Technology Plan
Clay County School District
Manchester, Kentucky
Plan Start Date: July 1, 2015
Plan Expiration Date: June 30, 2018
District Mission Statement:
"ALL Students WILL Graduate College and Career Ready Because of What WE DO"
District Technology Staff
Jill Carnahan, DTC
Jeff Reed, Assistant DTC
Parker Smith, Computer Tech
Donnie Smith, Computer Tech Assistant
School Technology Coordinators
Jennifer Collins, Hutch Hoskins, Clay County High School
John G. White, Clay County Middle School
Vicky Smith, Burning Springs Elementary
S. Joe Smith, Goose Rock Elementary
Pam Baker, Manchester Elementary
Vickie Fultz, Paces Creek Elementary
Mark Woods, Big Creek Elementary
Laura Combs, Oneida Elementary
School Library Media Specialists
Big Creek Elem— Heather Melton
Burning Springs— Vicky Smith
Clay County High— Jennifer Collins
Clay County Middle— Darlene Hacker
Goose Rock Elem— Emily Jackson
Hacker Elem— Darlene Swafford
Manchester Elem— Pam Baker
Oneida Elem—Laura Combs
Paces Elem—Sandra Lewis
Technology Integration Specialist
Jill Carnahan, DTC
Additional District Contributors
Board Members 2015: LeeWood Cornett, Anthony Lovett, Robin Combs, Mark Hoskins, Roy Glenn Allen
Superintendent: Amon Couch July 2013-June 2015
Clay County High Help Desk Students
Judy Smith, Title I Coordinator
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
This plan conveys our vision, goals, and objectives to produce 21st century classrooms that provide state-of-the-art equipment, web based collaboration tools, rigorous instruction, and innovative researched-based teaching strategies mapped to students’ individualized needs and learning styles.
Our 21st century classrooms will focus on digital literacy, inventive thinking, interactive communication, and high quality results. Included will be strategies that ensure all our students are technologically literate by end of the 8th grade and demonstrate performance–based competencies by end of 12th grade. Anytime, anywhere, always-on, differentiated learning, data-driven decision making for teachers and administrators will be achieved. We will use technologies such as School Messenger, Infinite Campus Parent Portal, Parent-Teacher Open House, email, teacher-school-district web pages, as well as newsletters and public meetings to keep parents informed of the technology being applied in their child’s education and build family-school partnerships. We will teach Digital Citizenship across all grade levels, as well as implementing integrated “green” technology projects.
Our plan will leverage all available funding sources (specifically KETS, E-Rate/USF, Title II –D, Perkins) along with local funds both effectively and efficiently to carry out our goals and objectives. We feel these efforts will not only produce highly skilled, globally competitive graduates, but will also make positive, measurable steps towards producing lifelong learners while maintaining an awareness of the Global Urgency for creating a sustainable future relying on renewable resources and reducing our ecological footprint.
Clay County School District realizes that complete implementation of our technology plan requires that students have broadband internet access at home. Clay County students are extremely handicapped because of the lack of Broadband coverage in our area. Studies have shown that at least one-third of our county does not have a broadband option. According to Windstream, 98% of Clay County should have been covered by their broadband option by June 2012. As of March 2015, a Windstream representative confirmed that construction is still ongoing. No estimated time of completion. See map below for broadband coverage for Clay County.
Governor Beshear announced in January 2015 the Next Generation Kentucky Information Highway Plan, a public-private partnership to develop a fiber "backbone" infrastructure throughout the state, starting in Eastern Kentucky. This new Kentucky Wired project is expected to bring Broadband Internet to all 120 counties, beginning in Eastern Kentucky. Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2015. This will greatly improve the quality of life, including education, for many Clay Countians.
Planning Process and Methodology
Clay County District Technology Department consists of the District Technology Coordinator, Assistant District Technology Coordinator, two service technicians, ten school technology coordinators, and students in CompTIA Strata and Help Desk classes at the high school.
Through local and regional monthly meetings, online monthly webcast from KIDS, professional development, collaborations with various KY School Technology Departments, on- site evaluations, hardware/software inventory, KETS Master Plan for Technology, and District/State technology assessment tools, Clay County District Technology Department staff will stay informed of Office of Knowledge, Information, Data Services (KIDS) initiatives. The DTC will use data driven assessments to evaluate effectiveness of current technology curricula and take corrective action , if and when needed, to alter/modify any part of the District’s Technology Plan to ensure that our vision, goals and objectives are being met.
Current Technology and Resources
Clay County’s IT department consists of a district technology coordinator, assistant district technology coordinator, two computer technicians, ten School Technology Coordinators and one webmaster (District Superintendent). The Information Technology Department at the High School has one CompTIA Strata certification class and one High School Help Desk class that act as in-house technicians for faculty, staff, and students. Each school has one or more full time instruction aides or certified teachers in the computer labs.
The high school has six computer lab classrooms (three iMac, three PC), eight mobile PC Lab carts and twenty-four student/teacher use computers in the library. The middle school has six computer lab classrooms (three iMac, three PC), two mobile PC lab carts and fourteen student/teacher computers in the library.
Six of seven elementary schools have two computer lab classrooms (one iMac, one PC). The remaining elementary school has one PC computer lab classroom. All elementary school libraries have approximately 10 PC’s for teacher/student use. There are no mobile carts in the elementary schools.
Clay County Board of Education is the central location for voice and data distribution for all schools. Clay County’s current KEN (Kentucky Education Network) connection speed is 500 Mbps, which is provided by the Kentucky Department of Education. The KEN connection provides Clay County Schools internet connectivity and email services. Each school has wireless access and a 1 gig fiber optic connection back to the Board of Education.
Clay County’s current telecommunications providers are Windstream Communications and Verizon Wireless. Windstream provides two PRI (Primary Rate Interface) circuits to the District’s PBX. Each school has Nortel Business Commutation Manager which shares the two PRI circuits for incoming and outgoing voice calls. All District teachers and administrators have voice mail access.
The technical staff stay trained through local and regional monthly SKATC meetings, monthly online KIDS webcasts, professional development, collaborations with various KY School Technology Departments, KYSTE[1] Fall and Spring conferences and other trainings offered by Dataseam and KYSTE.
Curriculum and Instructional Integration Goals
Goal 1
Create 21st Century Learning Environments
Action Plan: Projects/Activities
Project/Activity / Instructional Outcome / Indicator / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Funding SourceCreate online classes via a course management learning system such as Canvas, Blackboard or Coursesites / By removing time, place and distance barriers, students and teachers will have expanded access to instructional resources and collaborative tools outside the regular school hours and locations that will enable all students (including homebound, sick, etc.) to understand and leverage technology to realize their full potential.
Anywhere, anytime always on learning / URL of Canvas or Blackboard School Courses
Class Syllabus
Access Logs from accounts
Participation in Pilot School Calendar to receive credit for days missed due to inclement weather
Teacher lesson plans / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / IT Staff, STC, KDE, classroom teachers / $0 for Canvas (free to public schools)
(2015-2016: Promise Neighborhood purchased Blackboard for 670 Clay County Users)
Coursesites is free to public schools for up to five courses per teacher
Instructional coaches will assist teachers in implementing research-based software to facilitate data driven decision making for interpreting formative student assessments and curriculum based measurements, identifying individual learning needs, and changing instructional practices to personalize learning and increase student achievement.
Using research-based software to create common assessments for summative evaluations and data driven decision making to assess learning and plan individualized interventions accordingly. / Enhance teaching and learning through creative application of technology will empower the District to deliver differentiated instruction based on data driven decision making. / Online Scheduler will show lab usage
Teacher lesson plans
Data from electronic assessments (such as Thinklink, Discovery Ed, Map Testing, Pearson Successnet, GradeCam)
Student response systems
CIITS data / 07/01/2015-
06/30/2018 / Instructional Supervisors, Instructional Coaches
KDE / Continue funding of Discovery Ed, Map For 6th Grade, Study Island, Pearson Successnet, GradeCam
Title I , Elgin Foundation Grant
Curriculum and Instructional Integration Goals – Evaluation
The District Technology Coordinator will evaluate all Indicators and Targets to see if Instructional Outcomes have been met. The District Technology Team will take corrective action by changing strategies and activities including constructive interventions and mid-course corrections in response to availability of new technologies and opportunities as they arise to ensure our 2015-2018 Curriculum, and Instructional Integration Goals are accomplished.
Strategy/Activity / Instructional OutcomeCreate online classes via a course management learning system such as Canvas, Blackboard or Coursesites / By removing time, place and distance barriers, students and teachers will have expanded access to instructional resources and collaborative tools outside the regular school hours and locations that will enable all students (including homebound, sick, etc.) to understand and leverage technology to realize their full potential.
Anywhere, anytime always on learning will be available.
Indicator / Target / Tools/Methods Used / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Funding Source / Actions if Target Not Met
Broadband availability / All students will have access to broadband from home / Survey/ COT Broadband online Mapping tool / 07/01/2015-06/30-2018 / DTC, IT Staff / N/A / Check Broadband availability map
Continue to contact senators and representative to lobby for broadband coverage in Clay County
Anytime, always on, anywhere learning / Increase in communication and collaboration across the curriculum on or off school campus / URL of Canvas or Blackboard courses, Class Syllabus, formation of electronic communities, Course access logs / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / IT Staff, STC, Math, Science teachers / N/A / DTC, IT Staff and Instructional Coaches help Teachers create Canvas or Blackboard Course
Alternative School Calendar
(make up missed snow days via online courses) / Clay County Schools will participate in the Alternative School Calendar / KDE approval / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / Superintendent, IT staff / N/A / Reapply each year/revisit why not chosen
Paper Consumption / District Paper Consumption will reduce, Significant savings on paper purchases / Invoices, financial monthly reports / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / School/District Financial Officers / N/A / Teacher/Staff training on “Green Technology”
Newsletter on Green Technology
Energy Manager intervenes
Strategy/Activity / Instructional Outcome
Instructional coaches will assist teachers in implementing research-based software to facilitate data driven decision making for interpreting formative student assessments and curriculum based measurements, identifying individual learning needs, and changing instructional practices to personalize learning and increase student achievement.
Using research-based software to create common assessments for summative evaluations and data driven decision making to assess learning and plan individualized interventions accordingly. / Enhancing teaching and learning through the creative application of technology will empower the District to deliver differentiated instruction based on data driven decision making.
Indicator / Target / Tools/Methods Used / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Funding Source / Actions if Target Not Met
Common Assessment, Data Driven Decision Making / Increase in common electronic formative and summative assessments across the curriculum / Online Scheduler will show lab usage, Teacher Lesson Plans, data from electronic assessments(such as Map and Discovery Ed) student response systems, CIITS data / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / Instructional Coaches, Teachers / N/A / Instructional Coaches intervene to help create common electronic formative and summative assessments
Student Technology Literacy Goals
Link to the Program of Studies and the Kentucky Core Academic Standards:
Goal 1
All schools will teach/integrate/assess grade appropriate technology skills to ensure all students are technologically literate by the end of the 8th grade and demonstrate performance-based technology competencies by the end of the 12th grade.
Action Plan: Strategies/Activities
Strategy/Activity / Instructional Outcome / Indicator / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Funding SourceDTC, STC’s, and Instructional Coaches will develop technology rich activities for Elementary, Middle and High School classes using the grade appropriate Combined Curriculum Content Document and Combine Curriculum Technology Documents. / Technology Integration across all disciplines to complete authentic tasks will increase learning options for auditory, visual, and tactile/kinesthetic learners. Technology in the classroom will become as common as paper and pencil in the classroom. / Online Scheduler will show lab usage
Documented Lesson Plans and daily Lesson Logs
Data from Common Technology Assessment tool purchased/developed aligned with Technology Standards in the Combined Curriculum Document
for Technology / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / DTC, STCs, Instructional Coaches, Teachers / N/A
Develop a technology assessment tool to assess student and teacher technology literacy at all grade levels. / Data will be provided to determine whether grade appropriate technology standards are being met at each school and address professional development needs of the teachers. / Invoices, Evaluated Data from Assessment / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / DTC, STC / $0
Region 6 DTC’s to develop assessment tool
DTC, STC’s and High School Help Desk students will assist Elementary Schools in developing and implementing STLP/ Help Desk Programs. Middle and High Schools will continue to maintain and expand their current STLP/Help Desk Programs / Students will not only meet technology standards as outlined in the Primary Combined Curriculum Document for Technology but will also gain advanced technological and leadership skills. Middle and High school students will continue to master technology literacy skills and performance based competencies. / STLP Memberships numbers, IC rosters for Help Desk
Data from Common Technology Assessment tool developed aligned with Technology Standards in the Combined Curriculum Document for Technology / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / DTC, STCs, Instructional Coaches, Teachers / Estimate $1,000
(STLP jump drives, t-shirts, Regional/
State competitions)
High School Help Desk/ CompTIA students will continue to take certification exams
Microsoft Academy to be implemented / Students will prove their competence as a computer support technician, earn between 3 and 12 hours of college credit, and have the credentials to immediately join the IT workforce. / E2C Voucher invoices, CompTIA Score Report / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / STC, IT Teacher / $1,000 (Cost of CompTIA Exams)
Microsoft Academy provided by the state
High School Help Desk students will continue to provide all hardware/software technical support for faculty and staff at their school. Elementary and Middle School Help Desk students will begin to provide software support for teachers and students. / Students gain understanding on new technologies, practice ethical and safe behavior, apply teamwork, use critical thinking strategies, and increase leadership skills while troubleshooting/solving technology issues. / Teacher Surveys, Integrity of High School Infrastructure, Help Desk support logs, Technology Assessments / 07/01/2010-06/30/2013 / IT Teacher/ High Middle, Elementary/Help Desk Students / N/A
Digital Citizenship and safe Internet practices will be taught and assessed for teachers and high school students via the course management system Coursesites
Digital citizenship and safe Internet practices for K-8 will be taught via the cybersmart online curriculum ( or the interactive website Digital Passport (
Planned instructional activities on Digital Citizenship implemented by the DTC, and Instructional Coaches. / All students will be able to explain the importance of safe Internet use, use appropriate etiquette when interacting with global environments, practice responsible, ethical and safe behavior, and adhere to the District’s AUP as well as other state and federal laws.
Reduction in student proxy violations / Proxy Server Logs
Passing Score on Digital Citizenship assessments via Canvas
Common Technology Assessment tool developed aligned with Technology Standards in the Combined Curriculum Document for Technology / 07/01/2015-06/30/2018 / IT Staff, STC, Principals, DTC, Instructional Coaches, Teachers / $0
Both Canvas and the cybersmart curriculum are free
Student Technology Literacy Goals – Evaluation