New Location – New Location – New Location – New Location
Dear Cake Baker,
The Beth Tartan cake contest will soon be upon us. Again, this year the cake contest is sponsored by the Winston-Salem Journal, in honor of Beth Tartan, former food editor of the Winston-Salem Journal. The cake contest is dedicated to her memory.
The Beth Tartan cake contest is held in conjunction with the March of Dimes North Carolina Chili Championship on September 11, 2010, at Tanglewood Park.
Cakes can be delivered on one day only TO THE NEW LOCATION
Village Inn Conference Center, 6205 Ramada Drive in Clemmons, NC
Friday, September 10, from 8:30 am - 1pm
Judging will start at 1:30 pm on Friday.
Cakes will then be sold by the slice or whole at the daylong event on September 11. All cake sale proceeds go to the March of Dimes. Donations of other desserts can be accepted but NOT judged if so designated.
Please find enclosed a copy of the rules and regulations, cake categories and registration form. Please fill out the registration form and return it to The Beth Tartan Cake Contest, c/o March of Dimes, 410 Brookstown Ave., Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2782, NO LATER THAN September 3, 2010. You can also fax the form to the March of Dimes office at (336) 761-0983.
Your donation will help us to defray our costs so that the money raised will go directly toward the mission of the March of Dimes of improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. With your help, we can give all North Carolina babies a healthy start in life.
We look forward to seeing you at the March of Dimes North Carolina Chili Championship & Rubber Duck Regatta. For more information about the event, please call the March of Dimes office at 336-231-3765. Let’s make this year’s Beth Tartan Cake Contest the best ever!
Saving Babies together,
Debbi Patterson
March of Dimes Community Director
Cake Bake Coordinator
Rules and Regulations
NO entry fee required
- Cakes MUST be placed in a closed container. Cakes should be placed on heavy cardboard, covered in tin foil, and at least 1 inch larger that the cake. Please make sure thatany cake plate or carrier is disposable. Your name, address, phone number and type of cake should be printed and taped securely to the bottom of the cake cardboard. The Winston-Salem Journal or the March of Dimes are not responsible for any cake plates or carriers left or brought to the judging.
- All cakes/desserts become the property of the March of Dimes and will be sold at the NC Chili Championship on Saturday, September 11. All the money raised will be given to the March of Dimes.
- Cakes delivered after 1 PM on Friday, September 10, 2010, will NOT be judged. Judging will start at 1:30pm. Winners will be announced in the Winston-Salem Journal.
- All cakes must be made from scratch, no cake mixes.
- Raw eggs may not be used in any unbaked cake recipes (Health Regulations)
- This year the judging contest will only be open to amateur bakers. However, professional bakers may still submit cakes to sell at the NC Chili Championship.
- Awards will be mailed to the winners from the Winston Salem Journal: Best of Show will receive a Rosette. First, second and third place winners will receive ribbons. Each baker will receive a certificate.
Please return this form by September 3, 2010 to:
Debbi Patterson
March of Dimes
410 Brookstown Ave. Winston-Salem, NC27101
PHONE: (336) 231-3765 or FAX: (336)761-0983
Home Phone:______Work Phone:______
Would you like your cake judged? YES______NO______
AMATEUR bakers may enter one cake per category and as many categories as they desire for judging. Professional bakers may not enter cakes for judging this year.Professionals, as well as amateurs who do not wish their cakes to be judged, still may donate cakes to be sold. You are NOT limited to the list below; simply fill in the blank by the miscellaneous category. Please have your cake in a disposable box so it can be kept fresh, and place your name, address, phone and name of cake on the bottom of the plate or foil.
Please check column to the left of cake(s) category you wish to enter.
Cheesecakes– (examples include Blueberry, Cherry, Sweet Potato, Strawberry, Raspberry, etc…)Chocolate– (examples include Devil’s Food, Triple Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Coca Cola Cake, Chocolate Cake with Chocolate icing, etc…)
Fruit and/or Nuts– (examples include Apple, Banana, Pineapple, Walnut, Pecan, etc…)
Pound Cakes- (must be iced/glazed) – (examples include Almond Pound Cake, Brown Sugar Pound Cake, Candy Bar Pound Cake Coconut Pound Cake, 7-Up, etc…)Vegetables– (examples include Carrot Cake, Pumpkin Cake, Sweet Potato, etc…)
Miscellaneous – (examples include Angel Food Cake, Peanut Butter Cake, Red Velvet Cake, White Wine Cake, etc…)