Venue: / Judges Room, OxfordTown Hall
Apologies: / Simon Banks,Ruth Davis, Dan Levy, Kevin Moreland, Lucy Tennyson, Honour Tomkinson, / In attendance: / Chair: James Styring,
Andy Chivers,Alison Hill, Simon Hunt, Richard MannCathy Mulhall, Graham Smith, Tristram Wyatt
Agenda Item / Whom
Approval of minutes of 9th September 2010
Matters arising
Bicycle businesses in Oxford
AC will circulate with these minutes
JS and GPS will discuss with the City about the cycle hub next to the Town Hall. / AC
- 4
The County Council meeting to discuss the draft Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2030 (LTP3) on Wednesday 13th October. JS, RM and GPS to attend.
Frideswide Square
About 15 people came to the meeting. A final document will go to the council. Susannah Pressel was there, concerned about access for Botley residents, and Corinne Grimley Evans expressed concerns about pedestrians. There was a lot of concern that Option D was good for pedestrians, and might generate increased traffic, despite bus gates. They hadn’t done anything on the drawings for cyclists, but could be made good for cyclists. Must have approach lane and advance stop square, plus a defined path for cyclists not comfortable going round a round about. Option C, Beckett Street diversion, hasn’t had a full modelling. RM will take on board the comments from today, and will revise the response. Include the need for cycle lane under the Botley Road railway bridge.
Old Road Consultation
SH to find out the status for the next meeting.
St Ebbes Street ambitions consultation
Early consultation document has been issued. / JS, RM GPS
Public meetings
Meeting on Fridewide Square on 28th September
See above
Future meetings
26th October Traffic lights – speaker arranged. Need projector for the meeting Phasing of signals according to traffic flows. Need examples from our members of good and bad phasing. AC to ask for members views. TW will set up a Survey Monkey survey with questions such as: What do sensors detect? Why do we wait so long? What is ANPR?
NB. JS to write to Ian Hudspeth, as he had promised to remove the traffic lights by the Kings Arms, and other low cost schemes he agreed.
23rd November AGM – invite Harry Rutter to talk.
[Cycle Parking Develop a design manual.What we want to see in a cycle parking in the city and development of a manual.]
Future meetings to be arranged for January, February, March. Will these be on 4th Tuesday or Thursday in future? / AC TW
Communications and publicity
7.1 Stalls
Update next meeting
7.3 Website
No response from Alun Ward yet about uploading the database. TW will check why no progress.
Request from Green Light Search. Not to go ahead.
7.4 Newsletter and email bulletin
We must get out an edition for AGM on our achievements over the year. JS will talk to Georgia about design. JS will put some ideas down. Proof at the next meeting. / HT, KM
Oxford Bicycle Festival Sunday 19th September
Two waves of people went on led rides. Congratulations to Simon Banks for organising this.
Potential cycle sign project
We could fund a number of blue cycle network stickers for local routes. This will be a project for the next year. We could do this jointly with Sustrans. RM will ask SB to bring a costed proposal to the meeting.
Bike Polite
Discussion on how to take forward now that Cllr Fatemian is unable to lead this. / RM SB
RM will approach Peter Joshua about printing. Could approach bike shops for sponsorships. / RM
Organisational status of Cyclox
Discussion on whether we explore CTC members group or charitable status to be addressed in the new year. / GPS RM
Review of work programme
At next meeting / AH
Any other business
Next committee meetings
11th November Jury Room