Form of Indemnity for WHSCT Placements
(Controlled Schools)
In consideration of ______(hereafter referred to as the Employer) agreeing to participate in the work experience scheme arranged by ______and to provide facilities for ____ at the times and for the period set out in the attached Schedule (including the provision of any protective clothing or equipment which may be necessary) and supervision and to comply with all Health and Safety legislation relating to the workplace the Western Education and Library Board will indemnify the Employer against:-
- Legal Liability of the Employer to pay damages including Claimants costs and expenses in respect of Death, Bodily Injury or Disease suffered by a pupil and caused by an event occurring whilst the pupil was attending for work experience.
- Legal Liability of the Employer to pay damages, including Claimants costs and expenses in respect of Death or Bodily Injury of any person of such Death or Bodily Injury is caused by a pupil whilst attending for work experience.
- Legal Liability of the Employer to pay damages including Claimants costs and expenses in respect of loss of or damage to property.
- Any claims, costs or expenses arising out of Death, Injury or Damage to property where such claims, costs or expenses result from the negligence of Western Education and Library Board.
It is a condition of this indemnity that pupils will not be permitted to drive, manage, control or move mechanically propelled vehicles of any description and indemnity will not be provided in any cases that arise as a result of a breach of this condition.
The Western Health and Social Care Trust will fully co-operate with the Western Education and Library Board in the reporting and investigating of any incident/claim involving work experience pupils, and in the defence of any claim that is brought against the Organisations by the above named pupil.
The Western Health and Social Care Trust does not carry Public Liability Insurance nor Employer’s Liability Insurance to deal with compensation claims arising from alleged negligence or breach of statutory duty. The Trust is ‘self insured’ in this regard, with compensation paid directly from Trust funds.
I have read and understood the documents Promoting the Safety and Welfare of Young People and the Health and Safety of Young People. (Website:
Signed ______Principal ______Date
(for Western Education and Library Board )
Signed ______Date
(for Employer)
Work Experience Schedule
(This schedule must be attached to the Work Experience Indemnity Form WE3 Part A)
School Contact Name: / Telephone:Pupil’s details:
Time of attendance: From ______To______Every day/ one day per week (please delete as appropriate)
Other: / Period of scheme:
From ______
(inclusive dates)
Any special requirements:
(eg specific requirements or statement
of Special Educational Need)
Employer details:
Address: / Telephone Number:Nominated supervisor of pupil: / Position in company:
Brief description of work to be undertaken by pupil:
Any special requirements, eg travel arrangements, meals etc
Protective clothing to be provided by employer, please list:
Any other details/comments:
Please note
Two copies of the indemnity form (Form WE3 Part A) and the schedule (Form WE3 Part B) should be completed, both copies to be signed. One completed copy to be retained by the employer. One signed copy to be returned to and retained by the school. No indemnity is available outside the times stated above.