Cargill Christian Preschool

and Daycare

Parent Newsletter

Volume 8, Issue 12 August 2017

2000 Wesley Ave.

Janesville, WI 53545

(608) 752-2140

August Birthdays

Happy 2nd Birthday to:

Natalie D. -24th

Happy 3rd Birthday to:

Willie D. -26th

Carter K. -25th

Mac M. -12th

Happy 4th Birthday to:

Henry S. -30th

Marley J. -23rd

Happy 5th Birthday to:

David A. -28th

Happy 6th Birthday to:

John W. -17th

Alice M. -19th

Happy 9th Birthday to:

Alexxis O. -12th

Happy Birthday to these teachers:

Ms. Audrey -7th

Ms. Marisol -12th

Mr. Sean -24th

Notes for Parents

Important Dates

August 30th: P4J Orientation 5:30pm-7:30pm

Three-Year-Old Preschool Orientation 6:15pm

September 1st: Center is closed for Staff Development Day

September 5th: First Day of School for P4J

September 6th: First Day of School for 3-Year-Old Preschool

Meet the Teacher Open House 5:30-6:30

September 23rd: Cargill Fest 4pm-8pm

Fall Information

As we get ready to transition to Fall, we know many family’s schedules will change. Please turn in a schedule change request from at least 2 weeks before your anticipated change date. If your child will be transition to elementary school, we will need your new schedule or last day into us by August 14th.

Our elementary school bus rosters have been finalized and those approved for busing have received their notification. If you need busing and are unsure if your child has been approved, please see the office. Please be on the lookout for new enrollment paperwork. We update our files every Fall, so will need paperwork to be competed and returned as soon as possible.

Meet the Teacher Night will be September 6th. All are welcome to come and have your child show you their new classroom and talk with their teacher. Hope to see you there!

Water Days (Mondays)

Water days are Mondays in August. Please send your child with a swimsuit, water shoes, and towel. We will be playing in the water tables and sprinklers on the playground.

Parents’ Corner

Starting in September, our newsletter will be featuring a Parents’ Corner where parents can share their creativity. Every four months there will be a different topic throughout the year. The following shows the three topics that will be featured throughout the year:

September-December: Cooking Recipes for Kiddos

January-April: Craft/Art Ideas for Kiddos

May-August: Outdoor Activities for Kiddos

You may email your recipes to or just bring it to the office by the last week of every month.

Thank you.

Classroom Connection

Check it out! Bears Made a Worm Farm!!!

Special Events in the Community


Library Art Exhibit

Location: Hedberg Public Library

Each month a different type of art is presented.

August: Acrylics by Carmen Sellers, Janesville

September: Altered Photography by Gail Pratt-Tingfah, Janesville

Super Tuesday August 8th 2pm

Location: Hedberg Public Library Free Movie: Beauty and the Beast 2pm

Monday August 14th 3-5pm
Location: Milton Public Library

Stroll through the library neighborhood and read a story as you go. Ages 8 and under.

Tuesday August 15th 12-2pm

The SPARK @ MPL: iMovie Book Trailers
Bring books to life using the iMovie app to create your own 30-second trailer for a book you’ve read. Since we have a limited number of iPads, please pre-register for a 30-minute time slot. For ages 7-11.

Saturday, August 19th

Rotary Corn Roast and Mud Volleyball

Location: Traxler Park: 600 N Main St. Janesville, WI

Cost $1 advance/$2 gate