Steam Boat Association of Australia Inc.
Thank you for your enquiry regarding membership. The association is open to all those with an interest in steam powered vessels; old & new, big or small.
The association was formed in 1985 in response to a growing number of people searching for information regarding steam powered vessels. From these early meetings held in the workshop lunch room of the Sydney Maritime Museum, the association was born. It was thought that an organisation having some of the membership with first hand knowledge of steam propulsion could pass this information on to others so that they could experience the joys of steam navigation for themselves.
From humble beginnings the association has seen a steady increase in membership and recognition. The association now has over 100 members around Australia and about 50 ‘launch’ size steam boats on the register.
The association holds four meetings each year, usually on the 3rd Thursday of February, May, August and November at 7.30pm at the Gladesville Bowling Club (“Sporties”) corner Halcyon & Ryde Road, Gladesville NSW. Members often arrive before the meeting to enjoy a meal and a drink in the club’s bistro. A guest speaker is usually present at the meetings with something interesting to discuss.
Members are encouraged to join in and talk STEAM during the course of the evening. There are also several functions organised throughout the year where members and friends are very welcome. These get-togethers are organised for all members so there is no excuse for not having a ride in a steam boat.
The association publishes a quarterly newsletter ‘Steam Leak’, which contains information on coming events, technical matters, launchings, steam related projects and items for sale.
The association maintains a web site at contains details of many boats and steam boat projects as well as pictures of past events, news of upcoming events and links to a variety of marine steam resources.
Attached you will find an “Application for Membership'' form. There is a once only $5.00 joining fee plusthe annual subscription of $40.00 for Australia, $50.00 for Asia/Oceania, and $55.00 for others. Our membership year starts 1st January.
If you decide to join our association, please send the completed form together with your remittance for $45.00 made out in favour of‘SBAA’ to the Secretary, 19 Maldon Street Penrith NSW 2750 and we will get back to you soon. You can also send your remittance by EFT to Steam Boat Association of Australia BSB 082-309 A/C 12-412-5569, using your surname as reference. For remittances from overseas the SWIFT code is NATAAU3302S and the relevant subscription rate applies.
If you a dreamer or you have an engine or boiler or boat in mind, have a project on the boil or just like the smell of coal smoke and oil I am sure that you will find the association of interest to you.
With kind regards,
Peter Cowie
Chairman: Steam Boat Association of Australia Inc.
Steam Boat Association of Australia
(Incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act, 1984)
I, ...... (Full name of applicant)
Of...... (Address)
Phone H/W/M:......
Hereby apply to become a member of the above named incorporated association. In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the rules of the association for the time being in force.
(Signature of applicant) (Date)
I, ...... a member of the association nominate the applicant for membership of the association.
(Signature of Proposer) (Date)
I, ...... a member of the association second the nomination of the applicant for membership of the association.
(Signature of Seconder) (Date)
Phone No:...... Email Address:......
Tick the box if you agree:
I agree to let the association release my name and phone number or email address to another member for the purposes of contact for steam boat related interests
I am interested in including my boat or project on the association’s web site, please contact me.
Please tick the appropriate box:
I own a steam boatI am building a steam boat
I own some steam machineryI am thinking about building a steam boat
I just like steam boats
What steam experience do you have? :......
Details of your Boat/ Project/ Dream
Name / ConstructionLength / Width
Draught / Built Where?
Year Built / Builder
History or stage of construction:......
Interesting characteristics:......
Brand / BuilderNo. of Cylinders / Bore x Stroke
Horsepower / Revs
Year Built / Built Where?
History or stage of construction:......
Interesting characteristics:......
Type / BuilderSize / Grate Area
Pressure / Fuel
Year Built / Built Where?
History or stage of construction:......
Interesting characteristics:......
Material / Diameter x PitchOther features of your boat......
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