Students who wish to submit a homework assignment or examination later than the date specified in the syllabus ("late submission") must follow the rules and procedure contained in this policy. Failure to follow these rules and procedures will result in non-acceptance of the tardy assignment or examination.
1. Classes should be conducted in a manner similar to that followed in a business or court setting. In these venues tardiness is normally not an acceptable excuse (barring the most grave circumstances ) for missing a deadline.
2. Students who make sacrifices and produce required work on time should not be penalized (again barring the most grave circumstances) by having their timely work considered the equivalent of and graded on the same scale as a late submission.
3. Late submissions work a hardship on the instructor requiring work outside the planned time period for correcting assignments and examinations.
Students who submit late assignments must include onenewspaperarticle related to any area of the law for eachday which has elapsed beyond the applicable due date on the syllabus. The article or articles can be from an actual newspaper or from one appearing on the Internet. All articles are to be clipped, taped on typing paper and submitted with the tardy assignment along with the form appearing below. I will not accept late submissions unaccompanied by the required newspaper articles.
Grave Circumstance-a grave circumstance is an event such as (but not limited to) injury to one's self; death or injury of a family member or loved one; criminal activity impacting one's self, a family member or loved one or severe damage to one's property or the property of a family member or loved one.
Unforeseen Circumstance-an unforeseen circumstance is an event such as (but not limited to) minor car/transportation problems; computer or computer related challenges; child or child care related problems or minor home or housing related difficulties.
Mastery Shortfall-a mastery shortfall is a failure to complete an assignment or examination due to inability to understand the work; insufficient time to complete the assignment or examination or similar circumstances.
Undefined Circumstance-an undefined circumstance is any event not covered by the three definitions listed above.
Rules And Procedures
1. Late submissions can result in non penalized acceptance, point reductions (most likely in the cases of mastery shortfalls and undefined circumstances) or non-acceptance of the homework assignment or examination. The instructor's decision in this area is final.
2. All late submissions must be accompanied by a late submission form (see below). This form must be in hard copy, typed and will not be accepted via email or fax.
3. The instructor must be notified telephonically within twenty four hours of the occurrence of the event causing the late submission. Students may call the instructor's office or home telephone (see the syllabus) and either leave a message or discuss the matter person to person.
4. Based on an in person or telephonic conversation the instructor will let the student know when the assignment or examination must be submitted (or if the late submission request is denied) and the number of points (if any) to be deducted from the submitted assignment or examination. The instructor's decision on this matter is final.
5. Failure or inability to meet the newly established deadline will require following these rules and procedures in order to seek an additional extension. Such an extension must be sought within forty eight hours of the newly established deadline or the assignment or examination shall be deemed non-acceptable.
6. Questions on these rules and procedures must be made to the instructor in person or by telephone only.
This form must be filled out completely and submitted with the tardy assignment or examination. Submission of this form requires reading the definitions, principles, rules and procedures which make up the late submission policy. This form must be typed.
Identification of Assignment or Examination (name of class, year and quarter, name or number of assignment or examination)
Nature of Incident Requiring Late Submission (choose one of the following: 1) grave circumstance, 2) unforeseen circumstance, 3) mastery shortfall or 4) undefined circumstance)
Explanation (briefly describe the circumstances leading to the late submission)
New Submission Date ______
Point Reduction ______Signature ______