The following trigger event is served by the following Conformance Statement: Another application determines a need for Personnel data about a person and sends a query to a system providing this information.
Conformance StatementQuery Name: / Qnn Personnel Information by Segment
Query Trigger: / Qnn [next available number in the Q series]
Query Mode: / Both
Response Trigger: / Knn [next available number in the K series]
Query Characteristics / Returns response sorted by STF-3-Staff Name
Purpose: / Retrieve all available personnel information based upon the values of one or more commonly used search parameters
Query Grammar
QBP^Qnn^QBP_Qnn / QBP Message / Section Reference
MSH / Message Header Segment / 2.15.9
QPD / Query Parameter Definition / 5.4.4
RCP / Response Control Parameter / 5.4.6
Input Parameter Specification:
ColName / Key/
Search / Sort / LEN / TYPE / Opt / Rep / Match Op / TBL / Segment Field Name / LOINC or HL7 code/ DomainElement Name / Element Name LOINC or HL7 code/ Domain
StaffIDCode / S / Y / 60 / CX / O / = / STF.2 / STF-2: Staff ID Code / STF-2: Staff ID Code
StaffName / S / Y / 48 / XPN / O / = / STF.3 / STF-3: Staff Name / STF-3: Staff Name
PractitionerCategory / S / Y / 3 / IS / O / Y / in / 0186 / PRA.3 / PRA-3: Practitioner Category / PRA-3: Practitioner Category
Language / S / Y / 60 / CE / O / Y / in / 0296 / LAN.2 / LAN-2: Language / LAN-2: Language
LanguageAbility / Y / 60 / CE / C / Y / in / 0403 / LAN.3 / LAN-3: Language Ability / LAN-3: Language Ability
LanguageProficiency / Y / 60 / CE / C / Y / in / 0404 / LAN.4 / LAN-4: Language Proficiency / LAN-4: Language Proficiency
Input Parameter Field Description and Commentary
StaffIDCode / (CX)
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)>
This field contains a personnel identification code or institution user number, used by the institution to identify the requested person.
If this field is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match.
The following components may be specified:
Staff ID Code.ID
If this field, STF.2.1, is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match.
Staff ID Code.Assigning Authority
If this field, STF.2.4, is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match.
Staff ID Code.Identifier type code
If this field, STF.2.5, is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match.
StaffName / (XPN)
If this field is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match.
PractitionerCategory / (IS)
If this field is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match. If this field contains multiple values, the Server will record a match for any of the match values specified.
Language / (CE)
If this field is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match. If this field contains multiple values, the Server will record a match for any of the match values specified.
LanguageAbility / (CE)
The Server will evaluate this field only if the Language field is specified; otherwise, this field will be ignored. If this field is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match. If this field contains multiple values, the Server will record a match for any of the match values specified.
LanguageProficiency / (CE)
The Server will evaluate this field only if the Language field is specified; otherwise, this field will be ignored. If this field is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match. If this field contains multiple values, the Server will record a match for any of the match values specified.
Output Specification and Commentary
Response Characteristics: / Segment Pattern: Based on PMU_B01; Trigger Event is Knn; Returns response sorted by StaffName unless otherwise specified.
Based on Segment Pattern: / PMU_B01
Response Grammar
RSP^Knn^RSP_Knn / Personnel Information Message / Comment / Support Indicator / Sec Ref
MSH / Message Header / 2.15.9
MSA / Message Acknowledgement / 2.15.8
[ERR] / Error / 2.15.5
QAK / Query Acknowledgement / 5.4.2
QPD / Query Parameter Definition / 5.4.4
RCP / Response Control Parameter / 5.4.6
{ / Query Result Cluster
STF / Staff / 15.3.1
[ PRA ] / Practitioner / 15.3.2
{[ORG]} / Organization / 15.3.6
{[AFF]} / Affiliation / 15.3.3
{[LAN]} / Language / 15.3.5
{[EDU]} / Education / 15.3.4
} / End Query Results
[ DSC ] / Continuation Pointer / 2.15.4
15.2.7PMU/ACK – grant permission (event B07)
An event B07 indicates that a health professional is granted a permission for a special purpose.
A permission is issued by an organization and documented in form of a certificate.
PMU^B07^PMU_B07 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 8
[ PRA ] / Practitioner / 8
PER / Permission / 15
[ ORG ] / Organization / 15
[ CER ] / Certificate / 15
ACK^B07^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.8PMU/ACK – revoke permission (event B08)
An event B08 indicates that a permission for a health professional is revoked.
PMU^B08^PMU_B07 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 8
[ PRA ] / Practitioner / 8
PER / Permission / 15
[ ORG ] / Organization / 15
[ CER ] / Certificate / 15
ACK^B08^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.9PMU/ACK – start play role (event B09)
This event indicates that a person starts playing a special role.
PMU^B09^PMU_B09 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 8
[ PRA ] / Practitioner / 8
ROL / Role / 12
ACK^B09^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.10PMU/ACK – end play role (event B10)
This events indicates the end of a role for a special person.
PMU^B10^PMU_B09 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 8
[ PRA ] / Practitioner / 8
ROL / Role / 12
ACK^B10^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.11PMU/ACK – qualify person (event B10)
An education results in a qualification which is documented by a certificate. The education of a person is optionally (self-education) done at an organization (like universities or schools).
PMU^B11^PMU_B11 / PMU Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 2
STF / Staff / 8
[ PRA ] / Practitioner / 8
EDU / Education / 15
[ ORG ] / Organization / 15
QLF / Qualification / 15
[ CER ] / Certificate / 15
ACK^B11^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
15.2.12ORM – non-medical order message for staff members (B12)
This section should specify messages to handle non-medical orders for staff members like chapter 4 does for patients.
The message type and event code is a topic for discussion. They are left in place to reference their origin. Most of the commentary is taken from the corresponding chapters. Another question is where to place these messages.
The orders out of chapter 4 would be applicable if they would allow for referencing staff members.
The function of this message is to initiate the transmission of information about a non-medical order. This includes placing new orders, cancellation of existing orders, discontinuation, holding, etc. ORM messages can originate also with a placer, filler, or an interested third party.
The trigger event for this message is any change to an order. Such changes include submission of new orders, cancellations, updates, staff-specific orders, etc.
ORM^B12^ORM_B12 / General Order Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
STF / Staff / 15
[PRA] / Practitioner / 15
[{NTE}] / Notes and Comments (for Patient ID) / 2
ORC / Common Order / 4
OBR / Order Detail Segment / 4
[{NTE}] / Notes and Comments (for Detail) / 2
OBX / Observation/Result / 7
[{NTE}] / Notes and Comments (for Results) / 2
[{FT1}] / Financial Transaction / 6
[BLG] / Billing Segment / 4
15.2.13ORR – non-medical order response message response to any staff member ORM (B13)
The function of this message is to respond to an ORM message. An ORR message is the application acknowledgment to an ORM message. See Chapter 2 for a description of the acknowledgment paradigm.
In ORR the STF and ORC segments are optional, particularly in case of an error response. However, ORC segments are always required in ORR when an order detail segment is present. For example, a response ORR might include only the MSH and MSA.
The function (e.g., cancel, new order) of both ORM and ORR messages is determined by the value in ORC-1-order control. (See the table of order control values for a complete list.)
ORR^B13^ORR_B13 / General Order Acknowledgment Message / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ERR] / Error / 2
[{NTE}] / Notes and Comments (for Header) / 2
STF / Staff / 15
[{NTE}] / Notes and Comments (for Staff) / 2
ORC / Common Order / 4
OBR / Order Detail Segment / 4
[{NTE}] / Notes and Comments (for Detail) / 2
The same applies for financial transactions.
15.2.14DFT/ACK - post detail financial transactions (event B14)
The Detail Financial Transaction (DFT) message is used to describe a financial transaction transmitted between systems, that is, to the billing system for ancillary charges, ADT to billing system for patient deposits, etc. In HL7 2.4, the message construct for the P03 is expanded to support the use cases described below.
DFT^B14^DFT_B14 / Detail Financial Transaction / ChapterMSH / Message Header / 2
EVN / Event Type / 3
STF / Staff / 15
[{ PRA }] / Practitioner / 15
[{ ROL }] / Role / 12
[ ORC ] / Common Order (global across all FT1s) / 4
OBR / Order Detail Segment / 4
[{ NTE }] / Notes and Comments (on Order Detail) / 2
OBX / Observations / Result / 7
[{ NTE }] / Notes and Comments (on Result) / 2
FT1 / Financial Transaction / 6
[ ORC ] / Common Order (global across all FT1s) / 4
OBR / Order Detail Segment / 4
[{ NTE }] / Notes and Comments (on Order Detail) / 2
OBX / Observations / Result / 7
[{ NTE }] / Notes and Comments (on Result) / 2
ACK^B14^ACK / General Acknowledgment / Chapter
MSH / Message Header / 2
MSA / Message Acknowledgment / 2
[ ERR ] / Error / 2
The error segment indicates the fields that caused a transaction to be rejected.
15.2.15QRY/DSR – query accounts for staff members (event B15)
For making the final payment it is necessary to get the total amount.
Conformance StatementQuery Name: / B15 Query Accounts for Staff members
Query Trigger: / Qnn
Query Mode: / Both
Response Trigger: / B16
Query Priority: / Immediate
Query Characteristics:
Purpose: / Retrieve total amount to pay for a bill. The identifier for the staff member must be given.
Query Grammar
QBP^B15^QBP_Q13 / QBP Message / Section Reference
MSH / Message Header Segment / 2.15.9
QPD / Query Parameter Definition / 5.4.3
[ RDF ] / Table row Definition Segment / 5.4.7
RCP / Response Control Parameter / 5.4.6
[ DSC ] / Continuation Pointer / 2.15.4
Input Parameter Specification:
ColName / Key/ Search / Sort / LEN / TYPE / Opt / Rep / Match Op / TBL / Segment Field Name / ElementName / LOINC or HL7 code/ Domain
Staff ID Code / K / Y / 250 / CX / R / = / STF.2 / STF-2: Staff ID Code
End Date / 8 / DT / O / <=
Input Parameter Field Description and Commentary
Staff ID Code / (CX)
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)>
This field contains a staff identification code to identify the requested person.
If this field is not valued, no values for this field are considered to be a match.
Date / (DT)
This field specifies the end date, the requested records should match.
If this field is not valued, all values (open items) for this field are considered to be a match.
Response Grammar
RSP^B16^RSP_B16 / Personnel Information Message / Comment / Support Indicator / Sec Ref
MSH / Message Header / 2.15.9
MSA / Message Acknowledgement / 2.15.8
[ERR] / Error / 2.15.5
QAK / Query Acknowledgement / 5.4.2
QPD / Query Parameter Definition / 5.4.4
STF / Staff Segment / 15.3.1
FT1 / Financial Transaction / 6
[ DSC ] / Continuation Pointer / 2.15.4
15.2.16QRY/DSR - generate bills and accounts receivable statements for staff members (event B17)
For patient accounting systems that support demand billing, the QRY/DSR transaction, as defined in Chapter 2, will provide the mechanism with which to request a copy of the bill for printing or viewing by the requesting system.
This is a query to the corresponding system. According to the new mechanism for queries a conformance statement should be used to specify a query which can result in a virtual table since the entries not only contain display oriented data but also monetary amounts which are the basis for computation. This is especially useful when generating a bill which comprises information from different systems but only one total amount.
Conformance StatementQuery Name: / B17 Generate Bills and accounts receivable statements for Staff members
Query Trigger: / B17
Query Mode: / Both
Response Trigger: / B18
Query Priority: / Immediate
Query Characteristics: / Returns response sorted by Line Number
Purpose: / Retrieve all information to appear on a bill. The identifier for the staff member must be given.
Query Grammar
QBP^B17^QBP_Q13 / QBP Message / Section Reference
MSH / Message Header Segment / 2.15.9
QPD / Query Parameter Definition / 5.4.3
[ RDF ] / Table Row Definition Segment / 5.4.7
RCP / Response Control Parameter / 5.4.6
[ DSC ] / Continuation Pointer / 2.15.4
Input Parameter Specification:
ColName / Key/ Search / Sort / LEN / TYPE / Opt / Rep / Match Op / TBL / Segment Field Name / ElementName / LOINC or HL7 code/ Domain
Staff ID Code / K / Y / 250 / CX / R / = / STF.2 / STF-2: Staff ID Code
End Date / 8 / DT / O / <=
Detailed / 2 / ID / O / = / 0136 Yes/No
Input Parameter Field Description and Commentary
Staff ID Code / (CX)
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)>
This field contains a staff identification code to identify the requested person.
If this field is not valued, no values for this field are considered to be a match.
Date / (DT)
This field specifies the end date, the requested records should match.
If this field is not valued, all values (open items) for this field are considered to be a match.
Detailed / (ID)
This field specifies whether the output should be detailed. (no cumulative records).
If this field is not valued, a detailed result is returned..
When Detailed=Y is requested, one record for each item is returned.
When detailed=N, the query is for accumulated data. In this case, one row record per group is returned.
Response Grammar
RTB^B18^RTB_K13 / Personnel Information Message / Comment / Support Indicator / Sec Ref
MSH / Message Header / 2.15.9
MSA / Message Acknowledgement / 2.15.8
[ERR] / Error / 2.15.5
QAK / Query Acknowledgement / 5.4.2
QPD / Query Parameter Definition / 5.4.4
RDF / Table Row Definition Segment / 5.4.7
{ [ RDT ] } / Table Row Data Segment / 5.4.8
[ DSC ] / Continuation Pointer / 2.15.4
Virtual Table
ColName / Key/
Search / Sort / LEN / TYPE / Opt / Rep / Match Op / TBL / Segment Field Name / LOINC or HL7 code / ElementName
Line Number / 10 / NM / R
Group / ID / O
Display Line / 120 / ST / R
Amount / 8 / MO / O
15.2.17QRY/ORU – update account status for staff members (event B19)