DATE: September 26, 2017
TIME: 6:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Community Center
Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Present - Jerry Arnold, Charles Huggins, Danny La France, Craig Naden, Mona Hull,
Jim Clinton and Gabriella Hunter. ABSENT: None
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 8, 2017 Board meeting minutes approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve by Charles Huggins and seconded by Craig Naden.
REPORT OF OFFICERS: Craig Naden, Treasurer: Have two new utilities, the back gate ATT&T and electricity.
- Two year Edward Jones $50K CD expired in August.
- $61.5K in money market fund earning 0.01% annualized return
- Balance of $77K in Edward Jones Insured Municipal Income Trust at 3.08% annualized rate.
- Craig Naden moved to accept the following recommendations of the Finance Committee and seconded by Mona Hull:
1) To purchase another 2-3 year $50K-60K CD at Edward Jones.
2) Transfer $50K Savings at First American into a CD at First American.
3) Take $50K UCB Operating Expenses savings and purchase a UCB $50K CD.
4) Transfer $50K from Operating Fund to Reserve Fund.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE – Financial Report under budget. Have funds for major repairs.
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: Al Leo Chair. Committee is preparing a list of common projects
requiring ACC approval. List should be available for next newsletter and web site.
Activity Center – Pool dehumidifier breaker replaced and changed. Cost $599.82. Seasonal A/C service
conducted and work was monitored. Cost $510.00. Pool light replaced by Bayou Electric. Identified
corrosion issue with bonnet clips. Cost $591.00.
Rear Gate – Ballard reinstalled after damage. Cost $80.00. Light bulbs changed in Community Center.
Crepe Myrtles trimmed by fountain in Park area (mid Courtyard Dr.). Sprinkler system in Park inspected.
Identified leaks and errant spray into street from sprinkler heads.
UPCOMING PROJECTS: Gazebo Painting (Walkway and Railings). Gazebo wood replacement.
Community Center side door area – paint door, stucco repair and handrail. Activity Center drive entrance area power wash. Schedule work day to trim trees and power wash in early November to coincide with
trash pick up from Waste Pro.
LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE: Ron Whitmer Chair. Jerry Arnold met with Ron Whitmer and discussed bids for
Putters Lane tree trimming and landscaping. Hope to complete in October. Quote for Community Center
front landscaping. Time frame November/December if budget allows.
SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Sissy Bourgeois Chair. Jambalaya Pot Luck in September was very successful.
SUNSHINE COMMITTEE: Leigh McGrew and Gloria Champagne are co-chairs.
TOWNHOME COMMITTEE: Al Gaudet Chair. Completed 3rd. Phase of painting project in mid September.
WELCOME COMMITTEE: Theresa Neckameyer Chair. Greeted new residents in Greens with package of
helpful hints and materials about living in an HOA community.
DECORATING COMMITTEE: Barbara Nelson Chair. Gloria Champagne designated as Minutes Secretary.
$500.00 budget discussed. $159.50 was used for decoration supplies leaving $340.50 to purchase new
Christmas garland for front fencing of Community Center.
Discussed upcoming holidays and purchases necessary to decorate The Greens. May have to replace some
Decorations and refurbish others.
- Landscape Project Update on Putters Lane. Reviewed quotes for tree trimming and
Landscaping. Two quotes for the Putters Lane tree trimming were presented: Oases
Tree Service $2000.00 and Ryans Tree Service $750.00. Charles Huggins motioned to
approve the Ryans quote; seconded by Craig Naden. Motion carried. The quote from
Ground Control to landscape the area was $1431.00. Historically, Ground Control has been our least expensive option, but Charles Huggins requested the Landscape Committee to obtain a second quote. Danny La France requested a survey of Putters Lane area for street lighting by the Maintenance Committee. Subject moved to New Business(other).
- Gazebo painting quote – (one quote) Spray $9480, Brush $11,170 from DR’s Painting Service. The Maintenance Committee is also waiting on a quote from Burleigh Painting. Charles Huggins suggested maintenance obtain quote from Ozuna Painting.
Need to ascertain exact work, in detail, to be accomplished.
- Street Repairs – Street drain at rear of Greens Courtyard Dr. is in disrepair and is top
Priority. May be repaired as one project. Paint mark indications noting street repairs needs to be repainted before any concrete repairs begin. Prior markings on street were quoted by Sorrento Lumber for about $70K. Paul Simoneaux has prepared a detailed
Outline of needed repairs and has photos that can be used to remark the area for repair.
- Rear Gate Status – One Yellow ballard was damaged. Ballard was repaired by Electric Gate for $80.00.
- Townhome Painting – 3 rd. Phase of painting completed. Zero balance. Board had
Email vote (8/28/17 on Townhome painting(passed) . Motion by Gabriella Hunter, seconded by Mona Hull to ratify email vote. Carried unanimously.
- Treadmill Quote Review: One treadmill near window is unfit for use. Quote from
Fitness Expo is $3647.16 for new treadmill. Motion was made by Craig Naden to
Purchase the treadmill and seconded by Jim Clinton. Motion carried unanimously.
Greens Court Drain Pipe Blockage – Concrete pieces used for pond erosion control has
shifted and partially blocking outflow drainage pipe. Aquatics Solutions has previously
been commissioned by the Board to handle the situation and will take care of it by the
end of October.
- Proposed by-law change. 5-4-17 Board accepted motion to change by-law that
members of the same household cannot serve on the Board concurrently. At the June 8
meeting, the Board voted to revise all relevant sections of the By-Laws to reflect the
change approved at the previous meeting. The residents approved the By-Law change
at the Annual Meeting August 16, 2017.
The following changes in the By-Laws were prepared by Jerry Arnold and Jim Clinton
And submitted to the Board for approval:
Affected Articles: Article VI, Section 4 ELIGIBILITY: Added sentence…A maximum
of one person per household may serve on the Board of Directors concurrently.
Article V, Section 3 REMOVAL AND VACANCIES: Sentence added Board appointments
shall be consistent with the eligibility requirements in Article VI, Section 4.
Article VII - MEETINGS, Section 6, VACANCIES: Added sentence Board appointments
shall be consistent with the eligibility requirements of Article VI, Section 4.
Motion by Craig Naden to approve changes and seconded by Charles Huggins. Motion
Carried unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS: Budget for 2018 approved as recommended by Finance Committee and presented
presented by Craig Naden. Moved by Charles Huggins, seconded by Mona Hull. Board voted unanimously
in favor.
Board agreed unanimously to dispose of 2016 Board election results.
Lease Renewal - The Board will begin discussions on the Lease Renewal with the Developer.
PPHOA Representative – President, Jerry Arnold will assume the position of GHOA representative on
the PPHOA Board. Mona Hull will fill in during Jerry’s absence.
Repair on Community Center side door area – Include painting of door area with Gazebo in bid with Gazebo. Discussed Community Center stage door entry hand rail addition. Awkward when doors open
outward toward railing. Maintenance Committee will discuss alternatives.
Activity Center Maintenance – Recent expenditures: Dehumidifier Pump changed. Cost $591.00.
Air Condition serviced on Community Center and Activity Center. Cost $510.00. Pool ceiling light
replacement $510.00.
OTHER NEW BUSINESS: Putters Lane Street Lights:
St. John Properties: Developer has agreed to clean up their lights, including shrub and tree trimming.
St. John Properties has already addressed the shrubs on Putters Lane.
No Outlet Sign: Briefly discussed another “NO OUTLET” sign on Courtyard Dr. just passed the park-to
Give trucks advanced warning of gate and an opportunity to turn around before they get to gate.
Maintenance Committee will investigate.
Back Flow Valves: Three back flow valves are leaking. One at the Activity Center is preventing sprinkler
Operation. Ground Control will investigate and repair as needed.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: November 15, 2017
Minutes submitted by Daniel La France, Secretary, GHOA